Reviews from

in the past

I honestly don't know why people keep calling this game a money sink or pay to win, because it absolutely isn't. There are only a few minor cosmetic or mostly-cosmetic things that you can only obtain via real money purchase. Everything else can be achieved through steady but not ludicrous playtime. At any rate, this is hands down my favorite puzzle/match-3 game, my favorite casual game, and 80% of why I turn my PS4 on every day. I love it.

A game I play almost everyday.

Candy crush with rpg visuals, wow this sucks

I play at least 30-60 minutes every day, sometimes more. It's a great time waster and I really don't feel like I have to put money into it to enjoy my experience. I could probably get a lot stronger a lot faster if I put in more money, but that's not really why I play. Gives me something to do on my commute or while I'm watching TV.

Not as pay-to-win as I expected it would be, but it still is and the gameplay doesn't change at all after a certain length of time. Decent time-waster, but there are better ones that aren't money sinks.

Pay to win Puzzle Quest? No thanks, rather just play Puzzle Quest