Reviews from

in the past

A game that initially I came for (heh, came) the hot jiggling booty gun girls. Turns out it's a surprisingly well made game with good artwork and animation that goes further beyond than you think considering it's initial appeal.
Story is quite interesting, with the world it takes place in being quite depressing if you really look at it. The hot girls you play as are basically cyborgs (known as Nikkes) that are treated as little more than literal objects other than by the Commander (the player character), while the surface is overrun by alien robots (Raptures). The remainder of humanity lives underground and relies on commanders and nikkes to take back the surface (although they have been fighting this battle at stalement for nearly 50 years or so)

It is geared towards running on a IOS or Android, although there is an application for it on PC. Gameplay is pretty simplistic as you create a team of four Nikkes to fight the wave of Raptures by tapping the screen to have them shoot your designated target and use abilities in a 1 2 3 order once a meter is charged up. You can either do this manually or automatically, making the game play itself most of the time.

As it is a free-to-play gacha there will be gambling aspects to the game. Thankfully the only thing you have to gamble are the Nikkes themselves, which the game is pretty generous in allowing you to grind the material needed for free. There is monetization involved with packs you can buy to make more rolls for characters, but thankfully you can still get all the content for free (other than certain limited skins).

I find Nikke to be fun for a simplistic gacha game. I've been enjoying the story so far (as of writing this review I am currently on chapter 11), I find the characters alluring and funny, and the grinding aspect doesn't demand that much of my time (at most an hour to do all my dailies and events). Would recommend to those that enjoy gacha games and men that love sexy gun-toting women.

Also Elegg best girl!

I was not expecting anything from the haha booty games but, It IS actually pretty fun with a great story for a mobile game and banger music. It is worth giving it a try

Story: 6
Sound: 7
Concept: 9
Graphics: 7
Gameplay: 8
Characters: 8
Replay Value: 8
Overall Enjoyment: 7

I give Goddess of Victory: Nikke a 7!

Goddess of Victory: Nikke was tits and guns, exactly my kinda style. The gameplay is actually kind of fun, but a lot of the gacha elements and shitty UI take away from it for me.

Fun game and a good story, gameplay is really good for a mobile game and I got quite lucky with pulls. Would recommend 8/10

I really have no words other than, It's a mobile game to appeal to a certain demographic. I will not confirm nor deny that I am that demographic.

gameplay's kinda mid w/ too many microtransactions. Not a fan of windows upon windows of following notification popups that eventually lead me to my destination. Only to see that there are 3 or 4 more that keep showing up leading me to either microtransactions or something similar of the sort.

The lovely Jiggley bits = Neuron Activation

getting the obvious out of the way: this is a male gaze gacha game. i mean, duh, there's a reason there's ass and tit jiggle physics when they shoot. it's not exactly subtle! some of the characters and their overall tropes suck too, but that's an easy thing for me to avoid because i can literally just skip all interactions with them lol

anyways. gameplay is actually pretty cool, that's why i still have it- albeit i play on auto when i can, i like to do idle gaming sometimes. i loooove a lot more of the characters than i hate them, despite some of their designs being so very ass and tits in my face. they're endearing and silly, i like 'em. the overall story, although i haven't been reading it because i'm kinda lazy, actually has substance to it, from what i have read. so that's neat too. i like this game on a very non-committal level, i just like to pop it open sometimes

also shoutout to me becoming guild leader without doing anything. very in-character for the guild's entire purpose (group of people who neglect the game)

I didn't find the gameplay to be all that fun. The animation quality (shooting, reloading, idle) is about its only redeeming and differentiating feature. It's like Azur Lane, but without all the items that make it a more enjoyable game to play.

As if any of that matters, because it's all about the jiggle physics and hyper-sexualization, anyhow. Whatever gets people to open their wallets. 🤷

Overall: 5.8/10 (6)

Gameplay: 6/10
Story/Narrative: 5/10
Graphics/Visuals: 7/10
Audio/Soundtrack: 5/10

Rapunzel, Maxwell, Quincy in that order

the BBL and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

I was enjoying what I experienced of the game, thought the team composition and synergies were pretty interesting to mess around with. And the game knows exactly what it is, doesn't try to shy away from it. Sadly my profile got randomly deleted for some reason when I tried to log in one day so my decision to keep playing or not was made for me. I'd say the thing that kept me going for the few weeks that I did play it was that it always felt like I was making progress. A problem I find a lot of other gachas have is blocking you out of the huge amount of content because "number too small". Either way, it was alright, I've played worse.

Único jogo gacha que me prendeu e pude sentir que estava me divertindo enquanto jogava, as personagens são muito BEM FEITAS e a gameplay é legalzinha, gostei muito do que me proporcionou.

Not even fun horny. Just pathetic drooling horny. Gameplay also mid at best. Horrible horrible horrible.

2nd time I'm trying the game, no matter what way you look at it the combat is non-existent. I'll look at the bodacious babes somewhere else

As of right now, I think this is the best gacha in terms of characters and story. Yes, it is a horny game. It's very clear in their intentions and honestly I respect that. They don't censor themselves and thats something I support because I hate censorship. Let's start with gameplay: imo it's not the greatest or anything, you mainly just point and shoot while occasionally triggering skills. Not really boring but not neccesarily all that fun. I do enjoy how they make the combat more engaging with the bossfights, having to hit certain weak points to survive and it can get hard. As for story; it's surprisingly great. It has a pretty iconic prologue and for good reason. It's a gut wrencher. I haven't caught up yet (I'm in chapter 12) but from what I'm experiencing so far I really enjoy it. The world building is great. The Events: honestly they are about as good and sometimes even better than the main story at times, at that's saying something. Overture, Red Ash, Snow Fairy are some events that are fucking incredible, my jaw was wide open by the end of them. I legitimately couldn't believe how good those events were. Music: the music is awesome. It's a general mix of dubstep and a sliver of metal, which are genres I really like. Characters: the writing in both story/events and character bond stories are all great. They take the time to humanize each NIKKE, showing you their goals, aspirations, hobbies, backstories, relationships and their overall growth as a character. Despite being machines, they feel more human than the humans themselves. I'm not sure what it Is about this game, but I really do feel like I have a bond with some of these NIKKEs, which every gacha I've played so far (like 15) failed to do (apart from some characters in HI3). Whatever it is though, I love it. The devs are also super generous. I mean, in the span of like 2 month they gave us like 100 pulls free. Speaking of which, the gacha: the gacha is fine. When you play this game for a while you'll find your inventory of NIKKEs to be full of SSRs. They aren't particularly hard to get but the gacha itself is still a little questionable. Finally, the character designs. I feel like this game has the best designs in gacha ever. I dont think ive disliked a single one.
Overall great game despite the fanservice. (Which I'm a fan of)

Pretty fun gameplay for a gacha, they give a ton of free shit. Rates are either abysmal(my friends lol) or like the best thing ever (my case).

I know people are gonna write this game off simply because it's a gacha game, and I understand. But if you're willing to look past the gacha aspect of the game, you'll find gameplay that is incredibly fun, a diverse lovable cast of characters, a banging soundtrack, and some insanely good stories. I picked this game up in February of '23 because of their collab with Chainsaw Man. After not pulling any of the units, I dropped it. But after about a week, I realized I was actually very invested in the main campaign and that I was still genuinely curious to see how the story played out. So shortly thereafter, I picked it back up again and have been a daily player since. And not only the main campaign, but the stories in their bi-weekly/monthly have been super enjoyable as well. and do a great job of fleshing out a lot of the characters on the roster. And good lord, that soundtrack? Even if you have no intention of checking this game out, you should absolutely listen to the NIKKE soundtrack because it is fucking STELLAR. Now, have I spent money on this game? Yes, and honestly, I have had so much damn fun with this game, I'll never regret the money I've spent on it. But I legitimately believe this game is friendly for F2P players. I played this game for 3 months before ever spending a penny on it because I didn't want a repeat of what has happened to me with other gacha games (spend money only to drop it within a couple months). And even then, I was still having a blast playing this. I'll take 1 point off for it being a gacha game, but in all other aspects, this game deserves a 9/10.

Ay man I played tested this shit for the tiddies and booty and I’m still playing it for the tiddies and booty so like yea