Reviews from

in the past

Le scénario du jeu est premier degrés exceptionnel.

This game ticks off all of the important boxes for a gacha game for me: Good art/interesting character designs, fun manual gameplay that can still be auto battled if need be, in-depth and meaningful team building, and decently respects me as a player and not just a cash cow as much as a gacha game can (looking at you Genshin).
Far and away the best story I have ever read in a gacha game. I never thought the day would come where I would be excited to continue the story of a gacha event, but Nikke managed to do it. The soundtrack managed to blindside me in the same way by being far more impressive than anything I would have expected from an boobie anime game.
Possibly the most surprising expectation that this game has defied for me is in its community. It manages to not only be not the worst fandom ever (again, looking at you, Genshin) but is actually a good time to engage in. The subreddit is just a lowly pit of horniness and general degeneracy that uses those shared feelings to create an incredibly dumb, silly community that is fun to scroll through and laugh at the absurd jiggle physics tier lists and read the very uniquely strong and descriptive feelings of attraction other people have towards their favorite character. 3 and a half stars is the highest my conscience will let me rate a gacha game, no matter how much I personally love it.

my first free pull i got the banner massive boobie clumsy bunny girl with a shotgun that summons a giant golden bunny in combat. Safe to say I will be coming back

Este juego lo instale el dia de salida por verlo. Es menos lewd de lo que parece. Tipo, creo que ni el 30% de los personajes tienen proporciones exageradas. Y ni de coña se juega por la historia. Reconozco que es una historia que no esta mal, pero todos venimos aqui por el culo, sed sinceros.

This is the only other real gacha besides Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius that I actually can get into. Its surprisingly good! You do get microtransactions shoved in your face in the form of ads that appear after certain milestones are met (clearing a chapter of the story for instance), but these are the only thing I would consider intrusive to the gameplay, and they can be completely ignored.

What this game, in particular, does better than Brave Exvius is the auto battle system. Just about everything can be set to auto and you can sit back while your Nikke do the work. Does this then reduce the gameplay to simply "Big number do good"? Yes, but even if you were manually battling it would still boil down to this anyway.

I still refuse to spend any money on it, because I don't feel as though you need to. All the premium currency you earn as you play, in a fair and balanced matter.

Overall, well worth a try casually

Not something I fuck with. If this was an actual game I might feel like chugging along, but it isn't engaging enough for me to spend hours a day on it.

It's pretty frustrating how time-gated 90% of this game is, upgrading even just one character, progressing through the story, leveling, etc. Under the progression system is a solid rail-shooter with great visuals, music, and gameplay. I guess my main complaint is the story should be easy for casuals to get through, but even after literal dozens of hours I'm barely halfway through the chapters that came out after launch.
If the story wasn't interesting I would not be playing anymore, but even then my patience is tested when 95% of fights are waves of trash mobs. You spend most of the time fighting pointless waves of enemies between each cutscene, separating them by multiple minutes at a time. The often poor translations sometimes makes dialogue feel disjointed and nonsensical.
It has "potential" and I can see this game improving a lot in the near future, but there are too many small issues that add up.

Rank 250, with level 230+ teams, currently on chapter 24.

Better than average plot and occasionally decent character designs, but brought down by mind-numbing gameplay and weird-looking Live2D animations.

I feel funny after this one


It's Nier with guns, and by "Nier" I mean "Asses"

The gameplay is simple, but the story and characters are intriguing.

One of the Best Gacha game for Me.

Honestly, despite all the fan service the game's story is unironically pretty solid & interesting, gacha is very forgiving and it has nice thicc female character designs

nobody trust me when I say I play this game for the plot
and when I say the plot I mean it
it has a great story and good gacha system and peak characters design.

One of best gatcha game on the market
The story is amazing and had great character my main is Alice the funny bunny girl with Sniper

Good fanservice, way way way too many buttons to press for dailies

The action parts of the game are cool but gacha mechanics just make me feel dirty. Like crappy casino dirty. Mobile gaming is just not for me.

Game Ruined my life I give it 10 blues in 10 pull outta ten

and earns my highest seal of approval

Tonight's Episode: The Writer's Barely-Disguised Fetish

Ass in more ways than one, CSM and Nier collabs were cool tho

Anis is such a bad bitch tho

This is a 3.5 star Gacha but it gets five stars. And you know why

A gameplay não é muito legal, mas os colabs são muito daoras

Gacha game so no rating but I would totally give it a 5 star rating for making me such a top level gooner