Reviews from

in the past

When it came out, there was nothing quite like GoldenEye 007.

20-something years later, there's still nothing quite like GoldeEye 007, for better or worse.

This was the game all the stinky boys played, huddled in front of the biggest TV any of our parents had. We brought our Nintendo 64's to school and played it there.

While it's far from perfect, it's hard to think of any other games except for Perfect Dark that scratched that same local multiplayer FPS itch on N64.

The graphics were just fine for the time, and the controls felt pretty awkward no matter which control scheme you used, but the gameplay was (and is) addictive, and there are so many variations on the James Bond theme song, and most of them are still stuck in my head.

playing this at 3 years old shaped me into who i am

GoldenEye 007 on the N64 was absolutely groundbreaking for its time! The campaign missions are exciting and varied, inspired by the classic movie. But its true magic is the split-screen multiplayer - nothing beats frantic matches with friends, trying to land ridiculous shots across iconic maps. The controls are definitely dated by today's standards, and the visuals are blocky, but for its era, GoldenEye 007 was a legendary shooter and a true pop culture icon.

this game is basically saved by the fact that you can play it with PC controls now

I am generally unwilling to return to analog-stick, single-digit-framerate console FPS games, so caveat that I played the source port on PC here. I imagine the score would be like half this if I'd replayed on the N64.

That said, the core design principles here are flawless. Contemporary players might complain about vague objectives, but honestly nothing is that complicated or vague. Importantly, the objectives are varied and the nonlinearity helps in contrast to CoD's dull, arbitrary "Hold X to place C4" nonsense. I do agree that it's brutal in combination with the lack of checkpoints, though. Still, there is some charm in optimizing your path through a level and finally perfecting it. It's also short as hell; I beat the entire thing on the hardest difficulty in a couple of hours.

Ultimately deserves its place in the pantheon. Assessing in retrospect, you have to factor in the context that Duke Nukem 3d and Quake had just come out the year before. The notion of a slower-paced tactical FPS just did not exist yet. It was the first majorly influential game to incorporate aiming for enemy weakpoints and a sniper rifle! Wild.

not the game ppl think it is Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)
Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)

ain't no way is this one of the classics

GoldenEye 007 is a game that only feels good when you are just running and gunning. The camera is simply too cumbersome to control when trying to do anything more complicated. Seriously, whoever made the segment where you have to use your watch laser to get out of the train should go to jail. I can respect this game for introducing varied objectives and gameplay in a shooter game, but it's unfortunately a bit miserable to actually play almost three decades later. At least the music is great.

I tried the multiplayer with my siblings, and we still had a good amount of fun with it. I'm sure it was especially revolutionary at the time.

On a final note, it feels unfair to complain about a James Bond game being a James Bond game, but I can't pretend like misogyny makes my playing experience better...

Um clássico que no que se propõe é bom em quase tudo.
Pode-se dizer que a câmera é horrível, mas lembre-se que é um jogo do Nintendo64 kk.

Camera control sucks horribly but it’s still good I guess.

idk if this game is good all I know is gun go pew pew

No tie-in movie game will ever age better

I have no idea how many times I have played through this game but when I found out it was on the Switch i knew I had to play it again.

I did find it a little tough on the switch Joycons as I don't have one of the pro controllers yet but I did have a lot of fun with it when I played it as I always tend to do. It even sparked my desire to run through all the James Bond movies as I haven't actually done that before.

If it wasn't for GoldenEye 007 I truly believe we wouldn't have first person shooters like we do today. So for that, this game is legendary. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

me sinto um chato em dizer que golden eye "envelheceu", primeiramente porque esse jogo é muito querido por todo mundo, e (pra mim) usar isso como argumento de crítica é um anacronismo muito forte, criticar algo falando que envelheceu é compará-lo com obras atuais, o que não faz sentido, qualquer fps dessa época vai ser velho e ruim se seu único referente do gênero for warzone (vale pra qualquer jogo e gênero). Porém eu amo ser hipócrita, então digo, 007 envelheceu bastante.

não estou dizendo que ele é ruim porque envelheceu, pelo contrário, ele é ótimo no que se propõe a fazer, tem IA manera, multiplayer e etc, o que faz dele velho é justamente ser uns dos primeiros fps pra console. Minha crítica é a dificuldade e o level design, não é nem o mapa que é ruim, é o que você faz nele que me incomoda, um desperdício as missões serem andar até o final do mapa, e a Natalya, a partir do momento que ela aparece a dificuldade do jogo cresce dum jeito horrível, caralho, quantas vezes eu já falhei missão porque a bonitona desfilava na frente do tiroteio e matavam ela.

ou seja, golden eye envelheceu pq é muito difícil desassociar as influências atuais (que foi meu caso, é minha primeira vez jogando), mas se jogar como uma criança de 97 que nunca viu nada assim antes, esse jogo vai ser do caralho, mesmo com seus problemas.

a mão do bond segurando a arma na capa faz parecer que a boca dele é gigante

I don't think I've ever played this game single player, and honestly that's fine. Probably the game that made multiplayer split-screen shooters a thing, a great party game of my childhood.

Ignore the garbage controls and its a pretty fun shooter

The epitome of Keep It Simple, Stupid. Absolutely rules when you can focus on run and gun FPS mayhem... where it falters is when it tries more complex objectives, many of which end up obscure and unreadable without either looking them up or simply having prior knowledge from spending way too much time with it back in the 90s. The game will often not do much of anything to communicate how you're intended to complete some of these objectives (or in some cases even identify what they actually are), and doesn't really have a way to without spelling it out entirely and ruining the exploration. This, combined with some questionable level design, can make the game needlessly frustrating from time to time. Control on anything above Agent? Those turrets are absolute misery, it becomes a truly godawful level. Caverns, the most linear and basic level in the game, will be the easiest thing to run until the very end where horribly placed inept (or seemingly suicidal) enemies at the end regularly throw a grenade at you that they almost always manage to blow themselves and the radio up with. Most of the levels are fun to play through, but some of these little moments just hamper an otherwise very enjoyable game.

What's most impressive to me is that it is a hell of an adaptation of the movie. Watched the movie for the first time two or three years ago, and it makes it very easy to appreciate the care the game took in adapting the various locales and setpieces... it's an achievement by Rare just how authentic it feels to its source. I watched the movie 25ish years after playing the game and could identify almost everything as a discrete moment from the game. Even with N64 graphics, you can identify things with ease, it's insanely readable and shows the care that Rare handled this with. Excellent work.

i had trouble with the single player cos it wasn't really that fun for me, but multiplayer is insanely fun

~fps retrospective 10~
Goldeneye is a classic that stands the test of time! At least for the most part. While everything from the smooth gunplay to the hilarious and charming presentation fires on all cylinders it does lack in some areas. The level design for the most part is pretty good but something about the enemy placement feels kinda bs honestly, once you get to the later levels the charm starts to fade away and it leads to a bit of frustration, especially the penultimate level behind cradle but the levels always have some sort of different gimmick to them and the objectives are always fun. Also that fov has aged so poorly but I honestly cant blame the devs its an n64 game. Shoutout to that music btw it fucking rocks.

A really solid shooter for its time that deserves to be praised as a pioneer of the FPS genre. The controls are hard to get used to at first but it is so worth hanging around to get used to them because they have really fun and diverse level designs that wouldn't be found in regular FPS'.
The game really shines in its multiplayer however, being the most entertaining part of it where everyone struggles to find and kill one another, and has a lot of replayability in the vast game modes. Really worth trying even for the sake of the legacy of the genre.

De los pocos Shotter que me gustan. El multijugador de hasta 4 jugadores era muy divertido aunque lo malo es que todos podian ver la pantalla del otro, no habia mas opcion. Los niveles son todo un reto a partir de la dificultad secret agente. Es un juego emocionante donde sientes que tu eres Bond!

If I sucked at Smash Bros, I REALLY sucked at GoldenEye.

Alright, ok, I admit: this is one of those tie-in exception I'm ok it gets respect (while still thinking that anyone thinking of James Bond as a videogame characters just because of a very good game instead of what is more naturally is wrong. Same people that want to value Goku as well for it, but ok). Even with what the N64 has to weirdly offer it surprisingly plays very well and is fun to play with.

And I still miss to test the best part: the multiplayer that everyone praise about.

An absolute classic and important part of the FPS genre! If you love FPS games but haven't played GoldenEye, I implore you to play it. I didn't play it as a kid, I only dabbled with it a little here and there. As an adult, it was eye-opening to see how much GoldenEye's level design has inspired later FPS games. It's quite impressive how the game holds up even today because of that core mission design. You don't even have to beat it, honestly, I just really think more people from our younger generations (and I'm one of them I suppose), should play it just to educate themselves on the game's importance and timeless design.

Score: 92