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in the past

I enjoyed this game. The story was just the bit of slice of life I needed. Cute, but sad. The only con is it doesn't have too much replay value.

Там метеор летит, а они типа динозавры поняла да. На самом деле, игра хорошая. Я люблю такие игры где можно поплакать и подрочить

Full disclosure: Watched a full let's play, did not play myself, but it doesn't seem like it matters considering you don't get to actually choose in the majority of the places where dialogue options show up. In terms of technical shit, this is a train wreck, terrible persective on the art all over, assets loading in incorrectly, late or not at all, failing rhythm sections have no consequences, audio clipping, abrupt audio cutoffs, audio failing to load in at all, almost every technical aspect of this game is flawed in some way. I liked the soundtrack overall though it's not anything I feel compelled to revisit on its own. Some of the character designs are cute but most have atrocious perspective and animation errors as previously mentioned.
None of that is super important for a game like this though, what really matters is the writing, right? Unfortunately that too was underwhelming for me. I can see how some people could really connect with something with this tone though. I had the same sort of reaction to this as Night in the Woods, where I get why this setting and tone could really gel with some people, but for me personally, I just don't.

I don't think I've ever seen a choices matter game do a better job at user experience than in Goodbye Volcano High. Some options make you perform extra actions to choose them because Fang is anxious and it takes effort to be confident and put yourself out there, some options go away entirely if you're too indecisive, sometimes the options are shuffling around making them hard to pick because the MC is scatterbrained at the moment. I thought these creative decisions were really cool and want to see them implemented in other story/decision based games. On to the story - I found it extremely comforting and felt really satisfied with where I was at with my ending and I thought the story that they attempted to tell was super impactful. Goodbye Volcano High is a story about acceptance of the future, and that community matters the most in the face of dispair. Life is ever changing and where we are right now will never be where we are in the future, that's just how life functions. Whether your best friend moves, or you break up with your partner, or the world explodes, this story shows us that we should relish in the present no matter what comes after and never take that present for granted. So glad I decided to give this one a try considering it's not a typical gameplay heavy experience and encourage others to do the same despite any reservations they might have due to the presentation.

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Disclaimer: I work on the Vidya Gaem Awards, whose voting source is 4chan, and awarded "Goodbye Volcano High" the Most Pretentious Game award for 2023. I also have limited connections to Cavemanon: they made Snoot Game, and submitted a trailer for I Wani Hug That Gator to our 2021 show.

The staff of Cavemanon do not work on our show, and none of the Vidya Gaem Awards staff work on their projects either. This review below is my own personal opinion on Goodbye Volcano High, and is not the opinion of anyone else.


Goodbye Volcano High tackles love, identity, and the emotional turmoil of adolescence through a looming specter of doom. The game, through protagonist Fang and supporting cast of Worm Drama (Trish/Reed), offers a soundtrack to turbulent times.

Unlike the past winner of "Most Pretentious" (We Are OFK), Goodbye Volcano High earns its visual novel tag. While its rhythm games are similarly inconsequential to OFK, the rare opportunities to customize and the emotive dialogue choices lend a relatively greater autonomy for the player to express themselves.

The game fleshes out its world and characters through a variety of techniques, such as unvoiced comics in the pause menu, snapshot memories, and Dungeons and Dragons sessions. You get a feel for all the characters and what they're about. Their personalities, their passions, and their social proximity to Fang.

However, because Fang's moral support system is demonstrably rock solid, not much can go wrong. You can completely flunk all performances and no one will act much differently than if you aced them. However, it's not absolute apathy - although GVH ultimately ends one way, your playthrough experience will differ based on your dialog options.

The game throws in a clever nod to Cavemanon with the Swamp Babies band—a thinly veiled metaphor for Snoot Game. Each 'Swamp Baby' is color-coded to serve as a masculine-presenting punk-rock rival to Reed, Trish, and Fang. After all, LJ "found them" first, and they're "good, but not like 'good' good". The whole thing is cheeky as hell, but just as the Swamp Babies attend Worm Drama's final concert - crying with joy that they finally see their rivals perform, Snoot Game's devs showed up for the release of the game and gave it the respect of a full run.

For the purposes of contextualizing GVH's win for the Most Pretentious Indie award, I played through Goodbye Volcano High first, and then followed it up by playing Snoot Game. It was the most fun I had in years. While Snoot Game wouldn't have possible without Goodbye Volcano High existing, the fanwork clearly served inspiration as its own. It bouyed interest in the original work, and set a high bar for KO-OP to match.

Still, I feel a certain degree of sadness for the team that, in the pursuit of "taking the high road", waged a multi-faceted war on the parody and lost up to 60% of its audience as a result. Getting banned for sharing, honestly, that Snoot Game was how I found Goodbye Volcano High only serves to remind me that KO-OP views with contempt people who enjoy the "forbidden fruit", and furthers a cycle of victimization and resentment for the other side.

Turn the other cheek, and play the game anyways.

I hope my $30 serves as encouragement for the creation of future works that are impactful and inspiring, without the unnecessary drama that plagued this one.

Amazing music, a story that resonated with me.

i'm an easy mark for this one

It's like this game was made for me. A visual novel with higher-than average amount of animation with rhythm game aspects with a sprinkling of melancholy that makes its moments so much sweeter.

Terra meter: 24%

Story/narrative - 1/5
Gameplay - 0/5
Sound/music - 2/5
General presentation - 2/5
Overall enjoyment - 1/5

Una historia de adolescentes, con furros, que además de tener un cóctel hormonal, también tienen que lidiar con que se acabe el mundo. Tenía potencial, el apartado artístico es muy bueno, la música es excelente, tiene muchos mini-juegos interesantes, pero la historia no profundiza nada, y el resto se queda en algo superficial.

Análisis completo:

Goodbye Volcano High had me worried at first. It started slow with familiar, somewhat tropey high school drama. However, it picked up momentum and weight as it went. The final third of the game solidly brings it home, hitting with emotional resonance to our own pre-apocalypse in a way that everything else I've experienced would be too cowardly to not subvert. The shaky start and occasional misses were well worth the impact it left. 🌠

Przeważnie bardzo ładne rysunki.
Dobre udźwiękowienie, chociaż mnie osobiście grane piosenki się raczej nie podobają.

Pomysł na fabułę jest fajny, natomiast wykonanie dało w sumie dość nudną grę. Do samego końca nie zżyłem się z nikim z bohaterów, nie przeżyłem żadnych emocji i nie zależało mi na tym co się stanie. Początkowo ta gra sprawia wrażenie klonu gier Don’t Nod (które uwielbiam), ale to wrażenie szybko ulatuje. Brakuje tu gameplayu, poza pomijalnym banalnym QTE.

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i think the asteroid avoided them at the last second and none of you can tell me otherwise

(cool story, cool characters, great representation, great concept, great music, great art. all around great.)

Не так плохо. Но ближе к концу сюжет ломается из-за отсутствия должной нелинейности. Говоришь персонажам одно - через две сцены они в хуй твои слова не ставили, потому что нам нужно двигать сюжет, и в рот мы ебали твои выборы, в общем. А так - неплохая визуальная новелла - фанатам небезызвестного жанра "lifeisstrangelike" должно зайти.

Прошло около трёх месяцев после того, как я прошёл игру, и мнение к игре у меня изменилось. Давайте начнем.

Если говорить честно про Goodbye Volcano High, то она хорошая, однако и звёзд с неба ей не хватает. Игра линейна в своем повествовании, не смотря на то, что создатели игры обещали сюжет с разными ответвлениями и выборами ответов, от которых зависело дальнейшее прохождение. Всю игру можно отстраняться или сдружиться со всеми, однако исход финала у вас будет один – вся группа решает провести их последний концерт. Это, как по мне, портит всю суть выборов диалогов с персонажами. Похожая ситуация наблюдалась в игре Night In the Woods, о которой я писал год назад.
Если затрагивать стороны сюжета, то и там не все гладко. Концепция того, что мы проводим свои юношеские годы в момент апокалипсиса, мне очень нравится. Это дает раскрытие тайн между друзьями, драму. Однако, во время прохождение игры, мне показалось что все происходит очень скомкано и быстро, а некоторые моменты считаю затянутыми, как например момент с DnD (на их манер LnL). Чувство приторности, где у всех хорошая жизнь, живут без злодеев и трагедии, ощущается при чтении сюжета. Из главных героев раскрыты почти все, даже если не брать во внимание выбор диалогов между персонажами. Претензии по поводу Роуз, и почему Фэнг (или Клык в русском переводе) в начале игры так на неё реагирует, будто у них что-то было до этого, но об том в итоге ничего не говорится.
В плане графического и музыкального исполнения, то все сделано нормально. Но что было сделано отвратительно - оптимизация: странные баги анимации персонажей, фризы, из-за которых приходилось перезапускать игру. Это очень подпортило впечатление об игре.
Игра и разрабатывалась 5 лет, но чувствуется, что была написана и разработана новичками, которые хотели от продукта славы в роли использование ЛГБТК+ и небинарных персонажей, а не хорошего сюжета. У игры был потанцевал, но кажется создатели пошли не по тому руслу развития, и кроме концепции, музыки, некоторых персонажей и "мемности" с антропоморфных динозавров ничего нет. Если оценивать объективно, это очень сухой продукт, но субъективно мне самому понравилось играть и узнавать о персонажей и за историей (которая привела к неизвестному финалу, где по сути ничего не изменилось). Я ставлю 7 из 10, или B.

Nope. This one was just not very gripping for me. The time it took to finish the game was pitiful. The rhythm sections were not enjoyable, and the songs included for the game are bland, repetitive slop. The story was mildly enjoyable, but only because I knew that they were all going to die in the end. I don’t know how someone who is not a corporate conglomerate came up with this idea.

It’s decent. The hate it gets is dramatic.

Reed is my favorite definitely. Wish it cut the dnd shit and gave the game an extra 2 hours.

The controversy around this game will always puzzle me. The fact some gooner on 4chan made a whole ass detransition story and wasted their time on it is fucking crazy. But that’s all I’ll say over that train wreck of a “fan” game.

Designs of the characters? Great.
Music? Great
Story? Definitely had its moments. The final dnd epilogue despite me hating it all way through had a nice monologue conclusion by Reed.

The pacing takes a train wreck hit at the end making you choose to talk to these characters on the beach. But I guess I liked the characters I chose (Sage and Reed) for it to not be a big deal.

Fang and Naomi’s relationship suffers from this pacing. The dnd stuff really needed to be cut so they could give time to them or something.

Fang and Reed’s voice actors gave it their all. I really liked their performances.

Maybe this is the game I need. Along with night in the woods, Being almost a senior in highschool in about a month. So I resonate with it a bit.

Shame this game had potential and is still good but kind of needed more time in the oven.

Never show them front facing again

That ending was disappointing though. Felt like I wasted my time paying 22$ for this when I could’ve just watched it on YouTube dot com

(Disclosure: I was given a "special thanks" credit.)
This is one of those games that, if you're receptive to the kinds of characters and stories it's striving to present, it's going to stick with you. I had been following this game since it had been revealed in the PS5 showcase stream back in June 2020. I thought it looked okay at the time, but I didn't think it'd so thoroughly root itself as one of my top five games of all time.

Visually, it looks like no other game out there. It looks like a 2D animated television series, with the kind of lighting and detail you'd expect from an anime. The character animation is 2D as well; the characters are both emotive and fun to look at, bolstered by some truly superb voice acting. Many of these characters are some flavor of LGBT+, and each of them feels like they were made with love from people who have lived their experiences. Complementing all this is wonderful, catchy music, whether it be instrumental tracks playing through a scene, or beautiful songs played during the rhythm sections. There are a handful of visual hiccups and sometimes stiff animation, but none of it so damning that they break the game or the immersion.

The choice-making mechanic takes the genre in a great direction by giving visual cues on the emotions behind every choice, so it's always clear where the character's headspace is. This is coupled with additional mechanics of "Resistance" (you need to hold extra buttons to confirm an emotionally difficult choice) and "Hesitation" (if you don't fully commit to a choice, you might lose the opportunity to make it). They work so great at integrating the narrative into the gameplay that I'm shocked that other narrative games haven't tried them before. There are also rhythm game performances sprinkled throughout the story, with a simple but engaging gameplay format that always makes me look forward to them. There are also photos and flashbacks you can unlock as you play, but not every photo can be earned in one session; you WILL need to play through a few times to see everything this game has to offer.

But narrative games live and die by their story, and that's where this game truly shines. There's a real emotional weight to the struggles the characters face: trying to plan for their futures when they might not have one, while also figure out who they are to each other as their lives slowly fall apart. In a genre that typically makes all your choices so powerful that they write out multiple endings based on what you do, this game paints the illusion of player control over the narrative, and then rips it away over the course of the story. This game could ONLY have one ending -- they're dinosaurs and there's an asteroid, after all -- but your choices influence everything leading up to the end. Certain scenes can play out differently based on your actions, or you might unlock special scenes based on who you befriend. Through all this, you get a compelling story that leaves an impact on you. It's quite hard to do a rhythm game at the end of the world with tears in your eyes.

Goodbye Volcano High is a beautiful, thoughtful, memorable game that strives to show what this genre of games can really accomplish. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

(Winner of the "Pixels Are XIrt Award" for most pretentious indie game, speech below)

So you’re probably expecting a long-winded speech or something.

But you know who won in the end. A fan game releasing 26 months before the original, with KO-OP banning anyone stupid enough to namedrop it. And some random writer coming out of retirement just to post a hit piece on Kotaku. All because of 4chan. All because the wrong people made the right game.

Look, Snoot Game wasn’t on the ballot this year, and we’re not exactly an impartial source. But if there was no Snoot Game, we would have never graduated Volcano High. You got two universes. Two worlds to get lost in, make fanart of, have fun playing or to talk shit about. You guys got two cakes, man. You won.

The best thing to do is to play both games, even though one wants to be petty and jealous and make you take a side. But there’s plenty to love elsewhere, tonight, in Volcano High.

Amazing music, a story that resonated with me.

While they’re all talking dinosaurs, Goodbye Volcano High’s characters felt more like genuine teenagers just trying to figure themselves out as high school comes to a close, before tragically having to come to terms with their futures being cut short. In the face of their inevitable end (in this case a looming asteroid), what matters to them is making the most of their lives in the moment and appreciating their loved ones and passions. It’s a bleak premise from the outset but largely a sweet and heartfelt game, enjoyed it a lot

And though it’s mainly narrative focused with dialogue choices, the rhythm game sections where your band play on stage were nice and connected me more with Fang and their dream to be a successful musician. The soundtrack in general is nice too

A terrific way to start the year. A wonderful experience overall. I haven’t played many visual novels, but the ones I’ve played weren’t fully animated and voiced like this one is. I’m pretty sure that this isn’t common at all in the genre, and I believe it’s worth trying out for that reason alone. In terms of its presentation, it’s more an interactive animated show rather than a traditional visual novel.

I found the story and characters to be wonderfully written. It really nails the very online sense of humor, but it’s never snarky nor mean. It’s a very heartfelt story, and even though nostalgia, growing up and the end of the world are key themes it’s never a bummer nor does it lean on despair.
In terms of its gameplay, the few rhythm sections are solid and fun to play through, and the decision making feels consequential enough to be consistently engaging.

The soundtrack is on another level altogether. Banger after banger of original soft indie rock songs accompanied by some beautiful background music. The album is already on my Spotify rotation.

I don’t really have much to say about it, it’s a short, very wholesome, very unique, experience that I’m happy to have played through.

we cant know for a fact dinosaurs didn’t have pastel pink space buns

Everyone has a Stage.
Ooohh boi I did not expect to get so emotional from this game. Both my Partner and I teared up multiple times. The emotional story combined with the music. Not too mention ||the D&D sections|| Highly recommend this one!

- Artwork: 5/5
- Music: 5/5
- Characters: 4/5
- Story: 4/5
- Gameplay: 3/5
- Overall: 4/5 🦖

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Good Visual Novel with some stuff inside. dinussy

Beautiful game. One of my favourites of 2023. Highly recommend.

Beautiful game with fun characters, visuals, and a banging soundtrack!! I do feel like the pacing of the story was strange at times and wish there were more instances for the rhythm game section. I also wish there were save/load and dialogue fast forward capabilities, but besides those were my only issues playing.

ALSO also- Dino twitter had to be my fave place for writing because now I'm gonna keep turning to my gf and go "What if when the meteor gets here everyone jumps at the same time". Enjoyed it, but also be warned for the MC getting misgendered and deadnamed xl

fucking gorgeous game. story made me insane, trans rep is so good, i cant really name a negative about it TBHers play this game Now

La manera en la que la música carrea este juego. No es necesariamente algo malo, la historia y los personajes tienen varios momentos buenos, y no pienso que la historia sea tan desastroza como algunos dicen (ojo con el tan). Es una novela visual premium, pero para esos tenemos los Life Is Strange o Night In The Woods. Por lo menos es corto, y desde el primer minuto la música te engancha. También tiene muy buena dirección de escenas, como cuando hacen montajes durante las secciones musicales.

Despite being made with Canadian tax payer money there isn't one mention of the word snoot (nor menu music haha) so yeah not worth your money.