Reviews from

in the past

a really important motorsport game for the time

Classic, but it was great at the time

Probably one of the most influential racing games to exist and it's still just as fun to play as it was 20 years ago. It was perhaps made a tiny bit redundant by its masterpiece of a sequel, but it still remains very special to me.

I'm sticking to Mario Kart for now...

To the very day my favorite racing game. The music was simply the best.

Surpreendente para a época

1997 e um jogo que te dá mais de 100 carros com inúmeras formas de tunning de performance e que possui mais de 10 pistas não tem como ser ruim, isso é um fato. Na época, não tinha nada que chegasse perto de Gran Turismo, até mesmo pq a proposta mais simulador, só tinha de fato sob o "capô" do exclusivo do Playstation. Need for Speed, Test Drive, Ridge Racer, todos esses e muitos outros eram mais arcade e simples.

Entretanto, o primeiro Gran Turismo, que abriu as portas para essa franquia ser o que é hoje, é um jogo apenas legal hoje em dia. Com toda certeza desse mundo é um game que vale a pena ser experimentado. O fato de você ter que desbloquear seu caminho através dos testes de direção era uma parada bem legal, mas que hoje em dia, pra mim, é cansativo.

Tunar os carros é muito simples, mas se você não souber configurar o que você acabou de instalar, você terá alguns carros bem desbalanceados que, em determinadas curvas, podem rodar com muita facilidade.

Atrelado a isso da dirigibilidade, alguns carros, mesmo sem nenhum upgrade, possuem uma direção bem estranha e chatinha de pegar o jeito.

De resto, o jogo acerta em bastante coisa. Não é vazio, pois apresenta tipos de corrida diferentes para carros de determinados países e por aí vai. Inclusive isso é uma coisa que instigaria você a ter outro carro daquele pais ou daquela especificação para testar, já que você pode ter muitos carros na garagem, mas como eu disse antes, muitas coisas não me pegaram tanto hoje em dia, fiz os testes de direção, competi nas ligas (com muito save state na corrida de 60 voltas da Gran Valley) e tive alguns bons problemas com a dirigibilidade que me fizeram querer terminar com muito mais rapidez.

Played on PC via This is a GREAT racer even on PC. The graphics looked better than I expected for PS1 standards. Get this game on the PlayStation 1 (If you still own one) or go to the site I put the link down to play this wonderful racer. Great job SCEI (Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.) keep this wonderful series on the ball with the sequels.

Oh the amount of hours I put into this game. Fond memories of ditching school with my mate, going to his house while his parents were at work, smoking a few bongs and then playing this for the next 8 hours. Good times.

I mostly played this because the OST for the japanese version slaps really hard and I wanted to know what sim racing was all about since I'm mostly an arcade racer sort of guy. All in all, I'd say this was pretty eye-opening to play. More realism and less arcade wackiness means that taking corners involves properly balancing your car and not just ripping through drifts like an insane person. While I personally still believe that arcade racers are more entertaining due to their focus on fun over realism, I definitely still think that both genres have their place in the gamer world with their own unique personal appeals. I enjoyed what I played, and would definitely recommend it to anyone with a PS1 lying around that likes cars.

the perfect way to start a series, to be honest. this game still keeps holding up and is better than even some modern-day need-for-speed games. With great soundtracks, fantastic upgrade system, and decent gameplay, now this is what I call an industry classic. a great looking retro gem that everyone should experience one day.

2. WIN

Incredibly stylish even now, a retro gem.

Great handling, graphics and music. The arcade mode is very fun.

But the simulation mode is for hardcore carheads, like my brother who loves this series. I couldn't beat the first test in the B2 license required to participate in tournaments. And the whole thing is very confusing for me.

I love how the cars handle and I like that you can upgrade them you can even make them think every single one of them looks like full-on race cars! and I think you can have a nice relationship with the cars you choose since there's not that many. lastly, the most expensive cars that cost like 500k from each dealership are fast af and cool that's all thanks :)

Gran Turismo is, without a doubt, my all-time favorite car racing game. Whenever I feel like playing a racing game, it's always my go-to choice. I revisited it in 2018 with the intention of completing all the licenses and tournaments, but unfortunately, I couldn't go as far as I wanted. Balancing multiple games at the same time proved challenging, as my time is limited.

Played on the Duckstation Emulator on PC using an Xbox One controller. The physics and handling model aged much better than I had expected them too. Fun car selection. I'm pretty fond of the lack of tracks, it actually allowed me to learn them all and start to master them. Disparity in AI car difficulty is races is pretty rough. Also, putting a big turbo on a car makes it take over 10 seconds to get out of 1st gear? There had to be a more elegant way to do that, extremely frustrating. All in all a pretty amazing first effort when you consider the landscape of racing games at the time of its creation. It's pretty barebones but does everything you want it to do rather well.

Base de um dos melhores simuladores de corrida de todos os tempos, ainda totalmente jogável até os dias de hoje.

I loved this game through and through. I'm a big petrol head and I loved this game just as much as I love GT4 as a kid. It was fun to race with my gf watching me and she would suggest how to make my car faster and better and we had a great time working our way through the game. It was great fun all the way through and I made sure to complete as much as I could until my file was corrupted and I couldn't progress after completion of the GT World Cup. Otherwise, I would have 100% of this game and collected all the cars.

An astonishing achievement and clear labor of love given the level of detail and simulation - way ahead of its time. There are over 100 authentically recreated real world cars! I'm not really a racing game guy - that has to have been unheard of for a '90s console game, right?

The manual is essentially a physics textbook, which is hilarious, but for all the complexity of the rigorously realistic design, the actual racing is kind of easy and exploitable. The two in-depth single-player modes are great, and the scale of the marquee simulation mode is staggering, resembling much more modern games in its open-endedness and customizability. Lot going on here!

I have to imagine that people were floored by this when it came out. Set aside the phenomenal graphics on PS1, the vibe is so choice. I'm only just playing it for the first time now but that opening cutscene was giving me chills.

Superb start to the series. Opening video instantly throws me back to my childhood, along with all the background music and OST. Breezing through this game is quite fun even today, although steering control in general is tricky to get right.

Gran Turismo (1997): Una joya atemporal. Incluso hoy día el control es exquisito, gráficamente es increíble y top técnico de su generación, con una cantidad de vehículos y de circuitos apabullante para su época. No me apasiona a título personal, pero entiendo su éxito (8,15)

It's adorable!
Okay, what I mean is that you can tell just how much everybody involved in this game cared about getting absolutely everything perfect, and it's an astonishing accomplishment given what they had to work with. It was probably the best looking console game ever made to this point (Final Fantasy VII was earlier in the year, and at its best it definitely looked better, but the overworld in that game was very famously low-poly triangle people walking across jpegs). And as someone who has a pretty good amount of technical familiarity with the Japanese cars of the 1990s this game's roster is based off of, the way that they have painstakingly recreated the details of them is really clear and gives the game this incredible sense of texture. The basic feel of the game was there right in the first one (provided you buy the expensive tires for cars, cars in this game on their stock tires turn into hilarious understeer-ers).
All of that being said, the difficulty curve in this game is all over the fucking place. The license tests are the hardest part of the game, and there are no upper limits on power for most of the events (there aren't actually any explicit ones but there are some de facto ones because of car restrictions). So you'll go from having a reasonably hard time to start the game in the B-tests, then sleepwalking through the early stuff, then tearing your hair out for the A and International-A license tests, and making everything from there on feel much tamer. The car roster is genuinely quite limited, though if you're going to make a game pretty much entirely out of one setting's cars, 90s Japan isn't half bad (I would do unholy things for an 80s German car game) and the track selection is small enough that you know every one like the back of your hand by the end of the game. All of these however are problems of budget (licensing) and of technology (getting the AI to be tougher in a way that doesn't involve insane rubber banding), the core was there, a core that I'm excited to see perfected as I play other games in the series.

polygonal cars are so fuckin sweet

Um grande começo para a franquia sem dúvida nenhuma com uma jogabilidade que continua boa até hoje e uma boa seleção de carros, claramente os outros são melhores por conta de serem mais refinados e ter uma variação bem maior de eventos para fazer. Ainda sim é um ótimo jogo

Played on a PS2 Fat

Now, I am not a racing fan. The only racing games I've really played was Mario Kart and Forza and I'm good at Mario Kart, but I literally couldn't win a race online in Forza. I've hardly played any realistic racing games is what I'm saying, and while I know Gran Turismo is like kinda a mix of simulation and arcade it's realistic for me. Just wanna let you guys know I know very little in this genre.

I really enjoyed this game. I was super frustrated at first, as I couldn't win any races and I didn't understand how literally any of the mechanics worked. But I slowly learned and learned, I started passing the licenses easily and winning races. The learning curve is truly masterful, really feels good to finally understand how to do a sharp turn. It's also notable even after learning how to win, races are still thrilling and fun. I never lost that sense of intensity.

The car selection is huge, especially for a PS1 game. I know the second game is even larger but I haven't played anything else in the series yet. All the cars are cool and feel different. There are like 5 sections of different types of vehicles I think, and each is like a completely different planet. Even changing between cars that are the same type is a noticeable difference. I'm not a car guy at all, but the cars in this game are pretty cool as well. Modding your cars is also a nice feature and adds depth.

I just wanna talk about the soundtrack for a second, the soundtrack is fucking killer. Literally almost every song is fucking great, really makes you wanna race. Even the menu music is super good, and how every dealership has their own unique music, and all of them sound great. I love this soundtrack.

I only played the traditional mode, where you start out with some cash and buy a shitty car, then build your way up through gaining licenses and winning cups. It has a great flow to it and is a lot of simple fun.

The maps were somewhat simple cause y'know, there's only so much they can possibly do, yet somehow each map feels distinct and you'll know every map by heart after some time playing. This game also looks great for a PS1 game, one of the best graphically I've seen.

All in all, Gran Turismo is a legendary racing game and has a lot to offer, it's aged quite well I think and I'd highly recommend it. Play it.

Fairly awesome start to the series. It's interesting how arcade like it is. Lot of fun with its flaws. Mostly Japanese cars with some western cars. It's a rather valiant effort all things considered. Very detailed upgrade system and its cool as hell seeing how much this one introduced such as used cars and all. All in all very short and groovy racing Game. Ai sucks ass