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Seda nägin Jacob Gelleri videos ja tundus väga lahe. Oligi lahe. Algus oli lihtsalt ilus ja rahulik aga lõpus läks täitsa jubedaks ära. Audio oli väga hea, tegi atmosfääre paremaks (rahulikku ja ka hirmsat). Natuke ajas vihaseks kohati, aga üldiselt meeldis. Story ka suht deep tegelt.

Started playing it by myself but got too scared and had to watch other people play it instead. Pretty cool game, gets frustrating towards the end though.

i think every golf enthusiast should have to endure this, only then will i take their “””sport””” seriously

Gonna shelve this for now because I encountered a weird bug that made me lose some progress in one of the later levels and frankly, this stressed me out too much.

But what a good concept! Scared the shit out of me in a way that I haven't felt in a while, and I think the unique gameplay really lends itself to some great horror. I do think certain elements of the golf itself were a little frustrating, but as a horror game it's really damn successful. I did think that it got a bit too hard towards the later part of the game and it deflated some of the tension, but my god was the first half effective as hell. Some truly chilling moments and some great atmosphere. Give it a shot if you are less of a scaredy-cat than me.

This is SUCH a unique fusion of genres, so I have massive respect for the devs for going all out... but I think the gameplay wasn't too fun for the first half. Although, I'm also nearly certain more horror fans will enjoy this than golf fans will, and I fall in the latter category.

That being said, the golf mechanics were surprisingly decent! The horror elements just became frustrating to me as the motivation of the player felt a bit too vague. When you come across [spoiler thing], why would you keep playing a round of golf? I think there are hints that the player-character is a bit psychotic, but it's not totally clear what the meaning of it all is, which is probably okay! It just makes it hard for the golf fan in me to enjoy.

I will say the second half this game kinda kicks ass, and frankly I wish more golf games would attempt something as bold as what this game does. Easily puts Super Rush to shame in terms of breaking the golfing mold, but I think the possibilities of the horror-golf genre, as well as the golf genre in general, are still out there.

(btw, I totally found out this game because of Jacob Geller, but I didn't actually watch the video yet)

Alright, strap the fuck in because "Greener Grass Awaits" isn't your granddad's golf game—unless your granddad enjoys shitting his pants in fear while chasing a little white ball. Created by the diabolically twisted minds at Yatoimtop, this game turns a leisurely round of golf into a heart-pumping sprint from the stuff of nightmares. Honestly, I've never yelped over a sand trap before, but here we are. Four and a half stars because I'll never look at a golf club the same way again.

Now, I don't know what sadistic bastard thought mixing golf with horror was a good idea, but damn, they deserve a raise—or maybe a psych eval. The controls are slick as hell, even when your hands are sweaty because, guess what, there's a fucking ghost or something equally horrifying lurking around the next dogleg. And if you're like me and suck at golf, the horror isn't just in the jumpscares but in trying to make par while something out of your deepest, darkest fears is breathing down your neck.

In conclusion, "Greener Grass Awaits" is brilliantly terrifying, a unique mashup that's as innovative as it is freaky. But hell, it’s a small price to pay for a game that's as fun as it is frightening.

Tense. Weird. Funny. Short. Frustrating. Scary.

maybe im just really bad at it but this was really good for awhile and then got more frustrating than scary. it is genuinely very scary though

What a fantastic and creative horror game.

I can't remember the last time my hands were so sweaty playing a game. Greener Grass Awaits has a bunch of genius little game design ideas that add up to a fantastic short game. And it's bone-chilling at that.

It is a bit too hard and can't quite find a way to balance scares and ease of play, but it's better than most horror games were a monster chases you around that can be fooled by running around a table.

Genre fusions rule.

So so so smart. Perfectly crafts a suspenseful scenario with incredible aesthetics to boot. The music is so amazing as well. There’s not much to write home about with its themes or plot or and I think it goes on a bit too long near the end but this still makes for a wonderful scary and kinda goofy game that I think has really gone overlooked.

I have played this game and it is good.