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So all the DLC is out now, adding up to a total of 52 songs (counting full versions of certain songs separately), which is a considerable improvement from the initial number. I S+ ranked, full combo'd all songs on Easy and Normal, and did the same for S rank and full combo on Hard. So I think I'm finished with the game for good now.

The song selection here is very strong, but I don't think I can improve my rating beyond 3 stars still, because some of this game's charting and general difficulty scaling is weird. Some songs on Hard difficulty are super simple while others feel more like they'd fit Expert difficulty more. Easy mode should be, you know, easy, but it ended up being more challenging than Normal to S+ rank because there are less notes overall (if you screw up, it reduces your score considerably more). Expert mode felt way way too hard for me as someone who doesn't play rhythm games, but that's not that big of a deal. Overall I'm happy that Gunvolt Records Cychronicle exists, but I think I'm even happier that I can now move on from the game.

Also according to the steam charts I'm like the only person who plays this game LOL

Buen juego de ritmo, pero decir que es justito de contenido es ser generoso

nunca pense en que jugaría a otro Gunvolt nuevamente en mi vida habiendo terminado la saga el año pasado, mucho menos un spinoff el cual es un juego de ritmo...

es obligatorio jugarlo si eres fan de la saga? no, incluso si por alguna razón te interesa la historia en Gunvolt, aquí no encontrarás absolutamente ningún diálogo referente a la historia, de hecho dudo que esto tan siquiera sea canon (que viniendo de la saga y el historial canónico ya ni me sorprende...)

lo recomiendo para alguien que le gusta los juegos de ritmo? tampoco... es un juego bastante básico y que no tiene rejugabilidad luego de que te termines las 15 canciones que hay. sinceramente recomiendo mas comprarte el Project DIVA Mega Mix+ si buscas un juego de ritmo el cual dedicarle ciento de horas y donde siempre tendras cosas que hacer

entonces si no se lo recomiendas a nadie entonces porque le diste una calificación relativamente alta? simple, aun con todo lo que dije, en mi caso disfrute de lo que ofreció. junto al gameplay, el OST de Gunvolt es mi aspecto favorito de esta saga, amo sus canciones y poder volverlas a escuchar en un spinoff como este fue arto fanservice y me trajo nostalgia (en especial volver a ver a la besto tomboy Lola mientras esuchaba "Igniter").

al final es un spinoff sin pretenciones y para un nicho muy específico de personas el cual te puedes terminar fácilmente en 30 minutos-1 hora, pero estoy seguro de que para ese pequeño grupo lo disfrutaran. actualmente está en $15USD, pero estoy seguro de que en unos meses lo encontraras por $5USD o menos así que recomiendo que te esperes un poco antes de comprártelo (ademas de que por lo que veo tienen dlc en camino).

PD: joder, no me esperaba que volvería a jugar un juego de ritmo... no tocaba uno desde hace unos cuantos años cuando me vicie al modo Taiko de OSU solo porque mi novia de esa época era top 10 nacional en esa vaina. admito que me trajo un poco de nostalgia al jugar a este juego y no sé si es triste o no eso xD

A gunvolt rhythm game spin-off seemed inevitable considering the series focus on high energy vocal tracks, and I think the starting selection that is in the game is serviceable enough. The core gameplay is fun, but if you aren't using the touch screen controls it can be kinda uncomfortable especially with the dual analog prompts, and I felt my hands growing tired very fast in comparison to something like KH: MoM which uses a somewhat similar button setup. Would recommend if you are a fan of the series and like rhythm games, but I would also wait for the DLC so there are more than 15 tracks in the game.

Although mechanically interesting, changing the usual control scheme of rhythm games to one that plays with the triggers and the joysticks, it falls flat pretty fast due to its simplicity. There's also one big issue with the joystick part of it, specifically when moving them from A to B on holding notes, since the duration of those is not known before the note actually arrives and it seems kind of arbitrary.

I could still play it for the songs if they weren't all terrible. All of them.

It gets a score this high from me being a huge Gunvolt person. I love the music tracks from all over the franchise, so of course a rhythm game is very welcome! Though it's obvious this game will have thousands of DLCs, which works for this kind of game I guess... though I can't help but feel awkward about this. If it released with a few more tracks it would be okay.

Anyways, it doesn't seem to innovate much in the genre, but from someone who hasn't played many rhythm games nowadays, it feels fresh enough with the analog flick and drag mechanics. At first I thought the control scheme seemed too simple, but overall it really is good enough to create fun and challenging tracks by layering the different note types on top of each other.

The game looks and sounds very pretty. The UI is clean and stylish, the sound effects are straight up from the GV series, and the music videos in the background are a feast for the eyes. The shots from the games in the series are a treat for fans, and the ones with the 3D models look great and exciting as well. Though, I gotta say it's very hard to play while Lola's ass flashes on the screen every now and then...

All things considered this is a relatively barebones rhythm game, but I'm a huge fan of Gunvolt and its music so I'm happy with how this turned out. Conversion rate is $1 per song, which may or may not be worth it depending on personal taste. The DLC isn't out yet, but when it does release I feel like 35 songs for $35 will feel a lot better than 15 for 15.

A fun spin-off with most of the idol songs from the entire Gunvolt Series. It's a harmless spin-off, and it's nice fanservice for providing us more of the idols. I do wish there were some sort of story interactions. I guess I was expecting a bit more after playing the modern Persona Dancing games, but it's here to just be a rhythm game and it's doing that well. I definitely recommend the Switch version of the game, just because using touch controls are a blessing.

It's worth the cheap price it goes for now, so I have no complaints, really. Pick it up if you like Gunvolt. Otherwise... if you like rhythm games, I guess, but even if that's the case - there might be better versions of it.