Reviews from

in the past

Thousands of hours well spent

The community had the best banter of any MOBA, it will be missed.

The gameplay was a nice middleground between the fast paced action of League and the methodical pace of Dota 2.

HoN spearheaded a lot of innovation in the Genre, but ultimately fell behind for a plethora of good reasons, unfortunately nothing else plays like it.

HoN era antes de DOTA2 o sucessor espiritual mais fiel às mecânicas de Dota.

Enquanto LoL seguiu por um caminho diferente, implementando mudanças significativas de gameplay e uma direção de arte mais colorida e carismática, HoN se manteve mais dark e sóbrio, com gameplay mais fiel às origens, mantendo convenções e sendo de forma geral mais conservador.

Apesar de um gameplay sólido e funcional, a experiência me pareceu similar demais e ligeiramente inferior a Dota, e preferi investir meu tempo no concorrente.

sucks lol. graphics didnt age well. heroes i played (pandamonium & chipper) were the clunkiest out of any moba ive ever played. the shop is messy and terrible. probably looked a lot better in 2010. tutorial crashed. maybe i just got unlucky with it, theres a few cool hero designs. just play dota 2