Reviews from

in the past

Even though I don't play them at all nowadays, I used to really like Mobas, and i used to like how grim this game was, and how spooky the characters looked.
This was my first game of the genre, before HotS and League, if we dont count Warcraft III's moba mode.

I honestly don't remember much of it, but it was quite entertaining and had a lot of characters, it did close really soon, so I imagine things didnt go well lol.

Thousands of hours well spent

The community had the best banter of any MOBA, it will be missed.

The gameplay was a nice middleground between the fast paced action of League and the methodical pace of Dota 2.

HoN spearheaded a lot of innovation in the Genre, but ultimately fell behind for a plethora of good reasons, unfortunately nothing else plays like it.

I don't think I'm going to play again, fun with friends. I don't think I liked some of their hero patches? and was never into the competitive scene