Reviews from

in the past

great great game. so much detail and very replayable regardless of the story. hitman 2 was my favourite of the three. can see myself coming back from time to time especially on some of the bigger maps.

El juego es increíble, la historia es muy buena y los niveles están increíblemente bien diseñados, hasta los peores siguen teniendo un estándar bastante alto.

Hitman World of Assassination is a collection of the 3 games in the Modern Hitman trilogy, after putting in over 100 hours I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the game, not only is the stealth and puzzle solving truly immaculate I was able to get invested with what the game presented, that of a sandbox to eliminate targets in fun and exciting ways.

The only complaint I have about the game is the occasional bug and also the horrible story, the main story of the game has very little substance and was clearly put to the side in favor of the stories presented in the levels that are more fleshed out.

The first game is great, the second is perfection and the third needed more time.

Joguei pra testar e me diverti pra caralho, possui uma narrativa extremamente interessante com uma gameplay absurdamente divertida.

pretty good! the first like half of this was a replay pretty much but the new stuff from 2 and 3 was very fun! some of the more "cinematic" elements in the new 3 missions did rub me the wrong way a bit but otherwise, A+

This trilogy sits happily in my All-Timers list and, while it understandably might anger purists of the genre, this does firmly fit into so much of the Immersive Sim genre.

There's very few games for the price-to-gameplay value this trilogy has. It's honestly quite stunning.

For people who want to jump in though for the first time: Do yourself a favor and turn off all mission story guides. Just drop into a level and ... work.

An exceptional stealth game that I truly do not have time for right now. This one will be revisited later.

The quintessential stealth assassination game(s).

It's really hard to see how you can have something better than this game's formula for a stealth assassination game. This whole thing is just so good. The levels are simply stunning, intricate and fun to play. Add to that freelancer, a genius way to have an excuse of reutilizing the game's emergent gameplay in an infinite variety of scenarios and you have a cult classic which will forever stay as the best you can do in the genre.

Perfect stealth trio.
The levels are so good

At some point I just kinda think Agent 47 does this for the fun of it

the best stealth games ever, and the coolest speedruns.

the BEST stealth game out there. Really makes you think about your moves, and completing all the challenges requires a great amount of brainpower. Interesting story and smooth game mechanics really add to the experience.

Terminei a trilogia do World of Assassination do Hitman. E, é isso, a franquia que acompanho desde Silent Assassin chegou no seu indiscutível ápice.
Quão raro é isso? Um jogo criar seu próprio gênero e depois de anos aperfeiçoar a fórmula de tal maneira que te deixa pensando "ok, não tem nada além disso, é o pico, é a forma final". Porque Hitman não é um jogo de stealth, ele tem stealth, mas é outra coisa.
Até em pontos onde eu realmente não ligaria se fosse uma droga. A história do jogo é linda, muito melhor do que precisa ser. Sem quebrar os personagens como Absolution, pelo contrário, ele entra fundo no que é o Agente 47. Definitivamente melhor que seu AAA padrão que sacrifica gameplay por filminho e no fim faz os dois males.
O gameplay, eu realmente não vou nem tentar explicar. Quem jogou os Hitman antigo eu digo: É tudo aquilo, só que melhor. Para quem nunca jogou só alerto que o início é a pior parte, até para mim foi meio chato reaprender a pensar o jogo. Porque é basicamente um puzzle de ação, tem que aprender o que cada coisa faz e como usar para resolver um problema.
Isso leva a outro grande mérito do jogo: Quantas formas boas de ma... /quitar alguém. Se você for iniciante e estiver aprendendo pode seguir os guias das histórias e vai ser satisfatório, e até engraçado. Quem é mais experiente pode experimentar com tudo, e quase sempre o jogo recompensa. Parece que pensaram em tudo.
Só não dou 5 estrelas porque o menu é uma merda e o jogo insiste para você ficar online. Fiquei off numa fase e não ganhei nenhuma recompensa daquela merda, só passei mesmo. Ideia merda. Enfim, tá no GamePass também.

there's a few stinker levels which feel like suck if you don't want to just shoot the guy and run off but also, you can just shoot the guy and run off


I love this game with all my heart and soul. I took a chance on it back when it launched in 2016 and I still find myself coming back to it now at the start of 2024. So incredibly happy that IOI were able to find success with this after all they were put through, and I'm so glad to finally see the whole trilogy wrapped up in one neat little package.

You owe it to yourself to play this, there's really no other stealth game like it.

one of the best stealth games of all time.

I hit a guard in the head with a coconut and the dopamine receptors go wild. Few games are as good at what they set out to do as IO's Hitman games are at creating the conditions for interesting/engaging im sim play. Freelancer mode makes full use of the systems and maps that often end up underutilized while playing its story campaign.

One of the greatest games of all time. You can put hundreds of hours into this game and still not get bored. There's always something to do. At the same time, you can just play for 20-40 hours and drop out. There isn't a time commitment or a time sink, you get out of it what you put into it. Phenomenal open gameplay that gets better and better as you learn the game's intricacies, amazingly crafted world that feels alive and moving, beautiful level design both visually and gameplay-wise. Man, this really is one of my favorite games ever made.

新三部曲合集,作为一个强调伪装的潜入类游戏,区别于常规潜入游戏的通关思路是找到防守的薄弱点不断找到更高级的伪装以接近目标,而NPC和物品交互的涌现性使得本作的玩法上限更上一层楼。每一关的地图都各具特色,并配有相当不错的画面演出规格。一周目通关无论是当做射击游戏还是潜行游戏来玩,甚至是当做纯粹的农家乐看风景游戏都能找到不一样的乐趣。 但制作组本意应该是打算做成生化危机那样的多周目雕花游戏,玩家先跟着任务故事体验一遍剧情并熟悉地图,逐渐完成各种挑战解锁新的开场设置,最终研究出自己独特的通关路线。但全程联网和极少的存档栏位导致本作的多周目体验略有瑕疵。
关卡设计方面,第一部只有北海道的手术台有点折磨人。第二部的终点线无论是从关卡设计还是氛围营造上都可以说是系列最好的任务。第三部开始减少了任务故事的数量,提高了任务质量,并且关卡结构并不完全遵循相同的套路:3-5除了击杀目标外,还要注意不要把戴安娜也顺手杀了; 3-3则真的让你体验了一把失去戴安娜的感受:无法接收任何情报和任务,只能硬着头皮一个一个找。 3-2又变成了侦探游戏,只要根据线索找到凶手,暗杀目标自己就会送上门来。 我曾经吐槽过作为一个大型DLC,第二部的第一章做得跟教学关一样,第三部显著改善了这一点,他们把最后一章做成教学关了:地图被分解成了无数个小关卡,相互之间没有联系,做题感十分强烈。

The definitive Hitman experience

The perfect stealth (puzzle?) game. Freelancer mode, while not the first thing I'd recommend for a new player, makes this an endlessly replayable package.

Pretty much perfect.
The only issue I have is that the Servers tend to disconnect too often wich is annoying.

This is the Ultimate Assassination Experience

The ultimate puzzle solving game. It scratched an itch I didn't know I had, to figure out how to beat a complex computer simulation in the most effective and creative ways I could come up with.

Unrivaled level design, brilliant stealth mechanics, and amazingly creativity. And it does all of that while not taking itself too seriously, including some truly laughable moments and easter eggs, creating a seriously perfect gaming experience.

One of the few games I will actually 100%

It's probably my favorite game of the generation.

Bon gameplay mais on nous tient beaucoup trop par la main suffit juste de suivre la quête y'a pas vraiment de difficulté

Hitman is obviously a great series of games and bringing all 3 of the modern titles into one collection has made the franchise accessible to more people as the episodic releases were a bit hard to get into.

The writing for this game when on missions is fantastic, npc interactions with each-other are meaningful, organic and help to progress the player whilst providing alternate methods for observant players.

Gameplay is tight, with agent 47 controlling so well and feeling as fluid as ever.

Freelancer mode is also a game changer. It drastically switches up how you play the game and gets you away from the standard suit only silent assassin runs. You’ll make mistakes, end up in shoot outs and generally just try to survive this mode rather than perfecting it.

Having heaped praise, the game is predominantly losing half a star for these 3 things…

Beginning in Hitman 2 the cutscenes just become images with voiceovers. What happened to the fully voiced videos that were acted? The final scene of Hitman 1 was gripping, removing these impacted the story.

The AI is still goofy, how can I panic a guard and then withdraw a sniper rifle in my suit without consequences? In the same way, how can a guard sometimes see me through walls etc? Its consistent enough, but frustrating when “Hitman bullshit” ruins your run.

And lastly how much of this game is gated behind DLC? Every time you unlock something, it seems to only be applicable if you have the DLC of which there appear to be so many. Bundle it together please.

A must play, even at full price. The value and replay-ability is there.