Reviews from

in the past

Really great. It has a neat story with memorable characters. Music and pixel art are fantastic. The boss fights are fun and creative. A couple parts of the game it was not very clear how to get through and I had to look it up

Um jogo que facilmente seria uma "joia perdida do GBA" ou algo do tipo.

Pixel art insanamente bem trabalhada que me lembram jogos de Gameboy Advance como Drilldozer e Mega Man Zero com alguns sprites se mechendo igual inimigos de Castlevania Order of Eclesia de DS, por isso quando jogo Iconoclasts sinto como se fosse jogos desses consoles. Sua gameplay é um run and gun com metroidvania parecidíssimo com Mega Man ZX, com puzzles realmente divertidos de se resolver e um mapa fácil de se locomover, nunca fiquei perdido sem saber aonde ir.

Uma história fascinante com personagens falhos em um mundo também defeituoso, onde sua salvação é sua falha de nunca desistir em salvar os outros custe o que custar. Simplesmente uma obra de arte.

ps:Uma pena que a tão prometida tradução pra português nunca foi lançada, mancada >:(

Thought I was getting a metroidvania but the game is more so multiple puzzle rooms that are annoying to solve with mid 2D combat and I story I could not get invested in

Outro ótimo jogo do Konjak. No meio ele dá uma esticada pra durar mais tempo, mas nada que te irrite.

Another great game from Konjak. In the middle he stretches it out a bit to make it last longer, but nothing that will annoy you.

Robin is a cutieeee

This game is cool, story carries a lot since it's pretty good, especially the last couple of hours, but sometimes gameplay-wise feels a bit poor and could get a lot of improvements. The worst part of the game is some things that are poorly designed in my opinion, they are not fun to go through. I didn't like some fights that are a bit counterintuitive like the fight against the invisible dude in the woods, for instance. Even so, the metroidvania aspect of this game automatically makes me forget about a couple of issues cause I love metroidvanias lol. Overall it's cool.

After The Mummy: Demastered was a little bit of a disappointment, I was still in the mood for a Metroidvania, and Iconoclasts was another I'd picked up recently that I'd heard very good things about. It very much did not disappoint! I played on "Harder" difficulty (the hardest one isn't unlocked until you beat the game once), and it took me juuust over 10 hours playing on my 360 gamepad.

I got a very Timespinner meets Cave Story vibe from the narrative of the game. Like Timespinner, it has a very colorful art style to tell a quite serious story, but like Cave Story the audience is dropped into the world knowing nothing about it. Any lore of the world you want to know needs to be gained by talking to NPC's, reading messages, and going through the story, and it makes for a pretty engaging narrative in a rather unconventional take on the techno/fantasy setting. I really enjoyed the story, and I thought the main cast of characters were some of my favorites I've seen in a game with no VA due to how the game uses text (a bit like Ace Attorney, where font sizes, letter spacing, and automatically cycling dialogue boxes are used to get across different tones of voice/patterns of speech). Agent Black, for one, may be one of my new favorite villains in a game ever. Additionally, Robin is probably one of my favorite portrayals of a silent protagonist given that she is canonically quite non-verbal (she talks very seldomly, usually the player giving dialogue choices), and I thought the way she fits into the story as well as the way other characters treat her was done in a very charming fashion. This is definitely up there with Timespinner as one of my new favorite casts and favorite stories in a game that I was not expecting at all to blow me away so hard.

Mechanically, this game plays great. The isn't a ton of weapon variety, but there is a fair amount of enemy variety and the situations they're put in makes them always engaging to fight with (and infrequently annoying to fight). You have your standard gun but then also a wrench that can be used to grapple onto points for platforming as well as to both hit enemies in melee and parry their attacks. Each gun you come across has a normal fire as well as a charged fire, and although some will overheat if you fire them too much, it will need to cool down once you unleash a charged attack. There isn't that much crazy movement to traverse as far as a Castlevania-esque backdash or double jump is concerned, but your normal running, ducking, and jumping are more than enough to make boss fights tense and exciting. The optional boss fights get pretty crazy, but the game lets you instantly retry a fight if you fail (generally, as some for some reason make you walk a ways back and some others start from the previous cutscene that initiates the fight), so even the more challenging bosses aren't terribly unforgiving.

The level design is well done and the puzzles and combat fit into the environments well, but the game is a very linear Metroidvania. There is often very little exploring to do, and at several points in the story you have no choice but to go forward in the area you're in to complete the current story bit, and then you can come back a fair ways later when you've gotten some new gun/equipment to get a treasure chest you couldn't get to before. It's much more like Cave Story in that way in how it's more of a 2D Action Adventure Platformer and less of a Metroidvania. There are goodies hidden in past areas, sure, but they're fairly optional side-grades, and your maximum number of charms or max HP actually never increase by any means. This isn't a knock against the game, mind you. It's a freaking fantastic action adventure game, but if you go in expecting a more Super Metroid-like experience of recursive game design, you are likely going to be left wanting.

The exploring there is to do is often entirely in the pursuit of schematics to make Tweaks as well as the materials to put them together. You get the ability to make and wear Tweaks quite early in the game, and they act as slight add-on to give you passives to slight activatable abilities. They range from nullifying a single hit you take to giving you a double jump, but they're optional, so there isn't any content actually gated behind them. The double jump, for example, isn't required to get anywhere: It just makes getting around that much faster. When you get hit, one of them (starting from the right and going left) will break, and you'll need to kill enemies or break environmental objects to get enough ivory cubes to replenish it. It's a neat system that rewards you for playing well, but given that you craft them at stations and equip them at save points, I will add here that I really wish that crafting stations and save points were more often closer together XP

Verdict: Highly Recommended. This has more or less replaced Cave Story for me as my favorite game in this genre of more linear, action-focused Metroidvanias. It's a game with exemplary quality controls, combat, and writing, especially considering it came out of what seems to be a one-man indie studio, and I eagerly look forward to the next thing he makes (although if he's still a one-man team, I imagine it'll be a while X3).

This game remains one of my favourites in character writing but the gameplay doesn't lag far behind. The writing is an interesting exercise in seeing how hard characters can refuse to change when the world needs them to. The gameplay is tight and snappy and is graced with some very fun boss fights.

adoro esse jogo, define minha infancia

Wonderful Lore, but very simple like a metroidvania

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boa arte boa gameplay bons personagens bom tudo esse jogo merecia mais

Really good metroidvania with interesting characters and story, it's a bit weak in some points, mainly some confusing dialogs and character developments, but a really good experience that will leave a lasting impression on you,
The challenge mode is really challenging and fun if you want to replay the game after finishing it

Iconoclast es un titulo que probe hace unos años y despues de la primera hora lo deje porque no senti que me enganchara de ninguna forma a seguir, pero no supe muy bien ver por que.

Le quise dar otra oportunidad y aunque esta vez si lo he terminado, sigo teniendo en ocasiones esa sensacion.

Jugablemente es un juego que a priori se siente bien, pero en cuanto empiezo a navegar el mapa siento que algo no esta bien, se me hace bastante poco agradable avanzar. Es todo como muy tedioso, los puzzles me parece que algunos son muy buenos y otros malisimos, siento todo el rato trabas en mi camino y en muchas ocasiones me he aburrido bastante en esos trayectos.
Por suerte luego los combates con bosses me parecen muy buenos, todos tienen su cosa, saben usar las mecanicas que te van introduciendo y se siente genial.

La historia me pasa algo similar, si bien me parece que es bastante buena, me gusta mucho el worldbuilding, me gusta mucho los tramas que intenta tocar, los personajes... todo se ve bastante lastrado por los dialogos y algunos problemas tonales que no me gustan nada. Hay veces que leia los dialogos en diagonal porque me parecian un galimatias, cosa que sospecho que podria ser por una traduccion al español bastante chapucera, llegando a hacer casi ininteligibles algunas frases o cambiando lo que querian decir. Por poner un ejemplo una vez me dieron una pista de a donde ir y la frase no sabia que queria decir, mire el dialogo en ingles y ahi estaba clarisimo.

El pixel art es muy bueno, ahi el juego no se le puede poner un pero. Ayuda mucho a ese worldbuilding y encaja perfecto con el tono.

Un juego con muchos altibajos pero que creo que consigue sobrevivir a los mismos.

I remember waiting for Iconoclasts to release, back when I first got my computer. I only really knew of Konjak’s flash games, but I was very excited for whatever reason. I was a stupid nintendrone back then, so indie games were a big interest I guess.

Upon replay, I have a lot more to appreciate. In terms of gameplay, while the combat and movement are a little boring, I think the exploration and the puzzles are fun. The bosses are awesome too; they’ve got really sick pixel art, and there’s great art direction here in general. Gnarly machines, dope character designs with dope powers. There’s a person that shoots different laser beams out of his eyes depending on which glasses he puts on. Love that shit.

Storywise, this is a good message about giving a shit, and caring for people even if you don’t have a reason. The dialogue is well-written, and the characters explore some serious subjects. I love the world and lore of this game as well. I almost wish there was a prequel maybe about Elro or the One Concern. Certainly doesn’t need it but it’d be cool.
I really recommend this if you like a little indie spectacle. It’s short and engaging. Reminds me why I love indies

Uma das histórias mais lindas e emocionantes que já experienciei (acompanhado de gráficos filézinho). A gameplay é muito boa e dá gosto de jogar. Talvez minha única reclamação sejam os puzzles em junção com o sistema de recompensa por eles. O que não afeta de forma alguma a experiência do jogo como um todo.

I appreciate the fact the game takes itself seriously 80% of the time. I never feel lost exploring the map, only during boss battles! I can never make out what to do next! especially that 3rd boss...!! But besides those quirks, it's fun to play :D

My favorite game since release until i played P3R, masterpiece worth waiting 7+ years for, couldn't recommend more.

metroidvania com pixelart linda, acabei ignorando a historia que parece ser competente, so pecou na parte da torre porra insuportável

This review contains spoilers

Back in the year 2018 this game was in PS Plus. Being one of the only games that wasn't rated above 16 young me decided to redeem it and add it to my library. I got up to the desert level where then I stopped playing it, I forget why, probably was grinding fortnite lol.

But this year I decided that I was going to clear 50% of my backlog, so I decided to give this game another playthrough and by god this game is a hidden gem.

The characters of this game are engaging. I cared for everyone in the cast and was invested in all of the plot twists and story beats that happened with them. I loved the dynamic between Mina and Elro. Agent Black was a good antagonist to the story and the twist that happens on the rocket is honestly heartbreaking and adds a lot of depth to her character. I loved Elro as well, the part where you have to fight the ivory infused bosses and having Elros being more or less a representation him killing what his old life philosophy was sent shivers down my spine.

The story is great as well. It's very character driven which is a personal preference and everything feels like it serves a purpose. I adore the lore of this world. How the One Concern run the place, how they take people and put them in ivory chambers to create superhumans built to serve them, how they raid the pirates for their natural resources, it's incredibly interesting and downright disturbing at times keeps me engaged with the plot.

The gameplay is great. Robin controls really well which is more than I can say about some other games (COUGH COUGH HOLLOW KNIGHT COUGH COUGH). It's satisfying to ground pow on enemies and to use the guns the game gives you. I adore that one gun that lets you switch places with objects or enemies. It feels like a mechanic that would be perfect for a portal type puzzle game and everytime you use it in Iconoclasts you feel like Albert Einstein, it's great stuff. The world design is great as well, I think I only got once once or twice which is amazing as I usually get lost quite a bit in Metroidvanias. The puzzles are great as well, they're all fairly clever and I don't think I had to search up any answers which is kek. I adore the bossfights, especially the ones against agent Black, the ones against him feel so impactful and emotional they're genuinely fantastic. Overall the gameplay is really solid and fun to play (except for that one stealth section, fuck that one stealth section)

The music is also great. I find the quiet tracks to be the best ones (tbh I think it might just be the nostalgia talking lol) but it sounds great.

Overall Iconoclasts is an absolute hidden gem of a Metroidvania. If you are even a remote fan of the genre I would 100% recommend it. It's emotional, horrific and has A LOT of subtext. Great game, please play.

I didn't know what an "iconoclast" is so I was taken aback by all the religious subtext and body horror violence. Great game and great story, will leave a scar in my brain for ages

this game has great presentation, made me cry and has gay women. nothing else to say

amazing story, but decently flawed gameplay

Вона хоч і дуже лінійна як для метроїдванії, але все одно улюблена ❤️. Персонажі, сюжет, лор, стиль та дизайн, я обожнюю в цій грі все та готовий вибачити будь-які недоліки. Гра, як на мене, дійсно неймовірна, так ще й розроблялась протягом восьми років силами однієї людини! Дуже раджу ознайомитись з цією грою, незалежно від того як ви відноситесь до жанру метроїдваній.

Brilliant game. It's a really cool story, awesome world building, cool combat.

This game is really unique, not in any big way or anything, but in rather small things that add up into an experience that's hard to match. The exploration and normal enemy design is a bit simple and not that engaging, I can hardly call this game a metroidvania, if that name means anything anyway; game's pretty linear. The bosses is where the game gets interesting: bosses in this game are mostly puzzles and gimmicks, which makes each of them fun to fight in different ways. By that I mean that the game doesn't really test you on your ability in mastering your kit, which is very simple, but tests you on each boss individually. The puzzle-like approach is also reinforced by the fact that most bosses have very little HP, which is something that doesn't change with difficulty options (I think). I'm not to say all bosses need to be hard and that you need to die to them often in order for a game to be good, but I'm not kidding when I say that almost every boss (at least in harder difficulties) could really use an HP boost: some bosses would be completely fine even with a 2x boost. Bosses near the end of the game act much more like bosses in normal action games, and they are the most enjoyable ones (the 2 secret bosses are very engaging and fun to fight against). The story and characters were good! I didn't expect it but I really liked them and getting to know them. The only exception is... you. Being a silent protagonist restricts you from developing a personality. You do have one, at least the other characters say so, but when the game speaks of your past it's hard to know how you, the character, feels about it because you, the player, just don't know. Great game though, looks very good too.