Reviews from

in the past

Didn't complete the riku story in chain of memories

Kingdom Hearts 1 é CINEMA
Re:Chain of Memories é TORTURA

Extremely ambitious and well-executed for such a bizarre concept.

el kingdom hearts 2 mi juego favorito, roxas :,v

Kingdom Hearts 1: 8.5/10, very solid game still nowadays. A little clunky in some aspects, but still awesome.
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories: 7/10, the original is much better. Still a fun and nice game despise what everyone will say.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: 5/10 for the original gameplay, but still we have just the story here: 7.5/10

I personally feel that Days deserves a remake (not remaster or re-release) instead of a movie but this is a fantastic means of not only getting into Kingdom Hearts but for also going back and reliving old memories.

Played Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix
Great game, a bit rough around the edges. I can tell that if I had grown up with a playstation instead of being a Nintendo kid, this would be one of my all time favorites

In a grand effort to catch up on this beloved series before Kingdom Hearts 3 releases I started playing through the whole series, starting with KH1. It’s incredibly archaic by today’s standards, and the worlds were shockingly small and short. However, the music still stands strong and the core gameplay was fun, if super limited and repetitive.

This is the best way to play these games or get into the series

this game is so frequently aggravating its negatives constantly threaten to overshadow its positives. the level design often veers into the annoyingly labyrinthine, your party members get in the way (not just in figurative disrupting-the-boss-battle ways - try watching for a white mushroom's next signal without donald or goofy blocking your view or grabbing all of the fruit on the jungle slider course without tarzan's polygonal loinclothed ass clipping through the screen directly into your face), item farming quickly grows tedious and needlessly complicated, the gummi shit is so confusing that even the in-game tutorials basically amount to "figure it out on your own". but in spite of all of this, when you walk away, you don't hear me say "please, oh baby, don't go" - simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
My first experience with the Final Mix version of KH1 was fun, but not greatly different from the original NA release on the PS2. It doesn't have nearly as many changes as the KH2 Final Mix version had in comparison.

I'll always have a soft spot for the first KH. You can see my full thoughts on this game in more detail in my KH1 (PS2) review.

Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
I played the GBA version of this game before playing the Re: version... (god, I hate the naming convention for these games... but I digress.)

It could be said that this is where the series truly begins, as this game lays out the framework for the entire KH universe. The bosses are quite challenging and fun to fight. It introduces Axel and many of the other members of Organization XIII. Yoko Shimomura's music shines yet again. However, the true downfall of this game is the grind of going through the Disney worlds again to get to the interesting story bits. But this is the biggest issue I have with the series as a whole...

The card-based gameplay is also something that I never enjoyed... this system is what really demonstrates that this was a remake of a GBA/portable title. And not just the battle system, but its progression, and how quickly you can get through it.

My childhood self wanted to complete every Kingdom Hearts game for a platinum trophy. What was once a nostalgia trip is now pure hatred for this franchise...This collection has aged poorly and has nothing to do with the great memories I had playing it as a kid. Play Kingdom Hearts 2 and let the rest be...

had some hype but a lot of this game was really boring or not fun

play kh1, a truly truly special game.

KH1 is pretty clunky but one of my favorites and one of the most memorable games I've ever played

KH1: 5/5
KHCoM: 4/5
KHDays Movie: not a game/5.
Give us a true Days remake cowards.

One hell of a nostalgia trip. This game was everything to me when the original came out in the early 00s and it instilled a love of ARPGs that's lasted ever since.

There's a laundry list of issues I could compile here (wonky camera, arbitrary paths to take in each world, the fuckin vine swinging) and all those issues are only accented on proud mode. But what really impresses me is how well the core movement and basic combat still feel decades after initial release. I'm thankful that many mainstream ARPGs have moved past KH1 in terms of structure but many more could learn from the concept of just making something that feels good at a fundamental level.

Oooooooooh this game is so PAINFULLY AVERAGE IT'S SO OUTDATED, the gameplay has potential but Oooooooh it's so rough should of remade it entirely instead

first game? amazing. hated the ursurla battle. 9/10.
chain of memories? sucked... hate the battle mechanic. 4/10.
358/2? also amazing! but the gameplay is totally removed in this version, so i had to buy it on the 3ds. 0/10 on this version

i love kingdom hearts

"Kingdom Hearts is Light!" is the hardest line spoken by any character in fiction ever.

Only took 20 years but I finally got through Kingdom Hearts. For a game marketed towards kids, this game is actually quite difficult. It has many of the early 2000s problems like needing to grind to be powered up enough to defeat bosses as well as some frustrating puzzle style battles. The camera stinks and the party members can often be a hinderance instead of a help. There's a lot to nitpick but the story is pretty decent and worlds and characters do a good job of capturing the essence of Disney.

i couldnt pass rikus fight so i give up after HOURS, but fukcing game si beautiful

Kingdom Hearts has a really special place in my heart. I grew up playing it at my grandma's house. Never really knew what to do and most of the time was just in destiny island (I didn't have a memory card lol). Great music and world, just has some janky gameplay.

A pretty solid third person action game, but the combat takes a while before it starts to feel comfortable. The entire game is coated with an early PS2 jank that becomes incredibly charming once you get used to the floaty controls. Completing the synthesis grind was a fun way to kill a weekend, and I honestly believe that snappier movement controls and a more well tuned combat system would have made this game substantially less interesting to play.

I played the first game, and I will never play the other ones