Reviews from

in the past

Eu zerei o jogo e no dia seguinte já nem lembrava que existia

i already knew what the reviews were gonna be

doesnt improve much from its origin and become pretty stale not long into the game

El primer exclusivo de play en generar 1000 Knackllones de dolares

1000/10 knacksterpiece

This is the first game in 2024 I decided to go back and platinum and it's just ok, not great but not bad either. Had a lot of fun in co op though. Trophies are not that bad except the grinding for 70 medals and the last time attack level is actually total bs and you have to get really lucky to get 5 stars on it. Overall, mediocre game it has its own charm and I can't say I didn't enjoy it.

IS A MASTAPEECE!!! Ohh!!! Look at the graphics! LOOK AT THE GRAPHICS ON THAT THING! 'Knack is back!' You can play as Ice Knack! Ice knack! Ladies and Gentlemen! 'Ice is nice.' It's like the gameplay of Knack but the story of Transformers! Knack has to fight the high goblin, okay? So he can make a robot to fight a laser! Okay!? Knack even has a NEW MOVE! Dynamic combat!! Couch Co-Op!!! Family fun!!!! Huh? Interesting, doesn't look like Bayonetta has family fun. Look at how good I am at Knack 2. That's how you know it's good gameplay. I give Knack 2 my first ever 10 out of 5. And that's just for the graphics alone, okay? Don't even get me started on the storyline!

knack solos Uncle Grampa no cap



Top 50 Favorites: #33

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

Genuinely fantastic action-platformer filled to the brim with heart, humor, personality, and - like its predecessor - exceptional graphical fidelity. Leagues ahead of the first Knack in virtually every respect, though if there's one thing the original does better it's how it utilizes size scaling - in the first game there were tons of levels where you start out really small and get really big, and all that jazz. But in this one, however, it feels like you're really just relegated to one size per level and the change is way less dynamic. For it being such a major selling point of this franchise, that's an admittedly large grievance. But it's just so damn fun, man. It's so lighthearted and sports such a heavy sense of "gee whiz!" childlike amazement that you really don't see as much of in games from its era. And its art style is, unsurprisingly, sublime. I know the first one was kind of lame or whatever and we all memed it back then, but the crummy YouTuber jokes were tired even when this released tbh - I am clamoring for this franchise to return because it really found its groove here.

erm he's right behind me isn't he?

knack II baby is honestly decent it was free so that was a cherry top idk if i would go out of my way to get this game otherwise

a little bit better

:( still bad as fuck

probably the most boring video game ever made

Best platformer of that year.


De volta a esse pesadelo, finalmente para acabar com meu sofrimento. Knack II mantém o legado da franquia em ser um jogo horroroso, extremamente repetitivo, cheio de puzzles idiotas com sessões de plataformas que dariam inveja a Shigeru Miyamoto, porém, tenho que pontuar algumas evoluções mínimas, a responsividade nos controles está melhor e o gameplay flui melhor por conta disso, além de pelo menos colocaram um sistema de skills que da uma preogressão para o Knack, por mais que a árvore de skills não tenha inspiração alguma. Ao menos tentaram melhor algumas mecânicas, não que tenha tornado o jogo brilhante, mas ta jogável na medida do possível. Nem preciso falar da variação nula de inimigos, de novo, a maioria são repetidos e só mudam as skins dependendo da fase, e o combate... aaaaaaaah o combate... se prepare para apertar o mesmo botão por aproximadamente 10 horas e meia, até ficar maluco.

O que falar dos gráficos? É a mesma merda, boa parte dos cenários são reciclados de novo e de novo, da forma mais descarada possível, tem uma evolução gráfica em relação ao primeiro, mas é, tipo, de -1 para 0. As cutscenes continuam aquela maravilha, me dando uma vergonha alheia absurda.

Já o Enredo é só um pretexto para você bater em robôs e goblins, não tem absolutamente nada de interessante acontecendo, a não ser a tentativa de fazer você se importar muito com o que está jogando, nem preciso falar que falha nisso né?

Graças a Deus nunca mais terei que jogar Knack de novo, assim espero. Me livrei de um fardo.

Holy Knack this game is goofy. The first game was kina bland but playing this one co-op with the strange lore and TWO KNACKS is an experience like no other.

Paljon parempi peli kuin ykkönen. Tasohyppelyä tuli tähän osaa toivotusti lisää, mutta välillä tuntuu tulleen liikaa. Pomotaistelut oli tässä huonommat kuin ekassa.

This is the first game I played in 2024 lol and my first review on this site (which I currently barely understand how to navigate).

I almost never skip cutscenes but something about Knack 2’s made me acutely aware that my time on earth is finite.


Knack II's biggest issue is that it is called Knack II, because this entry is nowhere near as bad as the first game was.

Lots of lessons were learned from the first game. Knack now takes more than 3 hits before dying. There are actual combos now. You have a skill tree to unlock new moves. The different forms of Knack are used in interesting ways. The story is mediocre and still kind of racist, but it's also a much better romp than the first game. This game feels like an apology for putting players through Knack, like how Devil May Cry 3 was an apology for Devil May Cry 2.

There's a genuinely great game here that does so much right but the fact that it's named Knack II will make many people hesitant to engage with it, and that truly is a shame. This game goes on sale for dirt cheap often, so pick it up and try it out! It's by no means a groundbreaking game, but it truly is an enjoyable adventure.

Honestly a masterpiece of a game, they added & improved so many things from the first game, that makes this a blast to reply every year on Knack's anniversary.