Reviews from

in the past

Complete saga really doesnt give me much reason to come back to this one, but it's neat.

When I try to sleep at night I hear the lego building SFX

altas memorias fodas esse game, platinei !

The best Lego series games, to date

La 2da mitad de la Complete Saga, se le aprecia por venir en algunos Sets de X360

THE ACHIEVEMENTS SUUUUUUUUUUCK. everything else is alright for a lego game but with no death vehicle missions required for 100% achievements and no cheat codes for stud multipliers it takes way more of your time than it deserves.

Zerei várias vezes junto com o meu primo na época do Play 2.

Mark this in the history books Lego Star Wars 2 hits the shelves
Who knew to create a better game you just need to cover the better set of movies and be the sequel

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This is even better than the first game. The Story is the same as the Trilogy, but with unrequired moments removed for the gameplay, and the story is still great without them, it's no where near as good, but they still work on their own, the only Story moments they ruined for me were Why did Han and Luke not bring their helmets to the mission at the start, they accidently showed the clip of the group being saved from the garbage disposal before R2 turned it off, the final clip of A New Hope is ruined by the music stopping before the credits, they show the Whampa like the Special Edition did, group troops are unaffected by the fighting at the beginning of Episode 5, Boba is following too close to the Falcon, like the Special Edition, the text at the beginning of Return of the Jedi is cluttered with it's focus, Darth Vader has eyebrows, and young Anakin's ghost shows up like in the Special Edition. The Characters are the same as the movies, but only showing less of them from the shorter story, but show off much personality in their brief moments. The Graphics are great, even more beautiful then the last game. The Gameplay has you play characters from the movies in Lego form, going through moments from the movies, with characters, enemies, and environments made out of Lego, while being able to collect studs as money, shoot/force things for more, and now with the added addition of building broken things, all without being hit 4 times, but if you do you get fixed up immediately afterwards anyway, and the text is much longer too, also Multiplayer returns, along with buying, other characters/vehicles, cheat codes, and upgrades, now with added fun of building your own 2 characters, finding characters in a certain time limit, and missions to get as many studs as you can. Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy stands on it's own even without it's predecessor.

Que jogo gostosinho cara! Aqueles jogos para relaxar e jogar tranquilo é fofo de certa forma e é um basica que me entretém! Lembro de terminar pelo oq me lembro, pelo menos as missões básicas! Recomendo!

me marcou muito, um jogo que zerei com meu primo ainda na infância.

Had a lot of fun with friends

George Lucas messed up the order by starting on episode IV. Then Lego messed up the order by starting with the prequels.

Some thoughts; Lego yoda death sound, lego chewbacca scary, the last vehicle level is the shit of nightmares. These first two games have some of the worst close quarters star fox rail sections I've ever played. Other than that it's a slight improvement over the first game, but not by much. This is a good jumping off point for the series.

Outro jogo LEGO que marcou vidas. Fiz 100% sozinho e jogava MUITO com amigos de infância.

Remember yoda's irl lego head and how squishy it was?

I don't know if this game aged badly or if i'm too old to have fun with it. I think the gameplay loop is too boring, just walk through the level breaking everything in your path, do some really basic platforming sections, watch a cutscene and go to the next level. Specially compared to other LEGO games that complemented this gameplay loop with much better mechanics.

Played the GameBoy Advance version which is heavily pixelated and top down.

star wars is the only series when the sequels are always better than the first

im rating all the lego games 4 stars because i need filler and i played them too long ago to remember any of them

First Lego game, and it was fun.

Mi introducción a la saga de Star Wars y que mejor introducción

I'm not much of a Star Wars guy nor was a Star Wars kid but one day my mom got me this thinking it was a movie, quickly realizing it's a game, I popped this in and had a great time, this was my first exposure to OT and it made me fall in love with how good it is, I assume this is how many people felt with the movies (Ironically I also enjoyed the Family Guy parody then, everything but the actual movies basically lol), still a good game, tho I don't think I'll be playing more Star Wars games