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Watched - Kind of forgettable imo, maybe should rewatch it

i don't even know where to start. on a basic level this game, while it is quite buggy, tells such a beautiful story with some gorgeous music and art direction, and the story it tells strengthens the original game so much. as a prequel this is everything you could possibly hope for. it meaningfully adds to the mythos of what came before it, vastly improves characterization for almost everybody, and explains away nagging issues that may have been in your head during the original story.

but what's more important to me is that while life is strange is a story about loss and living in the face of it, before the storm... isn't. it's a story about love. it's a story about so many different kinds of love. the good, and the bad, and the really bad. love doesn't just make your heart flutter and make your body lighter, love can also poison you and make you sick. love can make you hurt the ones you love under the foolish notion you're protecting them. love can drive you crazy, and you either inflict that craziness on yourself, or you inflict it on other people.

love can make you take hits you didn't think you could take, it could make you mature when you thought you were childish, it could make you do some really, really stupid shit just to make someone else happy. but more importantly, love can make you happy. love can free you, it can change you, it can save your life, it can save other lives.

the core of before the storm's love lies in rachel amber, a girl with so, so much love to give the world, in a world that refuses to see her love as anything but aloof recklessness. but chloe is isolated from this world, too. love has been violently ripped away from her more times than she can count, and the only love in her life is a love she views as wrong and evil. she has emptied her heart of love, until she meets rachel. then suddenly, without warning, all of this love comes flooding back into her life, the color returns to her face, the days seem a little brighter, she's just suddenly surrounded by it, and like a lost puppy, she falls hopelessly in love with the source

and it's reciprocated by rachel, who finally feels seen. she finally feels like somebody understands her and doesn't think she acts without reason or thought. finally somebody gets it, gets what it's like, and with chloe her love for the world deepens because she's experiencing a rage and fury like she's never felt before. a fire in her soul awoken turns to a fire inflicted on the world around her, a fire that lashes out and burns those who try to tame it, but a fire all her own, which is what she truly hopes for. a fire that chloe allows to envelop her in it's warm embrace, and one she intends to stoke for as long as she can.

finally, after this love is explored to it's breaking point, you are introduced to "farewell", the bonus episode that details the last time max and chloe spend together before the main game, and in a beautiful decision, "farewell" shows us this raging, unconditional love that max holds in her heart for chloe, the same love that rachel held, and the entire episode, every word out of max's mouth is in dedication to how chloe would feel, and this fear that she could hurt her. max isn't perfect and as we see she does fail as a friend, but that love is so real. and suddenly, all at once, that love is ripped away and replaced with loss. the theme of the prequel fades as the theme of the original story returns. it's genuinely perfect storytelling. it's beautiful. i just fucking, god i really love these characters. i love this game. all of this love in my heart.

and i am in such grief knowing these characters are about to exit my life. just as with the games, my love turns to loss. but exactly like the games, my loss will blossom back to love. i am super normal. i am sooo normal.


a lot worse than the first game but still not that bad. my game had a ton of bugs and the cutscenes were very blurry, only real cons tbh.

Just as good as the first, awesome story + characters. Only issue is that audio would bug a lot on PC.

This review contains spoilers

Mais um lis pra conta

Aqui vimos o que aconteceu enquanto a max tava fora de arcadia bay e diferente do 1 eu não senti que minhas escolhas tiveram peso ou consequências na história. O passado da chloe é triste mas a história da rachel é bem pesada também.

Já gostava da chloe antes e agora depois desse mais ainda. Sinto que esse jogo veio como peso na consciência pra escolha que fiz no final do 1, mas ali não tinha muito o que fazer. Ou vc usava o lado racional ou tacava o fds e faria um mini genocídio pra salvar uma pessoa. E eu não quis ser um eren da vida.

I didn't love it, but I thought the story was compelling enough and ended in a great place to set up the original game.

Almost as good as the first game, very engaging and gives some lovely backstory to the events of the first game, definitely worth your time if you enjoyed the first.

Reviewing only the "Remastered" part :

This "remastered" is broken. Subtitles just freezes in mid conversation.
If you don't speak and understand English, you just can't play the game.

Other than that, story is okay, music though is, in my opinion, one of the best soundtrack that you can hear in today's games.

Unsurprisingly this game still blows. Also this one came out in 2017 why are we remastering it

Off the bat I can only truly recommend this version of the title to a fan of the franchise ( at least LIS1&BTS) or someone who truly desires the highest possible fidelity no matter the cost and even if its slight ( In any other case go with the original much cheaper). Mainly because its just not worth the price.
I got the TC ultimate edition on a sale and that's probably the best bet as honestly both remasters are very lazy and while I had no issues with before the storm that isn the case with everyone ymmv. I get an insane amount of crashing on the remaster for the original game modded and vanilla. They also add more Post processing effects that can be difficult to remove while the textures do get touched up a bit. And by a bit I do mean a bit its nothing crazy.
This however did not happen in this specific title so I will give it the its koppable sticker especially with how amazing the plot is in this game. It easily rivals Life is strange in terms of best title in the series. This also gives us a good look on why Chloe is the way she is (even down to the evolution of her wardrobe and the influence of Rachel Amber) and who exactly is Rachel Amber and why she's so important to this series despite not physically being present in the original game.
Context or not this game is super drake and will have you draking for a minute. So make sure you got some tissues and ready for some heavy feels because they do not skimp out on none of that shit. If your a certified Chloe hater this game might just change your mind and honestly it makes the original LIS hit so much harder especially when it comes to Chloe and Rachel Amber. After this game Rachel Amber is honestly just as important as Max or Chloe both in the background and on the set.

And if your looking to watch this on 4k ultra 60 fps say no more I have a no commentary full walkthrough right here:

A really good look into Chloe's character that sheds light on the reasons behind a lot of her actions in the original game- especially the bonus episode. I loved being able to meet Rachel, too. That end credit scene, though... I mean, you get a general sense of impending doom through the whole game anyway, knowing what happens to Rachel after the story, but as simple as it was, that end credit scene was genuinely chilling.
Also, yet another phenomenal soundtrack that perfectly fits the vibe of the story. This franchise never disappoints with its soundtracks.

This review contains spoilers

Life is Strange Before The Storm foi um jogo que me atraiu tanto por ser dessa franquia que já tenho um grande carinho e pelo fato de ter como protagonista uma das personagens mais queridas que é a Chloe, melhor amiga da protagonista do primeiro Life is Strange (LiS). A premissa de saber mais do passado de Chloe, finalmente conhecer Rachel Amber e ver o que aconteceu antes do primeiro jogo era deveras atrativa.
Primeiramente falarei sobre os gráficos e desempenho. Nessa versão remastered os gráficos estão muito bonitos (pro padrão LiS) principalmente dos personagens (apesar de uns cabelos estranhos), destaque para Chloe e Rachel que estão lindíssimas, alguns cenários também estão com a ambientação melhorada. Apesar disso ainda encontramos alguns objetos com texturas praticamente em 144p o que acaba resultando em um destaque negativo em meio ao cenário, em alguns momentos as expressões faciais também ficam meio estranhas. Além disso, quando se trata de desempenho em algumas partes senti grandes quedas de FPS.
Agora falando do grande chamariz do jogo e dessa franquia que é a história. Aqui somos convidados a conhecer mais do passado de Chloe e da sua relação com Rachel Amber, personagem essa que todo mundo que jogou o primeiro LiS tinha curiosidade de saber mais sobre e que é o grande destaque aqui em Before The Storm. Rachel tem um grande carisma e uma personalidade bem forte e o desenvolvimento de sua relação com Chloe é muito bem feito ao longo do game. É uma história mais lenta, porém, muito gostosa de se acompanhar e com personagens bem marcantes e escolhas finais bem difíceis e dolorosas.
Apesar de ter adorado o enredo teve algo nele que me decepcionou que foi a falta de uma maior conexão com os acontecimentos do primeiro jogo, até vemos algumas coisas nesse sentido, mas acredito que poderiam ter mais pois tem personagens de extrema importância do jogo original que nem aparecem aqui.
A gameplay é simples como de costume na franquia, você anda pelo cenário interagindo com personagens e objetos e fazendo escolhas em momentos decisivos da história, as vezes ocorrem aqueles trechos meio tediosos assim como em outros games da franquia, aqui também temos um sistema de "batalha de argumentação" em que para vencer uma discussão temos que pegar as palavras chaves do que a pessoa falou e usar isso em nosso contra argumento, sistema bem simples, mas que é legal. Um destaque rápido é quanto a parte da trilha sonora e músicas que LiS sempre manda bem e aqui não foi diferente com ótimas músicas que já foram para minhas playlists.
Por fim, em virtude de tudo que falei é válido ressaltar que LiS Before The Storm é um bom jogo, com uma gameplay simples, boa trilha sonora e uma ótima história, mas que esbarra em diversos problemas técnicos e numa falta de maiores conexões com a história do primeiro título. Para quem jogou o primeiro LiS considero uma jogatina quase que obrigatório para conhecer mais daquele universo e personagens, para quem nunca jogou nenhum game da franquia não recomendo começar por esse.
PARAGRÁFO DO SPOILER (só para quem já jogou): De todos os LiS que joguei até agora esse foi o que a escolha final me deixou mais indeciso e de certa forma creio que todas as escolhas possíveis eram ruins, não tendo um final "bom". Poderíamos contar toda a verdade a Rachel sobre seu pai o que iria destruir para sempre a relação de ambos, mas pelo menos ela saberia da verdade (o que ela merece pois mentiram para ela ao longo de toda sua vida), ou poderíamos mentir e assim ocultar toda a verdade de Rachel, fazendo com que ela continuasse tendo uma relação feliz com seu pai. Eu optei por mentir para Rachel tomando como base um único argumento que é o fato de já sabermos que mais a frente ela seria morta nos acontecimentos de LiS 1, então pensei em pelo menos dar um pouco de paz a ela nesse período final de vida, porém, se não fosse isso acredito que eu teria contado a verdade.

Novamente, um péssimo remaster para um jogo ok/ruim

great prequel but not as good as the first game, would work better as dlc

nunca tive problemas com sequências ou prequelas de jogos que deram certo, diria que na verdade é o contrário, sou bastante a favor de histórias novas ambientadas no mesmo universo de personagens que vc gosta e deseja ver mais sobre ele.

o problema começa com a falta de individualidade do produto, esse jogo só funciona caso vc tenha experimentado o anterior e tenha gostado de uma certa personagem, porém, o primeiro life is strange também atrapalha bastante a história e a progressão presente em before the storm, pois é bem mais fácil escolher como agir quando vc não tem a pressão psicológica de pensar nas futuras consequências.
exemplos: comportar-se de forma empática com david a partir do momento que vc sabe o que ele fará para ajudar max futuramente; ou quando o jogo te põe em uma missão entediante de consertar o carro, na qual te permite escolher entre mais de uma ferramenta inclusive, porém, vc não é capaz de cometer erros já que futuramente a protagonista o usará (também para ajudar max).

aqui não temos uma história própria (além de ser contada estranhamente rápida e sem profundidade), apenas uma extensão do que já fora visto mas disfarçado como jogo de escolhas, suas decisões não pesam, a mecânica do bate boca não muda nada e apenas chloe e rachel são realmente relevantes e interessantes, nada aqui se destaca além do relacionamento entre as duas, esse jogo estaria perdido caso não fosse do universo de life is strange.

obs: apesar dos bugs visuais, os gráficos estão lindos e conseguiram dar um peso maior para a história, nunca fui de me importar com isso, porém, aqui tenho que confessar que me surtiu algum tipo de magia.

This game just did not need to be made at all. So much was unnecessary, and it really harms the storytelling knowing it's a prequel and none of the choices you make really matter. The second half of the game had terrible writing and plot twists that fall flat. And at the end of the day, this just does nothing for the first game, nor does it try to do anything.
Also, these remasters suck, play the originals instead.

This action will have consequences.

Me lo he vuelto a jugar, antes del LIS 1, para que la destrucción emocional sea más fuerte de lo que ya fue en su momento.

ver todo o relacionamento da chloe e rachel e como elas se amavam é incrível, a rachel era fácil de se apaixonar e fazia bem a chloe </3. o ep bônus é pra tereminar de cortar o coração

ai ai... esse jogo é claramente um fanservice feito para q nós possámos jogar com a Chloe, finalmente ver a Rachel, e é claro, extorquir dinheiro dessa franquia. É um jogo bom, mas tem o sério problema de não ser muito cativante. As melhores partes do jogo são com a Rachel, e de resto tudo parece muito, feito ao acaso. E se os personagens secundários do primeiro jogo já não tinham muito desenvolvimento, estes nunca chegaram a ter, oq é triste, pq tem uns mto interessantes. Não é um jogo mau, de todo, mas falha roteiristicamente em relação ao ponto principal da história e em trazer algo realmente fiel ao primeiro jogo. Mas eu amo todas as interações da Rachel com a Chloe e saber mais da vida dela antes da tempestade.

It is highly likely that this game is this high because of True Colors. Steph and Mikey were both introduced and the Wavelengths DLC briefly goes into what went on with some of the characters in BTS. Don't let that distract away from how much I like Chloe as a character, with her quippy jokes and drawings. It was just a fun game to play, like the sequences where you're in the play and playing D&D with Steph and Mikey.

Sinceramente, dos dois remasters, esse é o pior. Em algumas horas, o jogo simplesmente crasha. A legenda trava ou simplesmente muda de idioma, as vezes. Poderia ser tão perfeito se eles simplesmente tivessem tido cuidado na hora de fazer a coletânea. Enfim, na época do lançamento, provavelmente estava pior, mas só consegui jogar agr pq nem fodendo eu ia pagar mais de 200 reais por um remaster mal feito. Ademais, continua sendo life is strange. Ou seja, a história é perfeita, os personagens são perfeitos e a sountrack é perfeita. Só queria que a square tbm enxergasse isso na hora de fazer algo com a franquia...

Não ha adjetivos para dizer algo sobre esse jogo

I love this game because Rachel Amber is the coolest I wish lesbians were real.

But this was like the least needed remaster of all time. In fact the original probably runs better (and looks better in some parts). The whole remaster thing is so strange to me but the game is still fire.

Similar to the first game, Before the Storm is incredible, and despite the fact that the story is shorter, has fewer characters, and is a much more grounded and personal story, it still manages to have a story and characters that were just as good as the first game, and arguably better. Before the Storm gives insight and growth to one of the main characters of the first game and the person who set in motion the events of the story despite not even being there. The entire game was full of emotion and the end scene was downright haunting having played the first game and knowing what's happening.

Tl;dr, 10/10, do recommend, although probably not the remaster as I had two crashes and dialogue would cut off early a lot

Before the Storm trades the first game's supernatural mystery for a more intimate, personal story with fewer catastrophic stakes and an equally compelling, complex central romance/friendship driving it. For these reasons and more, it avoids being a rehash of the first Life is Strange and stands tall as its own thing. Is it superior? That's up for debate, but I certainly think it's on the same level.

I was worried about how much mileage the narrative could get that hasn't already been explored with these characters in the first game, but there are still plenty of both pleasant and unpleasant surprises to be found here. I especially appreciate this game for giving me a newfound appreciation for Chloe after previously having mixed feelings about her. The way Before the Storm explores her trauma and grief is incredibly mature, and it adds a lot of context and depth to her actions and behaviors in the first game. While this was always there, to see just how tortured she is really adds to the narrative as she lets new people into her life, both willingly and unwillingly.

Unfortunately, the remastering job is still incredibly lackluster. While visually it's superior to the first game's remaster, I had two hard crashes and a bizarre (yet funny) Chloe eyeballs bug in the bonus episode.

Still, it doesn't stop Before the Storm from being a great prequel follow-up to the original with yet another catchy soundtrack.


A strong follow-up to Life is Strange that is more consistent and more character-driven, even if the scale is smaller and the mechanics are simpler. The remaster had far less technical issues than the Life is Strange remaster also. It's a shame that the industry sucks, and the voice actors strike prevented Ashly Burch from returning, but Rhianna DeVries did a solid job and its good to know that Ashly still worked on the team as writer and consultant. I think I might have honestly picked this game over the first if it had been Ashly Burch, but it's still a worthy sequel. The bonus episode packs a devastating emotional punch after witnessing the events of both games. Really like the characters and themes of this world, and the games have solid execution all around.