Reviews from

in the past

Visual novel that got some attention of streamers. Best thing was the OST.

Simulátor princezny. Ovšem nikoli princezničky z pohádek snící o princi na bílém koni, ale princezny, která musí předčasně dospět, dožít se korunovace a nonstop rozplétat i zaplétat dvorní intriky, přetvářku, kout pikle a být vždy o krom před… No, vlastně před úplně všemi. Rock Paper Shotgun uhodil hřebíček na hlavičku, když to počastoval přídomkem „Sansa Stark Simulator“.

Problematická je herní náplň; respektive její repetitivnost. Jakkoli hra nabízí bezpočetné množství přístupů i cest kudy se vydat a jak dosáhnout cílů, tak ve výsledku je to jak na kolovrátku jedno a to samé v bleděmodrém. Neděláte nic jiného, než že kliknutím nastavujete, co se bude učit (je tu několik desítek schopností a vlastností) a jednou za čas ve stylu „gamebooků“ rozhodnete, jak se v té které situaci zachováte, následně se na pozadí provede výpočet oproti vašim statistkám a dle toho vám to vyplivne výsledek a popřípadě posune vaší herní náladou. Ano, ve své podstatě je to jedna velká matematická úloha maskovaná za hru. Ani to ovšem problém není, protože i tento klasický „gamebookový design“ může být zábavný, když je dobře podán i napsán. A to zde neplatí, což se násobí každým dalším pokusem, jelikož hra (nezemřete-li, což je pravděpodobné) trvá 40 „kol“ (aka týdnů) a obsahuje dost značné množství fixních událostí čili prvních pár her je zábavných, ale rychle se to přejí, protože číst po x-té, to samé nudí bez ohledu na to, jakou cestou to budete řešit.

Je to prostě více zajímavé než opravdu dobré a spíše vhodné pro přenosná zařízení na pár minut do MHD než na počítače a dlouhodobé hraní.

I think I can technically say I completed the game since I got an ending that involved me winning a civil war

and getting poisoned by gift chocolates shortly thereafter

rewired my brain chemistry. now i love games that do their best to make you quit by throwing 9 bad endings in a row at you

Fabulous web of choose-your-own-adventure with multiple facets and stories you can build toward. Interestingly, I feel like it's the only game I can think of that sticks the landing well. As such, I deem it required reading.

it’s a cute little choose your own adventure game but it’s a bit too strict at times when a game like this should really focus on player freedom. also the whole thing feels a bit lecherous at times

A fun Pick-Your-Adventure kind of game with enough depth to make you play a few times. It's like a simplified version of Princess Maker 2

Stay away if you don't like trial and error.
The art is cute and it's fun to see what happens while trying to make Elodie survive.
My favorite thing about this game is the Queen of Mean steam badge, i've been using it for years.

Spent maybe a year plus 100%ing this worth it

Do you like throwing yourself at a wall over and over until you somehow happen to phase through the wall?

Me too.

Oh man it's so detailed, there are so many possibilities that can happen, which on the one hand is interesting, but on the other hand it's hard to figure out how to get anywhere on your own. lots of replay value, and interesting lore littered around. The incredibly complex skill system differentiates it solidly from the average VN, and if you really don't want to mess around with stats for that, you shouldn't play.

Best when you dont get too bogged down in the minutiae, its pretty fun to craft a perfect little princess.

3 stars, you think you can just RULLLE over people?

This game is quite difficult, there isn't a clear guide(in game) on what stats are the best overall. Of course most, if not all stats are used at some point. She is quite easy to kill, which that's fine it's set in medieval times or something anyway. It's stat raising is fine, the cap is 100 for everything. It's a fine game

The most difficult game I've ever played, straight up. If you think Souls games are the peak of difficulty in gaming you've very obviously never played LLTQ. Eldritch beasts are absolutely nothing in comparison to trying to figure out how to get this princess to live to see her coronation. This damn game had me going mad as a kid trying to figure out what skills I needed to improve each week in order to not die, and it's choose-your-own-adventure design made it so much fun for me in spite of how frustrating it was. I have such a deep nostalgic attachment to this game that I can't really explain, I just adore it? Still, it has a ton of flaws that I would do anything to see improved. The concept alone is /brilliant/ to me and tons of fun at first, but I wish there was more variety so that repeat playthroughs attempting to beat the game don't feel like a complete dialogue-skipping slog to get through. Once you've beat it once, there's pretty much nothing that makes you feel like replaying again. A few good tweaks and adjustments to make it more entertaining upon replays would make this game a masterpiece to me.

The dark souls of visual novels.

Essentially it plays as a menu, stat-check visual novel. There's lots of reading and the game switches paths depending on your choices and stats. In one run, you could be challenged to a duel! Hopefully you put points into weapons. Or maybe you decided to learn magic and medicine. There's many options and everyone is out to get you. You need to survive to make it as queen.

The audio is alright; music fits the theme. No voice acting but that's not necessary. The visuals are lovely. But the game shines in the written story. The story telling has depth. It gives you a wide cast of characters, a magic system, and world building complete with countries and politics. This game has more thought than fantasy books I have read. There are many paths you can explore and it's entertaining to keep starting new games.

And The Winner For The Most Underrated Video Game Of All Time Goes To...

Had to look up a guide just so I could see what an ending where she lived looked like 😭

It's pretty challenging at first glance but it's designed around you failing and memorizing events-to-come so you can prepare ahead of time. The story is interesting enough to keep you drawn into it during your time playing and the characters are pretty good at tricking the player if they are out to hurt the little queen or could be the answer to survival. This style of game isn't huge and doesn't get many additions to it these days (neither the 'choose your own adventure' style or the raising sim aspect) so it's worth checking out especially if you never have played something like it before.

honestly, not as hard as people make it out to be! choose-your-own-adventure has always been unforgiving as a genre, but once you put in the time to learn how the mechanics work (which to be fair are a little obtuse) it's not so bad.
The one thing though. Miss elodie please do not shove arrows into yourself that has never made anything better

I love this game more than I'm supposed to.

To reiterate: Sad people are good with animals, lonely people make great doctors, and doormats are good with history.

this is great if you enjoy to play video games. if you don't, you should steer clear of this one

I've played this game a ton of times (it helps me calm down when I'm anxious). Hope I someday am able to turn my cousin into a lumen

Getting the different endings and outfits is fun, but can be annoying keeping track of all of your skills to ensure that you pass the skill checks.

Visual novel with crushing difficulty that will make you create an excel sheet to stop dying.

Love opening this up every once in a while. Heidi and I could prob play this forever and not get everything... cuz we suck

this game is insanely difficult. i have never been more frustrated with a game in my entire life than when i was playing this. pretty good

This review contains spoilers

As it is the 10th anniversary of Long Live the Queen, I felt like playing it again, many years after the first time I did. And it left me with a empty feeling.

It is an interesting and well realized concept. However after you accomplish the main goal there's not much point to continuous playing. As besides the high difficulty, there are no mysteries or even themes worth exploring. Even the romantic achievements felt innocuous.

But perhaps, that is the theme. After so much tribulations and energy spent trying to stay alive, what awaits Elodie is an empty life as a monarchist ruler. Was it worth it?