Reviews from

in the past

Narrative: 4 - Gameplay: 4 - Visuals: 3.5 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 4
Stars: 3.5

Shadow wizard money gang the game.

objetivamente el juego que entiende mejor como deberia ser la magia en un juego. Tienes elementos, combina elementos y a ver que sale. Lo peor que puede pasar es que te estalle en la cara y te mates. Tiene Coop, nada mas que decir

rigolo mais mon pc le tenait pas

you literally have to downgrade a version to actually play, it still crashes sometimes
its so much fun, cant wait to play the dlcs and maybe 2

Gostei, um jogo bacana, engraçado e cheio de referencias
Mecânica muito divertida com a mistura de elementos
Jogo simples mas sem perder o charme e a riqueza de um belo trabalho. Jogo que vale a pena!

llueven trueno pero yo tengo un counter, mago de warhammer mas roca gorda de cojones

One of those games you play for 3 hours with your friends and never come back to... Until you do come back to it and find out those first 3 hours are the best ones.

You can always rely on big rock.

a fun co-op experience that is mired with bugs, near constant crashing, and a campaign that is both shockingly short and starts a lot stronger than it ends. casting big beams and throwing big rocks is always a lot fun

Fun game with a combat system I wish was explored more but it really does get trivial once you realize what spells are stupidly powerful.

Better with friends. Funnier if you're Swedish.

Imagine um jogo em que toda sua dificuldade se baseia principalmente entre o seu friendly-fire (fogo-amigo) que é indispensável para a mecânica que foi criada desse game. Basicamente, esse jogo te força a ter um cuidado maior no uso de seus poderes de maneira que force uma cooperação entre o seu time e de certo modo tenham um grande cuidado para não afetar nenhum de seus aliados na hora do combate, bem esse jogo se chama Magicka e é extremamente perfeito e competente nesse quesito onde por um simples erro de um pode condenar a toda a equipe. O jogo em si não chega a ser difícil, muito menos fácil demais já que ele foi criado para ser jogado com seus amigos que faz toda a sua jogabilidade ficar dosada na medida certa para agradar tanto os jogadores mais exigentes como os mais simples do gênero, por isso, Magicka é um jogo que provavelmente irá lhe garantir boas horas de diversão apesar de eu achar que ele podia ser um pouco mais curto do que é já que me desgastou um pouco em suas horas finais mas apesar disso ele realmente vale a pena de se jogar pela estética tão interessante e bem feita que ele se propõe a trazer com uma variedade de combinações e poderes até que bem vastos para a proporção que um jogo Indie tem!

Buggy as hell but DAMN this game is fun

Did not run so smoothly, I remember many disconnects and crashes in my time playing this. The game was also pretty short with the DLC just being survival arenas and playable characters.

The premise of mixing elements together before casting them is pretty novel. If you loaded up 5 Rock elements, you're going to toss a LARGE boulder. If you load up 3 Fire and 2 Rock elements, you fired a meteor. You and a friend could angle elemental beams at each other and they would combine into one omega beam. The shield element ended up doing more harm than good, considering it would reflect your own or friendly spells into unintended directions. Forgot to mention, friendly fire and self targeting is very possible in this game. You and your friends will be accidently killing each other constantly. The way spells interact with the environment and other players was a lot of fun. If you walk into a puddle, got wet, and tried to add the lightning element to your spell, you just died.

Unfortunately, the campaign is soft and the game is pretty short. For the first few levels you'll have fun mixing and playing around with the game mechanics. Then you'll find "the spell" that is most efficient and just do that. Over and over. Wish this game ran better and had more to it. The full roster of wizards to pick from ends up being pretty cool!

jank but fun with friends, more crashing than not

crashed my computer when death came on screen and i got scared and uninstalled bc i thought i had a virus

Incrível, se você ta buscando um jogo pra jogar com amigos, isso aqui é perfeito, de verdade.

Tras 11 años intentando pasarme con gente el Magicka y tras muchos grupos rotos he decidido pasarmelo solo y lo unico que puedo decir es:

Me cago en su putísima madre.

really funny game but it literally launched like a virus. it was worse than cyberpunk i'm not kidding

Pretty fun game with a unique concept. Played through it with my buddy and had a blast. Humor is great too.

lots of fun with another person
horribly, horribly buggy though

Just couldn't get into it. Good concept tho.

A fun and quirky multiplayer game.

The gimmick of combining elements to form spells is interesting, but it gets old pretty quickly once you figure out what the extremely OP spells are.

Has a ton of annoying un-skippable dialogue that restarts every time you die

It's also fun to smash your friends with giant boulders in co-op