Reviews from

in the past

I would abandon society and become a hermit out in the wilderness to prevent anyone from ever knowing I worked on this game.

Il a été enfermé par Squalala et mis en esclavage dans la Phillips CDI afin de faire cette daube de Hôtel Mario, me remerciez pas ^^

Not even fun bad. This game fucking sucks.

It's not the worst game of all time

i became this game's virgin sacrifice

the porn version of this game is better

This game just makes me feel bad about myself, I can't answer any of the question :(

as a nerdy kid that liked playing carmen sandiego games as well as more traditional video games like mario, i remember enjoying this quite a bit. i very seriously doubt it was Actually good though, and doubt even more that i'd ever recommend it to anyone else

Back when mom groups and the PTA were scared of what the damaging effects of an Italian-American plumber jumping on turtles would do to impressionable young minds, this was made to placate them. I was tricked so bad as a 10-year-old that I have never forgiven it. All I learned from this educational game was to never trust my parents.

If you hate this game you are lucky!

I never played this as a kid, I emulated it not so long ago just to know why people hated it so much. It's true, it's really boring and bad, there's no platforming at all, you just wander around asking for clues and shit. I abandoned it after 2 hours, it's that boring.

Ending was insane!!!11!11!

We all know now thanks to the internet that this game sucks. But imagine if you didn't have the internet in 1993...

it gets an extra star for creating Weegee

I tried... I really did... but this is just too bad

Fuck this game's dull. It's not as bad as the NES version, but fuck me.

We wouldn't have Weegee if it wasn't for this game's existence

this game is kinda like among us if you think about it enough

Using Mario to lure a bunch of gamers into learning about the existence of a world outside video games remains one of the medium's funnier trolls.

It's literally just homework disguised as a game, punishable by law as a Class-A felony.

The second biggest cause of blue balls in gaming history, next to Mario's Time Machine.

The title of this one isn't as appealing, but the premise is. Playing as Luigi to save Mario sounds like a lot of fun. Especially in 1993 before Luigi's Mansion came out.

But no, this is actually an educational game. A boring, confusing educational game.

I'd rather play Hotel Mario.

Can’t believe this is the only thing they let Luigi, an absolute gay icon, do by himself for years up until Mansion. Queer erasure in the nineties was real

It was a mellow game where you could just walk around and explore, nothing was really out to get you. It was unique for that. I guess it was supposed to be educational.