Reviews from

in the past

The sequel to Superstar Saga features an all new story that follows the bros travelling in time back and forth, helped by their baby selves, in order to stop an alien invasion over the Mushroom Kingdom.

Now you control both Mario and Luigi, and Baby Mario and Baby Luigi, each of them using one of the 4 buttons that the Nintendo DS has. In battle you control all four of them, although they can sometimes end up separated, having to fend off enemies by themselves. The old Bro Moves have been substituted by items that can be consumed to unleash new and powerful attacks.

A great game that delivers a nice and interesting story for a Mario game, and feels refreshing from start to finish and that sadly gets very underrated by the community.

Jeu très sympa, bien que je crois ne pas avoir fini le jeu

Nostalgic and cute! This was one of my first DS games, and it's pretty good! Although not as great as BIS

The most under-appreciated game in the series and it isn't hard to see why.

PiT is sandwiched between two highly beloved games. Superstar Saga was bound to be a tough act to follow with how fresh and unique it was and the legacy of Bowser's Inside Story is iconic, with memes and references still residing in the internet to this day.

But please do not skip Partners in Time. The reason why this game works for me is that the M&L series always gave off the energy of a Dav Pilkey work, specifically Captain Underpants and Ricky Ricotta. If you aren't familiar with those graphic novels, then here's a brief synopsis of what his works contain.

A big, wacky adventure with concepts that lead to hilarious scenarios. There's a cartoonishly evil villain of the week, all with their own gimmicks and the heroes must thwart those villains to save the day.

I find that Mario and Luigi have always fit this vibe, from the graphical style to the dialogue and even scenarios. They're all silly. And Partners in Time fits just in line with SS and BiS. An alien invasion of weird mushroom people? Time travelling? Teaming up with the baby versions of Mario and Luigi to defeat said aliens? With AlphaDream's beautiful and humorous presentation, how can you not find that fun!?

But something I want to further give credit to Partners in Time for is the game's attempt at a story and it's cartoonish villains of the week. The game goes for a much more darker tone. But the real kicker is the motivations for the villains. Where other M&L villain's motivation for world domination are not explained (and its not necessary for them to be explained) I love how the Shroob's motivation for world conquest is actually explained. They're here to take over the Mushroom Kingdom by circumstances of survival. Not because they are just "Evil." This isn't anything complex, but even just that context alone turns a typical cartoony villain into somewhat of a tragic villain who meets their end to a group of people who are just trying to survive as well. That goes a long way for me.

These are just a few aspects of Partners in Time that I love, but I don't hear discussed enough. It's typically about how the gameplay between controlling 4 characters is tedious and how the mazes are confusing. And you know what, fair enough, it is a game and should be critique as such. I also have my gripes in those departments. But none of those issues were enough to get in the way of all the fun I had. And with so many small, charming moments stacking up in this game, I can't help but look back at it with a unique fondness.

Despite being one of the most forgotten, this one's easily my favorite Mario RPG. The dual screens and expanded buttons lends itself well to the gimmick of having 4 playable characters. I return to it often and am delighted every time.

amo esse jogo. joguei mt ele quando era criança mas nunca tinha conseguido zerar,e entao esse ano eu rejoguei e zerei. MUITO BOM.

A definição perfeita de "corrigir os defeitos e aumentar o escopo" que toda sequência deveria seguir, quem diria que dois botões e uma tela à mais tornariam o combate ainda mais divertido, porém o "vai e vem" entre os cenários e exploração limitada do mundo limitam uma classificação perfeita.

Probablemente el Mario y Luigi más oscuro de la saga. En la línea de la gran calidad de la misma.

Really need to go finish it, it's unfortunate that almost every M&L RPG title I find myself mostly done with and some huge game comes in worth dropping it for

No es tan bueno como el primero, pero si esta GOOD, el problema mas serio que tiene es que con los 4 botones te confundes bien perro

Un bon opus mais ne m'a pas marqué plus que ça. Je me souviens juste que le boss final était affreusement dur.

What the hell did I just play? This is a serious downgrade from the original in virtually every way. Nearly the entire game consists of mazes and tiresome puzzles that wouldn't make the cut in even the weakest Zelda game. After about halfway through the game, every time I stepped into a new area and saw the fresh convoluted map on the upper screen, I just groaned. The delightful charm of the original game has all but evaporated, leaving behind a dull and lifeless experience with few new characters and greatly reduced dialogue.

Combat proves to be both monotonous and ridiculously easy, and the replacement of BP with hoardable bros items just adds to the tedium. The final boss was the cherry on top of this shit cake, taking what felt like a half hour of spamming the same two attacks to finally finish it off. They even took the fun out of finding the hidden beans. In short, Alpha Dream managed to take what should have been a straight upgrade, and turned it into a thoroughly disappointing mess.

We're going back in time to get shroobs OFF the menu

I loved this game but the replayability is NULL

great mario and luigi game but really fucking hard as an 8 year old. was obsessed with the zombie mushroom guys they have awesome designs

Cara que jogo bom meu deus.

Eu nunca tinha ouvido falar dessa franquia do Mario & Luigi, até eu comprar um R4 para o meu DS e ver esse jogo listado, interessado fui logo jogar, e que supresa.
Um RPG gostosinho com uma mecânica super divertida de você usar os power ups dos jogos do mario, a mecânica de você pular pra se esquivar dos ataques do inimigo, tudo isso transforma isso num jogo único.
A dificuldade eu diria que é balanceada pra difícil, eu não achei o jogo fácil, penei pra alguns bosses, principalmente o boss final. Mas tirando os bosses, os inimigos são até que fáceis de se derrotar.
De resto é um jogo bem redondinho, com uma dificuldade bacana e uma mecânica extremamente divertida, que bugou minha cabeça as vezes.

De las mejores sagas de rpg existentes

This game... is my favorate rpg in terms of gamplay, is just to good.

Masterpiece. When i got this game back then I just cannot put it on the side. Top 3 favorite game on Nintendo DS

Don't know what it was about this game but I remember it being challenging and great

the only ds mario & luigi game I had yet to finish.

this was a great time. ost was solid, gameplay was fun, and it was a fun experience overall. the story did feel kinda rushed, and the worlds weren’t as expanded upon like in superstar saga, but I would still recommend a playthrough. probably one of the darker entries in the mario rpg verse.

Como historia es muy simplona, como casi todos los Mario, si bien las animaciones están realmente bien. Cada bicho tiene las suyas y crean microhistorias entre los 4 personajes a la mínima. Si el malo malísimo te está explicando el siguiente paso de su plan, por detrás Luigi y los dos bebes están jugando, o uno se cae y llora o a saber. Sin ser nada grandiosos, eso si me ha hecho gracia. Además, es curioso escuchar a Mario decir de vez en cuándo "¡Babies!".

En cuánto al combate, lo gordo del juego, no está mal sobre todo porque cada enemigo que te encuentres tiene dos o tres patrones que telegrafían siempre, pero que al no saber por donde te viene la ostia, te darán casi siempre. Eso la primera o la segunda vez, de ahí en adelante ya los ves venir y sabes que si levanta el pie izquierdo un poco va a por Mario y si gira la muñeca derecha va a por Luigi y, si eres bueno, ni te tocan.

Los puzzles son super sencillos, aunque un poco cansinos, la verdad. Además, el mapeado son habitaciones repetitivas son 4 cosas por hacer, siempre las mismas y claramente de lo peor del juego, le han destinado 0 recursos a pensar en entretenerte fuera de combate o cinemáticas. Aunque claro, la vez 300 que has saltado con tus personajes, pues también te cansas.

Es cierto que hay objetos, y algunos enemigos que no puedes saltarles encima, pero el 90% del tiempo simplemente saltarás por turnos encima de ellos apretando el botón justo cuándo le das para hacerles un poquito de daño extra. En cuándo a la dificultad, sin comprar objetos me han sobrado curaciones, y eso que el boss final se ha llevado como 15, la mitad.

Para niños me parece un juego genial. Van al rollo, les obliga a prestar atención y apretar bien los botones pero aun así no es super difícil, layout difícil de perderse.... Quizás no muy pequeños, pero sin duda bueno para ellos. Eso si , hay un momento, y no estoy de broma en el que encierran a los bebes en una habitación donde una piedra les dice: "No mira, ahora los adultos, convertidos en bola, van a jugar a un pachinko. Después vosotros, bebes, vais a jugar a esta tragaperras y si no lo hacéis de aquí no salís. Y eh, tranquilos, que la primera es gratis *wink" Surreal.

Review in progress:
The weakest of the original three Mario and Luigi games. The baby mechanic doesn't change up the gameplay enough and basically just acts as an additional button press when attacking. Everything feels less memorable than the first game (music, areas, story, humor, etc.) and this feels like a phoned-in sequel as a result.

played when younger, going to return to it soon, logged as shelved and wishlisted

I still think it's the best one. Story, gameplay, music, all of it. Why, oh WHY, did you skip remaking this one Nintendo!?

playing this on a Wii U only shows that this game doesnt use the DS potential as well as it could have. the duel screen is more of a gimmick than anything else, and outside of the two extra buttons, this couldve easily been a gameboy game. despite these issues, the game is still great. the worlds are interesting, the gameplay is satisfying, and the music is amazing as always. if you like the Mario and Luigi games, youll like this. just play it on its original hardware