Reviews from

in the past

Le falla el guiar al jugador. Por el resto, está bien, súper gracioso y aunque es un poco injusto a veces, se lleva bien

For a while this was my favourite game of all time, years later i played both the PS4 remake and the original and here's what i have to say: this is the better version.

Gameplay is hands down the best, with reworked controls, bosses and enemy patterns. Not too hard nor too easy, unlike the horror that is the PS4 remake. The humour is true to the original and even expanded upon, i personally find Al-Zalam very funny and overall a good addition to the story. Every single character is more fleshed out and there are more cutscenes for a better narrative experience. Graphics are among the best on the PSP honestly, boasting both a good res output and a distinct style that enhances the visuals of the PS1 game. Music is both revamped and faithful, with some additional tracks.

And now, addressing the criticism:
- Yes, some changes in the levels music is a little bothersome.
- No, two-wielded weapons are not a bad choice, shields are useless in
every version.
- Economy is improved period, you no longer need to "repair" swords and
money is more plentiful.
- SOME of the cut levels were very shitty to begin with (fuck the ants level),
also the pumpkin gorge levels are just fused together.
- The so called Dark Burtonian Atmosphere™ of the original was just the
limit of the 3D rendering hidden behind black fog, many games were like
this in those times. In a remake i prefer to see what i couldn't see before
due to technical limitations.
- Minigames are fun and best of all OPTIONAL.
- Pro Tip: just use cheats if you want the Odin Blade.

This is the best MediEvil game, you guys are just crazy.

Inferior to every version of the game in existence

A fun, yet undercooked remake of one of my all time personal favorite games. Missing levels and the addition of the monotonous carnival games left this game on a limp. It still has some fun gameplay that is sloppy in the most charming way possible. It's not as dark or nostalgic as the Original, and its not as neat and firm as the recent remake, but it gets the job done. Just skip the long riffing cutscenes.

No me apasiona demasiado MediEvil, pero el port tampoco es un desastre.

Para alguém que sempre teve vontade de se aventurar num jogo de MediEvil, eu sinto que tive uma experiência agradável mas decepcionante ao mesmo tempo.

O jogo é muito arrastado e cansativo mesmo sendo curto, ele se estende de uma maneira muito desfavorável e que se torna chato e irritante. Ele começa apresentando inimigos variados, batalhas de chefes criativas e únicas, mas que com o desenrolar do game, começaram a se repetir só que com uma skin diferente, isso serve para o arsenal do jogo que é imenso e todas as armas são as mesmas só que também, com uma skin diferente.

O jogo tem como um dos focos o humor e eu não gostei nada dele, não ri em nenhum momento já que é um humor muito bobo e infantil, mas num ponto extremo e é até meio sem noção o quão bobo e infantil ele consegue ser... eles poderiam dosar um pouco esse aspecto.

Apesar dessas coisas que tiraram bastante a minha imersão, eu gosto bastante do level design das fases, principalmente das últimas, ele é um jogo que você facilmente se perde, e pra mim isso é algo positivo, gosto da sensação de estar perdido nos jogos e ter que me desafiar pra encontrar o objetivo, só que em alguns momentos isso passa dos limites e se torna muito irritante.

Eu gostaria muito de ter gostado mais desse jogo e acho que, estou sendo generoso demais dando 3 estrelas para ele, mas é o que tem pra hoje.

I'm being VERY generous here.

This was one of my first PSP games, and I'll tell you, I've played the unholy crap out of it. Every mini-game. Every Weapon. Every Health Bottle. I even beat the game on a Wooden Sword only challenge.

This isn't a BAD game, but hindsight and repeat playthroughs have allowed me to notice its foibles quite a bit more. The wit and spooky charm of the original two is pushed aside for a sillier style of humor (still British feeling, but definitely missing some class). The visuals, though nice at first, definitely opt for a more cartoony style which kinda mars the psudo-horror vibe the originals had. The game is MUCH brighter than its predecessors, which somewhat de-fang it a little further on top of the style change. Missing levels as well as combined stages make the game feel much, MUCH shorter than the original PS1 counterpart. This isn't even getting into its inconsistent framerate.

As I said, though, it's not a bad game. The weaponplay is somewhat fun (introducing a more intricate combo system), I thought Dan's redesign was kinda neat, and its updated soundtrack was mostly good. Also some new bosses that were admittedly fun.

I can't recommend this game to anyone but those starving for a 3D action adventure on the PSP (surprisingly few of those), and even then there are better ones out there. I still like it, despite the warts, but I've always had a strange attitude to games that certainly try their best.

While this might not be my favorite version of the first MediEvil game, this is by far my favorite version of Sir Daniel Fortesque. OG MediEvil tried to make Dan seem at least somewhat cool but Resurrection was like "this walking corpse is a sopping wet cat of a man and he's bullied by everybody in town" and it was the perfect decision that enhances this character. Fantastic call to add so many additional cutscenes where it's just the animators flexing on how much they can make a jawless skeleton express complex forms of anxiety.

As for the rest of the game, honestly I had a blast with this even after just recently playing MediEvil PS4. People have complained about this game's change in tone from gothic horror to a more lighthearted spooky humor/horror blend but I think the game did a good job with the style change, minus a few hiccups by adding some light 00's-era ethnic stereotypes here and there. Course, I might be in the minority by saying that I actually didn't mind Al-Zalam. That opening cutscene is a really bad first impression but I like that Dan has a little guy in his head that occasionally yells "SMOOTH MOVE, DAVY JONES!" when he falls in a moving river.

Yes, controls and combat are jank but come on. It's MediEvil. MediEvil is in the same genre as Octodad where the jank counts as a form of character storytelling on Dan's part. Of course Sir Dan is going to awkwardly swing his sword like a doofus and occasionally get wailed on by bouncing pumpkins; he's a one-eyed undead loser who's main defining trait is that he ate shit and died.

Also this game has loads of Tom Baker content. Tom Baker should narrate the loading screens in more games.

I really don't like what they did with the humor.

What a banger. Absolute Gold. Lags&Don't Care

Es graciosa la historia de como llegó este juego a mis manos

I do find this version a mess, i like seeing Sir Dan in "semi HD" but the extreme useless humor of this game just doesnt fit it.
Also rip the original art style, this one is way too cartoonish.

The original PS1 Medievil is a classic that is always living in my head every Halloween season so instead of playing that one again I figured it would be fun to finally see the PSP version/remake. It has alot of the familiar feel of the original while also adding some new content and gameplay but isn't better than the original it is just fine. Tom Baker's lovely voice as the narrator is wonderful. The genie living in Dan's head is very annoying and unnecessary.

Uma Adaptação Pra Lá de MediAna

MediEvil sempre me chamou atenção pelo protagonista, a ambientação gótica e aquele humor mórbido completamente escrachado. Esse jogo é basicamente um sonho molhado do Tim Burton.

Mas infelizmente essa versão aqui é bem inferior do que o game original. Tudo bem que eu joguei ele no PS4, mas mesmo rodando nativamente no PSP esse jogo deve ser igualmente ou até mais desengonçado de jogar.

Pra começar que a câmera é um pesadelo. Tem vezes que ela se mexe sozinha e trava num ângulo horrível, e por várias vezes eu mesmo tentei ajeitar ela e ela voltava pra posição original. O PSP original não tinha os dois analógicos e isso prejudica muito o gameplay, principalmente nessa emulação que o PS4 oferece.

É muito desajeitado pra navegar pelos menus na hora que tu quer trocar de arma ou usar algum item chave. Sem falar na detecção de colisão do jogo que é toda falhada, por várias vezes eu batia nos inimigos e meus golpes atravessavam eles mas não tiravam nada de vida. O jogo rapidinho virou um esmaga botão do cacete onde tu fica dando 300 golpes na esperança de acertar 3 que derrubem os inimigos.

Em vários mundos também o jogo sofria com uma queda de frames absurda. Coisa de parecer que eu tava jogando na velocidade 0.25. Chegava a dar agonia porque acontecia direto em vários mundos, principalmente naquele que tem os inimigos de latão que são uma fornalha ou algo assim.

Enfim, tinha potencial pra ser bem legal porque é uma franquia carismática pra caramba e o jogo tem momentos bem engraçados, a progressão ao longo do jogo com as armas que tu ganha dos Heróis é satisfatória e tudo mais. Mas essa versão aqui infelizmente é a pior maneira disponível de se experienciar MediEvil, principalmente se tu nunca jogou. Se tu não conhece a franquia e quer experimentar pela primeira vez, vai no original de PS1 ou no remake atual que tá legendado e dublado em PT-BR e ainda tá de graça na Plus.

The best classic game I've played on PS+ Premium so far.

Liked how the goofy style fits in the game's world. I found it funny how Zarok threats Dan at the final chapter. I mean it was entertaining.

Besides that, the variety of weapons allows you to approach certain enemies (and situations) differently. This maked my 10-12 hour experience personally enjoyable.

Bosses were generally good, but some of them were disappointing. Still, it was a good experience.

GIoco che rivede la storia dell'originale per ps1, fatto discretamente bene, risulta divertente a giocare, anche se l'atmosfera dell'originale si perde a mio avviso. Corto ma carino anche dal punto di vita grafico. Buon set di armi. MInigiochi simpatici, ma si poteva fare molto di più.

Es el unico medievil que me pude jugar completo, es increible tiene altos niveles y personajes, el humor es bastante mediocre pero te consigue sacar alguna que otra sonrisa y la historia esta super bien. La jugabilidad esta recontra divertida no hay nada que reprocharle la verdad a este juego

Cheat mode
Pause the game, then hold R and press Down, Up, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Down, Up, Square, Triangle. A "Cheats" option will now appear towards the bottom of the menu, with "Invulnerability" and "Have All Weapons" options.

Artifacts And Keys option
Pause the game, then hold L + R and press X(2), Circle, Square, Triangle, X. A "Artifacts And Keys" option will now appear on the menu.

Woden's Brand sword
Get a Gold medal in all eight mini-game challenges. Then, go to a shop Gargoyle and exchange the eight tokens for the Woden's Brand, which is the most powerful sword in the game.

Easy health
Return to the Dan's Crypt level and complete it. It should be easy after you have progressed through other levels. Once done, you can get full health by collecting it, as well as a lot of gold.

Easy gold
After saving the farmers in the Haunted Ruins level, follow them to get a large stash of gold. Walk back to the bridge, save the game, and reload it to have the gold reappear. Repeat this as much as desired. It takes only a few minutes to get over 2,500 gold.

No está del todo mal, pero el original es mejor sin duda.

era bien divertido pero al no ser de mi propiedad jamás me lo pude pasar, está abandoned porque probablemente me pase el remake de ps4 que es lo mismo que este remake de psp