Reviews from

in the past

Battle Network 2: ahora hay wifi.
Cuando los extraterrestres Efemenianos (FM-ianos) atacan la Tierra y poseen a niños y adultos inestables, nuestro prota se tendrá que fusionar con uno para salvar al mundo... ¡Pero con una gradilla más reducida!
Pasamos de tener 9 casillas de movimiento como en Battle Network a tener 3, vistas desde la espalda del protagonista. Esto limita mucho el movimiento y a mí me complica mucho la vida, pero hace los combates más personales (con la vista frente a frente) e intensos.
La historia está bonita. El prota hace amigos.

Me gustó mucho.

AMÉ este juego. Realmente Battle Network supera a esta saga en gameplay, pero lo que en verdad te hace amar Star Force, es su trama. El guión, los personajes en general, sobre todo la manera en la que empatizas con Geo y llegas a sentirte idenficado con él, como interactua y se complementa con los demás, su evolución como personaje. Como dice mi buen amigo Rocko, el dúo de Geo Stelar y Omega-Xis son el Megaman más humano de la franquicia

EM wave change!
Geo Stelar,
On the air!

As cheesy as the story is (literally using the power of friendship to save the day), this game was overall really heartwarming and enjoyable. I didn't like the maze-like wave roads or the unreliable escape mechanic, but I had some fun with the battles and characters of Star Force. Also, the final boss felt like a MASSIVE spike in difficulty after wiping the floor with every other boss in the game. This guy took me 2 hours to beat.

It's probably not something I'll replay any time soon because rpg's are too much for me, but I don't think this series deserves to be as overlooked as it is.

This is easily the best story in a Megaman rpg. Geo Stelar is a fantastic protagonist. The gameplay is like the earlier Battle Network games but because of the camera it feels more action-rpg ish.

geo being forced to become mega man after literally just looking up at the sky: i’m 10 this is ridiculous

Surprisingly good, if a little simple, transition of the battle network games to DS. The story is better than a lot of the BN games with the dire situations actually having character motivations behind them rather than HAHA FOR THE ORGANIZATION. I would've liked a tad more lighthearted scenes though, especially with Geo being such a downer. The gameplay is still the fun grid-based combat but the restriction of only being able to move left and right makes it much simpler which is a shame. The trade of difficulty for freshness is good enough for me. The DS minigames can be pretty annoying with a mouse too but at least most of the stage gimmicks aren't as annoying as they could be in the BN series.

even if it's a step down from BN's mechanical depth it has the most hard-hitting story of the entire MM series and resonates deeply with a lot of my own life experiences

A much more original and novel version of Battle Network (a series I avoided for how derivative it feels to me) that trades in some combat nuance for a wildly more personal and thoughtful story. I also like the boss themes, its fun.

This is the best Mega Man story ever. I love this game. The battle system in this game is really fun because the card library in this game is full of great tools and it really shows why it's a successor to the Battle Network series. It is absolutely worth your time.

A spinoff of a spinoff, Mega Man Star Force attempts a fully-fledged sci-fi victory lap of Battle Network with third-person (and much more limited) combat. Its passion for moral tales and DS features du jour can't dispel the feeling that this is mostly a watered-down clone of its parent series - flaws included, alongside some truly terrible characters and moments.

mega man but he gets bullied at school

Decent story being told, along with some really cool character designs. Gameplay and difficulty curve were also good, as I felt like I was improving at the mechanics as I was progressing, and if I made a mistake it was on me. Looking forward to playing through SF2 sometime soon.

This is gonna sound super lame, but this game is really important to me. The Starforce series had a really troubled time and was absolutely full of flaws until the 3rd game, but there was something special here that deserved to be refined.

This game really helped shape my identity around the time I played it when I was younger. The multiplayer aspect and the story, while shallow at times, especially for an older audience, really resonated with a depressed 12 year old me trying to grow into a concrete personality with hobbies I no longer wanted to be ashamed of. I thought it was so cool how (while never explicitly stated) Geo clearly had similar issues; his journey to accept and learn how to rely on others and healthily cope with his mental struggles really connected with me. I also find the continuity impressive in that his personality genuinely grows throughout each entry.

Gameplay-wise, I like that it switched up the MMBN style. There were a lot of missteps, but there was a decent amount of innovation to make the transition to 1 row feel fresh and not limiting. The net felt much more alive than some of the BN games but ultimately wasn't as strong of a world due to being an overlay of the real world.

The second game went on to hurt the series rather than improve it in the writing department especially, and then the third was almost perfection. The series was unfortunately cancelled right after. I would kill to see a revival after the team really hit it home with the third game.