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Weird how they made a separate disc for X8.

Received the Switch version of the bundle as a gift. The two collections will be listed in their own entries, but so far, I have collected 100% of the Hunter Medals in Legacy Collection 1. I have abandoned plans to finish Mega Man X7 or collect the Hunter Medals in Legacy Collection 2, it's not worth it in the slightest.

Let's not kid ourselves as to why they split these.

I find all the Mega Man x games in the collection to be worth coming back to time and time again. Although the later games of X7 and X8 are definitely one and done experiences having all 8 games in one collection definitely feels worth it and I always come back to these games as they have grown to be sort of comfort games where I know the challenge and try to do better every time I go back to a specific title within the collection and try to do challenges like using only specific weapons or trying no death runs that keeps the game as something I can return to.

Good collection overall despite the dumb filters but I have no clue why this all couldn’t have just been on one disc.

Also there’s the quality dive from 1 to 2 but that’s not really the collection’s fault here lmao.

If I were to recommend either compilation to someone who is really hungry for Mega Man X, I could not help but suggest buying Legacy Collection 1: the four titles included in the price are simply iconic. The titles in Legacy Collection 2 are passable, especially Mega Man X5 and X8, but in general the decision to split the compilation in two was definitely a wise one, so raise the rating for Legacy Collection 1 by half a point and take half a point off Legacy Collection 2. Beyond the offer and quality of the titles under consideration, the compilation unfortunately suffers from a number of technical issues that I hope Capcom decides to fix.

The definitive way to experience the X series, do yourself a favor and grab this collection ASAP, it goes on sale all the time, so do it damn it

Mega Man X is a classic that invented Mega Man with a whole new look and added Zero which come on Zero is the best.

amazing value
X5-7 may seem pretty bad, but don't overlook X8.

some of these games are really fun

The "legacy" in this collection is experiencing the depressing quality drop in this series.

Lacks the japanese songs plus some censorship in X4 for whatever reason. Besides this, it's just the games we all know and love.

One of the best Metroidvania games i have ever played, very enjoyable gameplay with amazing music and characters.

It took me 3 hours of toying around every setting imaginable through the game's screen modes, the config.ini file, the Nvidia control panel, and even Steam launch parameters, but I finally got the SNES games to work decently.

While I feel like this is a perfectly good option when everything's properly set up, I still feel like bsnes + overclock might be the superior option with a bit less input lag, better performance, savestates, and none of the controller detection issues. It even features a total amount of 0 configuration headaches (3 hours!).

To add insult to injury, modders have found a way to extract the SNES ROMs from the collection, so if you want to go the bsnes route you can do it legally too.

However, the rest of the collection works like a dream even in default settings, to the point I'm wondering if it's even emulated at all. It makes playing on original hardware obsolete unless you get a hard on for spending money on very middling and expensive retro games.

It's bizarre, because X1-3 are the most well-remembered entries, so one would've thought that Capcom must have put the most effort into them, but it's the other way around.

-I kinda wish The Day of Sigma had the original Japanese dub instead of the English one. I wish there was also an English undub version. It's a minor complain in the grand scheme of things tho considering they do provide the Japanese versions and Day of Sigma at all

X Collection 1
A great collection of 4 amazing games that run great. The achievements add replayability and the X Challenge mode is fun to mess around with, although it does not beat the challenges of the classic series legacy collection. If you like X then get this now.

X Collection 2
4 games that range from decent to god-awful. This collection is not really worth it since the games aren't good. If you really wanna play X5 and X8 then go for it. But X6 and X7 are not worth anyone's time.

really bad port, unstable and unoptimized

Having all X games on modern devices is a dream come true, but for this collection, the X Challenge is the real show stealer.

The mode is not perfect by any means, but its concept is so brilliant. The PS1 X games have such amazing mobility and attack options that weren't ever used to their max potential, but fighting two mavericks simultaneously surely rectifies that. It can get pretty cheap at times, but the moments when you're masterfuly dodging and countering both mavericks are unmatched.

I think I've spent just as much time on X Challenge as I have in the actual games. Partly because it can get brutally difficult (sometimes to its own detriment), but it's just so much fun. Even when you have to retry a stage many times, you have an incredible range of options to plan your angle of attack.

I think X Challenge's concept is so amazing that it makes me wish they'd give it another go to polish all its flaws and add other features. For instance, it is pretty disappointing not to have Zero playable. It may have been too difficult to balance, but I wish they had found a way. I also think they went waaaay overboard with Hard Mode. Vol. 1's normal mode was already brutal, especially the final fight. I cannot even fathom going and doing it again on hard mode. It's such a shame because they hid the most amazing surprise they could after beating hard mode (a surprise I think I'll never experience for myself, just online videos).

I'm really thankful for all the collection has to offer. It's not perfect and even more could have been added, but in all honesty, it only needed to have all the games neatly on Switch for me to buy it in a heart beat. They really didn't NEED to create X Challenge and they did anyway. That's such an amazing gesture.