Reviews from

in the past

Короче, история такая:

Разработчики хотели сделать изначально одну игру, но потом почему-то они потом решили сделать 3 маленькие игры, и сделать из одну большую игру. Игра разделена на 3 арки, и вторая арка как раз и должна была быть отдельной игрой, поэтому она самая большая.... и в этом проблема....

Эту игру можно описать так:

Чем ближе к финалу, тем хуже. Сначала игра начинается неплохо, первая арка норм, вторая тоже, но она самая долгая, потому что она разделена на 4 рута, 2 из которых такие себе, можно сказать что они есть чтобы быть, а третья арка.... ой... с этой арки у меня как раз начало портиться впечатления об игре, если вся игра была более менее норм, то под финал она начала меня задалбывать.... потому что вот она РЕАЛЬНО затянутая. Когда ты думаешь что вот сейчас всё кончится, игра вкидывает ещё какую-то фигню в сюжет, и как же это заколебало особенно с тамошними данжами... господи вот они меня очень задушили, под конец левел дизайнер вышел из чата, и я хочу просто посмотреть ему в глаза и спросить какого хера, зачем они сделали такие конченные данжи под конец игры? И это при всём отсутствии баланса в геймплее. Ты либо перекачиваешься и нагибаешь, по тебе попасть никто не может, либо сосёшь лапу. Короче гринд хелл! Поэтому я играл с читами, и то даже когда я нафармил сотый уровень, каких-то из моих персов выносили....

Многие говорят что эта лучшая игра из серии Hyperdimension Neptunia. Я сам так мог сказать в начале, но чем дальше я играл, тем больше у меня менялось мнение и становилось более неоднозначным, тут даже нету того, ради чего я в эти игры играю: Первое, любимые персонажи, и смешные диалоги.... смешных диалогов тут наверное меньше всего из всей серии...

Короче, это явно не худшая часть из основной серии, но и не лучшая уж точно!

I have 37 hours of this on PC but have 200 on Ps4 and another 30 on switch.
This is by far the best Neptunia game and made me fall in love with the series, I really hope we get a game of this quality in the series again

It took me 4 YEARS to finish. The last half of the game is tolerable but it drags on forever at points, I'm just probably not the audience for this series after 4 games of trying it, but it's ok.

História fraca, gráficos ruins, combate mal feito, cenários repetitivos, troféus de RNG e necessidade de grind.

Nunca tendo jogado a série Neptunia, essas foram as minhas primeiras impressões quanto a esse jogo. Vindo da Compile Heart, não dá pra esperar nada muito além do que foi entregue.

Dito isso, a melhor parte do jogo e o que atrai mais seus fãs, é o design das personagens, junto do fã service escancarado e as quebras de quarta parede com referências a indústria de jogos. Tirando isso, sobram as críticas negativas.

Outra coisa péssima é a existência de DLC de party members e armas overpowered, que facilitam MUITO o início do jogo que já é relativamente fácil.

Melhor jogo da franquia disparado (e quem não gosta é burro) é provavelmente o único jogo de Neptunia que eu recomendaria para os meus amigos já que essa a experiência definitiva de Nep Nep. A história é separada em 3 arcos que se completam muito bem, combate muito refinado comparado aos jogos antecessores, o humor na medida certa em equilíbrio com os momentos de tensão e tem a best girl uzume.

Dreams are born from chaos.

The mainline Neptunia series has become better and better with each installment, culminating in what I think is the best game of the mainline entries so far. And yes, I said mainline entry because this series has a ton of spin offs, but we won't count that for now.

Story - The story, while still having a lot of comedic factor, thanks to our Protagonist of Protagonists™ Neptune, is more darker and interesting this time around. The whole game is divided into three acts (each with their own opening!): Zero Dimension Neptunia Z, Hyperdimension Neptunia G and Heartdimension Neptunia H. Each act contains a somewhat different story but ultimately ends in a single conclusion. I like that the story takes us to different dimensions in each act. On the first act, you're traversing an apocalyptic version of Planeptune, on the second, we travel back to present day Gamindustry, etc. I would even call this game a trilogy, as each of the three acts is very substantial and different on their own.

Characters - The story is also helped by a huge cast of new and returning characters, from the CPUs, the CPU candidates and villains. The new star of the show is of course, Uzume Tennouboshi, a tomboyish character that we first meet in an apocalyptic version of Planeptune. She always tries to put out a cool outside persona, but as we all know deep inside, she's a softie. Aside from Uzume, there's also the older and more mature version of Neptune, who remains mysterious throughout. And much to the displeasure of Noire, seems to share her younger counterpart's sense of humor. And of course there's also Arfoire who gets physically (and emotionally) beaten up by Neptune and co. but still remains a good villain throughout the game.

Combat System - I like the combat system of MDNVII. It is turn based, but also has some sort of a tactical aspect to it as characters can move around the battle area. Characters can be freely moved (limited in area) around for better positioning. Each character can also do three different types of attacks, Rush, Power and Standard. I find that Rush attacks are best at building the EXE Gauge while Power are best at dealing damage. Speaking of the EXE Gauge, it's consumed by using certain skills and transformations, so it's best to keep it filled as much as you can.

Music and Sound - Voice acting is still pretty good. I can't say a single bad thing about the cast other than I wished that the English dub had more lines that are voiced. As with all Compile Heart games, the Japanese dub is 100% voiced but the English dub is around 60 - 70% voiced. It's not as bad here as in their other games cough Dragon Star Varnir cough but I just wish they would put more budget into this as the English dub is really good.

The various sound effects are fine, nothing stands out but nothing's bad either.

The music is also one thing I think this game excels at. While it's not in the level of Nier Automata, I'd say there are some pieces of music from this game that I've listened to again and again. Fun fact, the main theme for this game is composed by Nobuo Uematsu.

Overall, Megadimension Neptunia VII is a good starting point for anyone who wants to dive into the series. It has a self contained plot that is different from the rest of the mainline entries. And even though there are a lot of returning characters, you'll easily catch up to who they are.

Just remember that this series started off as a parody of the console wars during the 7th generation of consoles (Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii), that's why you'll see a lot of gaming references throughout and it doesn't always take itself too seriously.

So if you're down for some fun, quirky JRPG, give this game a shot.

Also, Uzume is best girl.

This really isn't saying a lot, but this is by far the best neptunia game. Has the best visuals, OST, story, mechanics, the whole 9 yards. It's like they kind of tried for this one! For nep standards, it's phenomenal, but for regular game standards, its just aight. This is probably the only nep game I could ever see myself actually recommending to someone that would be interested in the series. nep games usually aren't that great so having something decent is something to praise.

En sevdiğim jrpg derdim ama Persona 5 var

a gigantic nose dive compared to Nep 3, the weapon system makes me hate this game

Know what play this, actually based

ch always makes mediocre shlock for otakus but mediocre shlock can be fun sometimes. guilty pleasure game. all of the side characters are way more endearing than the cpu protagonists though. otherwise its a bog standard jrpg. its neptunia.
uzume deserves to be in a better game

I'm actually begging you.
Take a shower please.

the same as I said in my
sakura wars 3 log, the kind of game you play with a smile on your face.
a really good nepexperience.

Probably the best Neptunia game we'll ever get (unless you think rebirth 3 is better)

The game is decently fun, the story kept me interested while not being too crazy of a story. There's some fan service here and there, definitely not a game for everyone however. It's combat is turn based with some interesting combo attacks you can do if you have certain characters on your team, other than that it's a decent game not much going for it honestly if you aren't an already established fan of the series and it's previous games or if you just like looking a cute girls and tits

An incredibly solid game with fun gameplay that keeps with the traditional Neptunia formula while adding on its own beats to keep things fresh and unique. The story is surprisingly interesting for what many expect from this franchise, and the characters are as good as ever, although the humor is a bit cringy as one would expect, and the fanservice scenes can be a bit much, but that's just a preference thing, and overall a very good product.

Very good gameplay, upgraded from the copy paste they were stuck on with Victory. Good length too, and there is some actual plot for a nep game too.

Low key has the best gameplay in the series in terms of main line titles. Graphics are money and it introduced lots of new mechanics and characters. This game also gave us big nep so we are out ere.

While not as consistently funny and well written as Fairy Fencer F, Megadimeion Neptunia is still a nicely well crafted game that's fun and memorable to play.
That's saying a lot given how much Compile Hearts have fallen since 2017 onwards.

Well defined and memorable characters especially Uzume.
A soildly written storyline.
Decent visuals.
Good gameplay if a bit grindy and punishing at times.
Amazing sci-fi futuristic soundtrack.

Overall an exceptionally great and game to the PS4/PS5 library of JRPGs.

I really don't like menu-based combat, and I didn't enjoy the story enough to put up with the combat.

This game is the best out of all the mainline games so far, it's like they finally give a shit

The best Neptunia game ever, period.

(repost of my review on Steam. you can read the original review here:

Neptunia VII is what I consider to be the peak of the series. The peak before it all went horribly downhill. Neptunia VII, in a lot of ways, feels like a huge step forward for the series. Both in terms of story and the general game design. It mostly learned from the mistakes Victory made and iterated on what worked well.

I try to keep my reviews as spoiler-free as possible, so I'll do my best not to soil everything when it comes to describing the game's story. It's split up into 3 distinctive arcs, and what I think is both the highlight and lowlight of the game is definitely the second arc, dubbed the Hyper Dimension arc. I love the core concept of having 4 distinct stories that you choose to participate in whatever order you wish, tying them all together with a final 5th story (kinda like the Sonic Adventure games if you want something to compare to), that part of the game also has some of the cringiest writing in the series, at least personally. But ignoring the Hyper Dimension arc's shortcomings, the entire story as a whole feels way less bloated and far more engaging, such as when you are in the Zero Dimension arc and you are drip-fed mysterious information about newcomer Uzume Tennouboshi which ends up pulling your interest further in. And it builds upon that foundation very well. That's not to say the game doesn't have that signature Neptunia comedy™, on the contrary - there's plenty of it, and unlike future spinoff installments - it's still at a moderately tolerable level (aka it's not stupidly obnoxious like in VIIR). A decent upside to this game's story is that it's not alienating to newcomers at all, despite it being a sequel to Victory. The writers made it accessible to people who have never even played a Neptunia game, something its remake - VIIR - falls flat on its face on.

In terms of gameplay - it's a wonderful evolution of what worked in the previous entries (mk2 & Victory). Weapons in this game are actually more than just mere stat boosts as some of them even let you set up whole combos for extra damage. Believe it or not - that makes experimenting with different weapons interesting! As an example, a weapon could be statistically better than what you have right now, but in terms of combos - it could be set up for rushing your enemy or breaking their guard instead of outright offensive capabilities, so it could prove to be less effective. That's the kind of thing that I want because it encourages healthy experimentation and I love it!

Of course, not everything is perfect. At plenty of points in the game - the game feels very poorly balanced. Sometimes enemies are just made too strong for what you are supposed to do. Sure, it's a JRPG, meaning grinding is inherently part of the game's nature, but there are times where it's just straight up overkill. Case and point - the start of Blanc's story in the Hyper Dimension arc. I swear that part of the game was just never play-tested. You are far too low leveled to face the first boss and you're given no option to grind your level up. You really have to rely on dumb luck on that battle, and there's more where that came from.

I also personally think that the new overworld, while cute, is a step backwards from the way previous games (including Re;Birth games) did by making walking through the map far more slow and tedious, especially with random encounters on the overworld which are stupidly unnecessary and only further how slow it is to navigate from place to place in this game.

I could go on and on about this game, but you get the point. Overall, I do recommend VII as a purchase. If you've never played a Neptunia game - VII is a good starting point! It doesn't require knowledge of the previous games to jump in, and you can easily just go backwards to Re;Birth2 or something if you wanna experience the "canonical Neptunia story" from the very beginning.

I also think this version of the game is superior to VIIR in __every single way.__ The port is better and far more stable, the gameplay is better, you get multiple save slots, you have multiple endings (bad, Ascension [Normal] & Revival [True]) rather than being outright locked into 1 ending from the get-go and in a lot of areas - it just looks better despite the lower polygon count or texture resolution. If you had to choose between VII and VIIR - I'd choose VII.

i bought this and all its dlc for 11 dollars and i apparently have 18 hours in it but i dont remember any of it so uhhhhhh

True End final battle I kneel

At the time, when I played this for an actual review job I used to have, I gave this like a 6, saying it was solid, would probably work for fans, and wasn't worth much beyond that.

I think time, and a lot of changes in my own attitude, have been super kind to this game, though, at least in my eyes. It's got some of the most ambitious dungeon design in the series (still pretty weak, but they tried!), my favorite story to date (Uzume is so good), and a really cool structure that keeps things interesting right up to the credits. Honestly, while I'm a little sad that it's taken them so long to get to a new, proper mainline entry, I'm really optimistic for however it might turn out. It's hard not to love a game that's having this much fun with itself.

I have the VR compatible version, too, which I didn't realise is also the somewhat expanded, too, so this will remain abandoned.

The game itself is not an enjoyable experience because of enthralling gameplay, an amazing story, or anything of the sort--but because of its immense charm, ambition and ability to make you smile. The combat can get repetitive, the difficulty spikes are insane, and the game is cryptic as hell when it comes to unlocking things like the true ending, but it made me laugh, it made me emotional, and overall, it has sucked over 30 hours of my life away, and I don't regret one bit of it.