Reviews from

in the past

Agh i miss when we can play as the enemies

Great visuals
Engaging enough gameplay
Very fun bosses and great second half
Tries new things and even if every new thing doesn't land it's still appreciated

Played with my friend and although its not my type of game, its a good game 🐒

Muito bom revisitar jogos clássicos antigos, uma época totalmente diferente da atual. Enquanto jogava, percebi que a dificuldade elevada era algo bem mais comum e jogos antigos, uma vez que eles não tinham tanto espaço em memória para fazer jogos, então utilizavam da dificuldade como fator de rejogabilidade.

Fenomenal. Só não pega 5 estrelas por situações que não tem como escapar dos projéteis.

Não tenho oque reclamar ,só a versão da Steam que é uma porcaria, mas é incrivel igual o primeiro, joguei com meu amigo e foi uma run muito divertida pqp era risada atras de risada e dedos machucados no final da fase (isso ficou meio estranha na real), mas enfim bom demais.

Enfim essa é apenas a opinião de alguem que ama jogar video jogos☝️🤓.

The first Metal Slug that I consider very good. Not only were the slowdowns from previous games completely removed, but it's also the first game with sections featuring aircrafts, something shmup-like that I personally loved and was well implemented to be the climax of the game.

X still has a special place in my heart, but 3 is the most bonkers and all out one of the first three. Critical ammounts of fun

One of the funniest games i've ever played. I'm absolutely not an expert but all Metal Slug games are simple, mind numbing fun that never gets old. I enjoy playing it once in a while with cheats on, because i just want to maul over everything i lay my eyes upon with my HEAVY MACHINEGUN!!!

A missão final é uma das melhores que eu já joguei em um game

Gorgeous art. Has that arcade game to PC port problem where you have infinite quarters but worth a playthrough.

fraco mas da pra tirar uns 40 minutinhos da vida e se divertir (fazer nada seria mais interessante)

shooty arcade game with cool graphics :)

Review in progress:
A decent arcade game. Amazing sprite work.

I beat this game while falling asleep.

One of my favorite Metal Slug games!


An ordinary platformer, it’s interesting to play, but the game is very difficult for me, after each level I can’t feel my fingers, unfortunately I couldn’t complete it, it will appeal to those who like difficult platformers

A classic, easy to finish with infinite continues but very hard to make 100% trophies.

Beat it with my cousin, fun times.

Metal Slug 3 es un juego fantástico pero el port de la XBLA no le hace justicia para nada, cuando hay explosiones o se juntan muchos personajes en pantalla nos encontramos con bajones de frames imperdonables para un juego que salió el año 2000. La escases de fluidez le resta muchos puntos a esta versión y es una pena porque es mi Metal Slug favorito y probablemente el mejor de la saga.

Um dos maiores glow-ups que eu ja vi em uma sequência, missões únicas e criativas, o jogo é ainda mais caótico e divertido que os anteriores, principalmente se você está jogando co-op com um amigo, e a missão final é uma coisa sensacional, literalmente a cereja no bolo que esse jogo precisava. Ainda achei o jogo um pouco curto demais mas em compensação é extremamente rejogável.

Specifically the XBLA port on its own. Terrible port, full of slowdown and pixel smoothing, which for a game like Metal Slug should be a crime. Fantastic game though, as long as you have unlimited continues.

Me and my friend died 50 times each, it was a very satisfying bonding moment. Game was a good port too.

A fantastic port for PC. There isn't much new other than online MP and difficulty selection from the original arcade version.

Don't fix whats not broken.

Been a diehard fan of the Slug games since I was a litttttttle kid, it's definitely the root of my love for difficult games.

As old as it is I redownload it and play through from time to time, it really is a timeless.

Best Metal Slug. Played the PS2 version which also includes a couple of minigames. My infancy right here.

My personal favourite Metal Slug, played this so much on MAME as a kid not long after it came out.

I played Commando on Miniclip a lot as a kid, and got blown away when I finally played Metal Slug. Top notch spritework and 2D sidescrolling action.

One of the best zombie levels ever