Reviews from

in the past

had more fun customizing the cards then playing the game

The longest of long hauls, I've been chipping away at this one for as long as it's been out, using any PC or Android phone I could install it on (Progress carries over).

Gameplay wise, it's exactly what it is: solitaire.

Microsoft better not Soli-dare removing this masterpiece of game from my computer.

I felt so solitaire playing this...

For a free pc game, solitare collection has a lot on offer. It has the best classic solitare of any digital solitare hands down, and then on top of this it has spider, tripeaks, free cell, and pyramids which each add their own charm to the base game if you get tired of it.

2.5☆ - The objectively correct way to play digital solitaire.

Plagued by corporate greed, begging you to sign up for a subscription, opening browser tabs out of nowhere and constantly blasting ads after a certain amount of rounds. Playing with the game muted? Too bad, because it OPENS A NEW INSTANCE TO BYPASS THE VOLUME SETTINGS WHILE PLAYING AN AD.

Still, it's solitaire with some neat extra features and is already installed on a lot of work/school computers, which is the sole minimum requirement. You'd be better off installing the XP or Windows 7 version otherwise.

unfortunately one of the best solitaires on the market right now. everything else is either hideous (solitairebliss on PC) unplayable (pre-2007 microsoft solitaire) or featureless (google solitaire). as much as i hate to give this 4 stars, until something better is on the market it'll have to do.

This game is the reason I survived my work training

Peak game for moms around the world, only realized about 3 years ago how to actually play it and got good at it fast. Microsoft will pay for taking mom’s favorite game away with their shitty updates.

it's solitaire but with ads but also with custom skins so idk it's still good

I just cannot stop playing it. However, unless you have the paid version the ads can get very annoying and sometimes the online events can be very buggy. I always come back to it though.

Si quieres viciarte y no tienes amigos, este es tu juego.

ive spent an unhealthy amount of time on this game for years now and i cant stop

a bunch of content, but it's solitare......

Jugar al solitario en cualquier momento es un vicio

В целом странно ругать набор стандартных пасьянсов из винды и ставить оценку ниже пятерки, так как доебаться по сути до основного геймплея сложно, тем более, что разработчики добавили ещё два новых солитера, режим прохождения каких то заданий, достижения, новые рубашки фоны и так далее.

Низкая оценка в моем случае связана скорее с ебанутой политикой майкрасофта по монетизации этой игры. Дело в том, что реклама на компьютере очень громкая и ни один микшер никогда в жизни не поможет ведь с новым запуском игры эта залупа начнет орать, что есть мочи. Реклама же на телефоне тупо не скипаемая и глушит любые звуки которые могут быть на фоне, например фоновый звук от Ютуба и все это приносит жуткий дискомфорт, когда хочется, пока есть свободное время, пораскидывать непринужденно картишки по столу. И самое уебанское, что, в отличии от нормальных игр, майкрософт солитер колекшон предлагает убрать рекламу за ежемесячную плату, вместо приобретения игры, как обычный нормальный человек, из-за чего вообще пропадает желание играть в это поделие совсем. Хорошо, что иногда когда появляется геймпас реклама пропадает, ведь солитер колекшон становится премиумным, да и на компах та самая бесячая реклама уже особо не появляется, хотя не ровен час и она снова будет "радовать" всех геймеров не смотря на то, где вы находитесь.

I have been waiting 11 years for Microsoft Solitaire Collection 2 to drop

everyone complaining about the subscription is just angry their technology class doesn't have a pihole

Hyped for Microsoft Solitaire Collection 2 to drop

The best of the Microsoft Puzzle Collection games imo. With 5 game types, Klondike, Spider, FreeCell, Pyramid, & TriPeaks there is a lot of content to play. There are daily challenges and events that will provide plenty for you to return everyday. With Game Pass, you also get the ad-free version and have the ability to play older monthly challenges so you can dig in and grind out the achievements.

I deleted the app once I got the final achievement but know that this is a great Solitaire app to play again if I ever get that itch.

i am addicted to playing freecell

I have played exactly 3,750 games of solitaire in this game, and I CANNOT in good conscience recommend it in its current state. If you don't pay a subscription fee, it is horrid; automatically opening tabs in your browser, LOUD ads, and just so much other annoying garbage that doesn't belong in this game. It's solitaire. Give me a deck and let me play. I don't mind the daily challenges and things like that, but I really don't care about them, and it's annoying when they pop up when I start the game. Sorry, I just love solitaire, and this game sometimes makes it so annoying to just simply play the game without paying.

The subscription was 100% worth it during quarantine though. I played a LOT of solitaire in my room.