Reviews from

in the past

Definitely a project that the creator put a lot into, and while yeah it's not groundbreaking storytelling, if it really is based on/inspired by real life then sometimes that's how it happens, you know? Would love to see the ideas expanded on into a larger project, but if that isn't the creator's goal then like I Get That. Love to see good character art regardless, though, I'm not gonna lie.

Un style artistique incroyable et une histoire plutôt touchante, particulièrement pour ceux sensible à la santé mentale.

J'ai quand même trouvé l'histoire assez classique (bien que j'apprécie le côté queer, ça fait toujours du bien la représentation.) Et la good ending peut-être un peu "bâteau".

Ça reste un jeu rafraîchissant, rapide et qui mérite le détour c:

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it's pretty but not a very good or helpful portrayal of mental illness. made ariya red with fury.

their review: "the art style was lovely and all the women in it were very hot. i was really digging the desktop interaction that supplemented our irl interaction but it was extremely limited by the way the story went. tldr i was having fun trying to get pussy via airdrop and then suddenly when i sought it out, my roommate fucking killed herself. that had nothing to do with my inaction and i felt incredibly duped. this was just bad writing. and then we played it again and then i abandoned my endeavors for pussy by making sure my roommate didnt kill herself. and then she didnt which was a diff ending??? awesome very cool but then what is that message. thematically. and what do i get from the gameplay. nothing. can i have a bad bitch without anyone killing themslves"

heart-wrenching. very short but very worth your time.

I don't feel bad for playing this game for three solid reasons: firstly, it doesn't take much time to complete, it can be completed in less than half an hour; secondly, this is a passion project and I respect anyone able to express oneself through this medium. If one wants to treat videogames as art, they have to be critiqued as such and nothing says art more than a passion project. Lastly, it's free, so beggars can't be choosers.

Yet I felt nothing. Despite touching some somber tones, it appears like they're just shortly brought up for shock value. There is no horror - just a bit of frustration and a restart from a failed state. Last note, I do think the game is a bit morbid, considering it's supposed to be a retelling of real events, but since its themes are all over the place I don't know how to feel about it.

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tbh i really don't like the way it feels like suicide is used for shock value. like it feels like the first playthrough is where you're supposed to see it but it kinda feels lousy bc it's done in a way where it makes you feel like you're responsible for her suicide because you missed some very easily missed and perhaps even vague hints. a new player is actively enticed into chatting all day with "goth gf", which leads into meeting up with her, which leads to you getting locked in to a certain ending

like you're pretty much given a choice between either talking with may or amy with no inbetween, the moment you head out to see amy you're locked into the ending where may kills herself. like why is it my fault for may killing herself when i go out. obviously i'm not saying "suicidal people are on their own lmao" but it should not be the sole responsibility of the mc to pry and watch over and rescue may given the limited context the game provides

the art is pretty but god it just feels ~aesthetic~ for better or worse. like every lesbian in here being a skinny conventionally attractive woman and the room's aesthetic being late 2010s cottagecore girly is. pretty cliche. and suicide to shock the player into doing what they feel the game wants them to do for the """good""" ending rather than what they feel they want to do themselves.

i just

this game left a bad taste in my mouth. across all the loops the vibe i get is "don't you feel bad she killed herself because you made the wrong choices? don't you want to try again and make the ''right'' choices?"

i think the makers of this game have potential. i really do. i wouldn't be surprised if they'd made some 4/5-star material games, but this one. it's a miss for me sorry

This is a Ludum Dare 44 game and while I've played a few short games in 2019, this is the first I'm willing to include on the list, so I recommend it. It's free if you want. Trigger warning for suicide

Se pasa en nada y es una buena reflexión sobre la salud mental.

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+ Art Style
+ Gameplay mechanics
+ Gay

- Happy Birthday Song
- Story / Mental Illness Representation

This was fun to play on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee! It is very quick to play, even when trying to get all endings though. I thought it was sweet, though it could be pretty cliche at times. It's also difficult to input meme culture into a game without it ending up dated. For the most part, the memes were pretty current, but "big mood" and "that's the tea" really made me cringe, haha.

+ Art Style
To start, the art is stunning. Everything about the style is elegant, visually pleasing, and comforting. So soft and all the girls are beautiful. The coloring of everything was so pastel and well done. Very stunning art direction.

+ Gameplay
I found it fun that when you replay the game things have changed and you have different options as well as different text prompts. I think the intent is to get the player to replay , though in total I'd say there is less than 45 minutes of gameplay. Though I found it interesting and cozy! I loved the music as well as the sounds the characters made when they spoke, gave me that ASMR tingle, honestly!

All of the girls are so pretty ;w; Very comforting types of pals as well. GAYYY!

- Happy Birthday Sound Clip
As much as I think that it's cute that May remembers your birthday and sings happy birthday to you, I couldn't help but cringe every time the voice clip played. I'm not sure what it was... it just felt very try-hard and didn't match what i was picturing her character (or voice) as. Just pulled me out of the moment.

- Story & Mental Illness Representation
Buckle in, I have a bit to say on this topic. I so badly wanted this to be a cozy dating sim, haha! I was very surprised with some of the content of the game and the suicide warning before launch. But I went into it blind and open-minded... and was kind of disappointed with the story and how it progressed. Though I really enjoyed replaying the game and having other actions from your previous playthroughs dictate some future content.

In terms of May, having her kill herself after talking to her for 5 minutes wasn't really the best way to go about getting a reaction from the player I don't think. If we had gotten to know her for a while and then had it happen, I feel like it would've sparked more of a reaction from me. I just felt kind of shitty? It was out of nowhere and we didn't know anything about her. It felt like the depression representation was a bit cliche and wrong. Everyone has their own experience, but from my own personal experience, the whole "are you okay" "I'm not really okay" thing is very overdone.

I'm not sure if it's intentional but the first run i got was May killing herself while I went on the date. It really tempts you away from May with the airdrops from the 'goth gf' and is kind of jolting to come home to a dead roommate after only a few minutes of gameplay. I suppose that's how it's supposed to be so that you go back and try to save her in the next runs.
It just feels weird, I wish there was something more between the characters and even May + the player before throwing the player into that.

As much as I loved the art, sound design, and concept, I think the mental health content could be revised and revisited with a more educated mindset. For a free game, i thought this was fun and visually pleasing. Though the mental illness representation just felt 'off'. I think having everything go by so quickly makes it so that you miss her ques and the mark on a slow-burn friendship between the characters. I just wish the game were longer to provide better context for May's mental illness. It feels like the "goth gf" character is completely unneeded, though i suppose serves as as an intended distraction so that you pay closer attention to May next run.

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content warning for the same stuff the game deals with

so, I think this has gotta be the highest impact to playtime ratio I've ever gotten out of a game. it's under 30 minutes long (and free!), but it absolutely wrecked me for the entire day I played it, and I'm still thinking about it almost every day months later

it's a very short and simple game about how much of a difference tiny choices can have in a person's life. I've never been suicidal, but I do deal with depression and have been what I'd call self-harm adjacent at times. I know first-hand how helpful it can be to have someone reach out, and how devastating it can be when nobody does.

I'm never ever gonna 100% this, because I got my happy ending lol.

remember to be kind to yourselves, and reach out to your friends if you can. you never know when someone might need someone to talk to

I will genuinely buy every game Angela He puts out for the rest of time on the back of how much I got out of this

It's okay as a one-shot game. It's worth checking out for its cool aesthetics.

this was a good concept but it could be so much more

Point and click game worth playing. Quite emotional too as I remember and it was fun exploring the different endings.

aesthetics were really really good too :D

I thought that this tiny visual novel seemed to mean well, but it comes off as melodramatic at best and perhaps even problematic with how it handles sensitive issues. The game intentionally tricks and manipulates you on your first run-through to make its point, since you don't know what the main storyline is really supposed to be. This sort of material is told much, much better in other places. It is only about 20-25 minutes to see everything, though, so it won't take a lot of your time if you're curious.

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This game is super sweet and impressive! I never expected it to cover topics like pressure from expectations or suicide, and it does so wonderfully, with kindness and care, despite the short play time. It’s simple, but the way the events are sewn together and affect the endings stays with you for a while.

Character interactions don’t feel forced, which is a plus, and the art is very soft and atmospheric, too.

It's free, it's short, it has nice art, and it seems like a passion project for the creator. I appreciate what it is, but it didn't leave an impact on me, and in fact, the ideal ending feels naive. But, if you have 30 minutes to spare, there are way worse things you could do than read and look at good art.

Yeah, it's an unsubtle, misguided attempt at tackling its themes, but it's also a free, short, clearly passionate indie project. The art is beautiful, and though the writing is awful, I'd still recommend a surprisingly charming VN such as this.

Randomly decided to play this again and was hit in the feels.

It probably doesn't deserve this rating, but it means a lot to me. Your choices really do affect the people around you. You need to find the right words to really deepen your bond with your friends. The important thing is to simply be there for others, not necessarily be their guide in life. Just listen, validate their feelings, and do with them what makes them happy.

This was sad in some places... but also hopeful.
I love the simplicity and I really admire the artist behind this stunning visuals and story.

Short game about how you have to hold the ones you love closely.

Uma visual novel leve, bem ilustrada e que fala sobre depressão de maneira íntima. Além disso, tudo no jogo colabora pra te dar a sensação de aconchego.

such a simple yet effective game to tell a story.

Jogo curtinho, muito simples e com uma arte muito bonita. A mensagem também é bem clara e bonita, mas acho que por ser tão direta ao ponto, faltou um pouco de tato. As coisas aqui acontecem muito rápido.

Nessa loucura da vida acaba sendo necessário a gente se desconectar um pouco da internet, ou então esquecer de olhar as suas notificações. Entendo onde o jogo quer chegar, é uma mensagem boa e bonita, mas as vezes o problema de ser tão direto ao ponto é que você esquece que está tratando de um tema muito complexo que precisa de mais tempo para ser desenvolvido já que existem várias camadas.

Você termina o jogo com vontade de mandar uma mensagem para aquele brother que não vê há muito tempo ou aquela camarada que estava passando por uns problemas, então acredito que o saldo seja positivo.