Reviews from

in the past

A la par con Portable 3rd. Si no tuviese solamente como 4 armas y 5 bichos, lo pondría por encima de los MH que he jugado (que no son muchos pero hey).

De lo que he jugado me encanto el online, la estética visual (soy muy fan del agua como core en los jueguitos) y lo de añadir los bichos a tu librito con el puntero. Supuestamente el combate en el agua es rarete a melee pero como yo fui a distancia se me hizo super chulo y muy poco lioso, además que la mecánica de personalizar la ballesta con distintas partes esta guapísima.

Algún día lo empezare de nuevo ya que perdí el save.

People said swimming and fighting underwater is hard yeah no kidding

Fighting Lagiacrus underwater was one of the scariest experiences in my gamer's life

This was my first Monster Hunter game. It was too hard for me at the time but now I'm addicted to Monster Hunter.

Childhood game. Loc Lac was the best MP hub in any Monster Hunter. Bring back water combat!

Le falta contenido de todo tipo, pero lo disfruté muchísimo por ser mi primer MH.

imagine playing a monster hunter game with Wiimote and nunchunk

just play freedom unite instead of this borefest

I couldn't get past the 4th monster as a child but this game was awesome

Probably the best Wii game?

I really loved this game as a kid but it has major flaws that held back the series for a long time, I liked this game as much as I did because it was my first MH game but its probably the worst game in the series for a lot of reasons.

>an extremely slow start where you dont get to fight your first big monster until 1-2 hours into the game. I'm sure a lot of players quit before this.
>removal of 4 weapons from Freedom Unite for no sensible reason
>online that required you to grind out levels by repeating quests over and over to progress - doing your key quests was not enough.
>underwater combat was just not a great idea although it enabled some cool monsters like Ceadeus.

Kickass monster hunting action now on the Wii. Features a completely redone engine and different areas and monsters than the PSP games as well as the new switch axe and medium bowgun. Unfortunately some of the old weapons were removed and the total number of monsters isn't as high as in the Freedom series, but the new attacks of the recurring weapons make up for it and the amount of original monsters is the highest in the series so far, so if you're bored of Kut-Ku, definitely give this a try.



god I didn't remember the online being so grindy

El juego que más me marcó de la Wii y el primer juego online que probé en consola. El online no será lo mejor del mundo, pero cumplió los sueños de mi yo infantil.
Mi segundo juego favorito.

Great game ruined by annoying swimming mechanic

Mon 1er Monster Hunter. J'en ai chié à l'époque, il est plutôt exigeant, comme tous les MH old school. Pas grand chose à dire à part que les combats sous l'eau n'auraient jamais dû exister.

Really fun, slightly janky oldschool MH. Great atmosphere and one of the most original monster rosters in the series.

this game is my illness help me i don't know why i love it so much

The beginning of my lifelong Monster Hunter journey. While limited in content, the game is arguably the most original in the series. There’s still content only accessible in this game.

Childhood game. Bring back water combat.

Lo único malo es que le faltaban armas, pero por lo demás es uno de los mejores juegos de la saga, con pocos monstruos pero muy bien diseñados, mapas geniales y la caza subacuática era buena.

My first Monster Hunter game, I still love it. So many sleepless nights spent on this gem.

(beat village Ceadeus, got the credits) 3rd gen Mon Hun is best Mon Hun. The movement and controls finally feel playable (thank the Wii Classic Controller), the Switch Axe and Bowgun system make up for missing weapons, and the monster roster is objectively better than their gen 1 and 2 counterparts. Pure quality > quantity, even if swimming sucks for anything not Lance.

Played this while I was over finishing my GF in England on her PC, I've played 3U before but the aesthetic this game has is truly special, very nostalgic as I had it on the Wii as a kid, not knowing English I'd just watch the opening over and over •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀

My first MH game, and I was hooked ever since. Looking back it was definitely still a bit rough around the edges, but I'd love for underwater combat to make a comeback in the future.

Lance gang!

Touche à ton cul Nintendo de merde.

I struggled to get into this as a kid. I prefer the later entries. This one has a painfully slow start.

I miss Lagiacrus. Idk if i want water fighting to come back or if im just nostalgic

takes bite of worst most overcokked steak ever "hmm this tastes just like Monster Hunter Tri"

I emulated this game for probably a little over an hour back in I wanna say 2014. I slapped the ever-loving hell out of the Great Jaggi. I then went and bought a Wii U and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate shortly after. I proceeded to once again slap the shit out of the Great Jaggi and his brethren in HD. This is how my long lasting love affair with the series began.