Reviews from

in the past

Se Monster Hunter Tri fosse um jogo bom em apresentar MH talvez eu não tivesse tido um conceito tão errado da franquia logo de cara.

A experiência foi uma das piores que se poderia ter com a franquia. O começo é super lento e demora pra avançar e mostrar do que se trata o jogo. A narrativa é pouco orientadora e, pra piorar, os controles, os loadings, tudo no jogo colabora para desagradar o jogador incauto.

Se eu tivesse jogado somente MHTri, talvez até hoje ficaria tentando entender o que a galera curte na franquia, porque eu falhei miseravelmente em entender. Ainda bem que eu fui além e dei outra chance no 3DS, com o MH3U e mudei completamente de ideia.

My first in the series. Simply fantastic.

Loved this game. The most SOUL in the series. 3U adds a lot and it's great, but it does take out a lot of the small touches that really made this so memorable. Night Moga and Loc Lac was truly something. Also swimming owns.

Had never even heard of Monster Hunter before this, and it felt so weird to play that I had this vague sense it had snuck onto the Wii from another dimension. Clunky and alien and mesmerising.

I bought a cheap copy of Animal Crossing for the bundled Wii Speak so I could chat while playing this online, but I think I hit my skill plateau and drifted away before I ever used it.

My first and probably the most experimental MH i've played which I give it a ton of credit for. RIP Loc Lac.

this game made me the fucker that I am today

Still a good time but easily the weakest game in the series, it dropped a lot of content and introduced swimming (which was unpleasant), Ultimate ultimately fixed these issues when it was released on 3DS/Wii U.

I'm just gonna say it. Underwater combat was badass.

My first Monster Hunter game and one of my favorites. Played it for the first time back in 2011, and had a blast online.

In 2021 a private server was released, allowing players to access the long lost city of Loc Lac again. As of this review multiplayer sadly doesn't work, but this might change soon. For now players can tackle online quests solo, making the game fully completable for the first time since 2013.

Tri marked the first major shift in the franchise, with loads of new assets, redesigned armor sets, weapons and monsters. It's also the first time where the combat stiffness started to soften a bit. Jank hitboxes and long attack animations are still here, but I'd say that for the most part(and for the first time lol), hunts are pretty balanced.

In my latest playthrough, I crafted all armor sets available on low rank. Once the private server supports multiplayer, I'll work on grabbing every weapon and High Rank armor.

Best one in the series, and I have serious nostalgia for it.

Easily my least favorite game in the series, it stripped away so many weapons, and in return we got a barely fleshed out """3D""" underwater to flail around in, which is home to some of the most reactive, boring combat this side of 5th gen. Additionally, this games content is extremely lacking, to the point where the game feels super grindy as the devs try and artificially extend the game through terrible droprates on the non rare items like Giginox claws. Barioth is basically Nargacuga in this one, and is thankfully salvaged and fixed by portable team in MHP3rd. Avoid this game like the plague, and go play 3U if you want the same game but better in every way, or go with P3rd if you hate the idea of crappy underwater combat.

Her ne kadar eski oyunlardan daha elden geçirilmiş bir oyun olsa da oldukça hem içerik azlığı hem de kaldırılan bazı silahlarla başarısız bir yapım.

This game actively hates you and wants you to go outside.
Are you gonna take that?
I honestly think this is the BEST one and I feel that the underwater combat kinda helps it?
Most of the other MonHuns have you just choose a weapon and make you gain profficiency as a player with it for the entirety of the game, Tri I feel was trying to make players branch out and try new weapons depending on the situation?
Like faster enemies would be better with longsword / SNS, fast attacking / underwater enemies are better fought with something that can propperly block like with Greatsword or Lance etc.
The monsters really require some dedication and trial and error to seriously get good at. Enemies will absolutley stun lock you given the chance and you need to be able to determine when those attacks are coming, how bullshit the hitbox is gonna be and when you should and shouldn't use items.
Items are also way more strictly obtained, you're always going out to collect recourses for potions n honey which really set in stone that these recourses are FINITE.
Also the day/night cycle is something I really miss, Enemies are harder at night and drop more but in the day they're weaker so it's better to learn their moves then.
All of these points are for one major theme that I feel is lost in the future games.
You are a HUNTER. Not a ninja, weathered explorer or any special hero. All of your achievements are your own. And all that shit is HARD to do man..

also this game has like, really nice art.

tro bien mon 1er monster hunter

I can't dislike this game too hard, since it is what got me noticing monster hunter, but... oof. Bone dry on monster count without any of the fun gimmicks of the later games minus... water combat. Which, to the shock of nobody, is not great. It's still a monster hunter game, so if you're playing with friends it isn't bad, but it's not great now.

An online experience for the ages.

And memorable underwater battles.

this was my first monster hunter. i don't know if any other game experience will come close to playing this for thousands of hours as a kid, online and offline. the online community was the nicest in any game i've played to date, and i do rate games based on my online interactions, unlike the ESRB. this is the best monster hunter visually. the subdued colors and art direction in general are just beautiful. even the ui in this game is amazing on the eyes. one of the best looking games on wii, with one of my favorite soundtracks ever. and yeah underwater combat isn't the best but the final boss monster is so cool that i think It alone makes up for it. not a perfect game but i can't bring myself to rate it any lower

This was the swan song for the Wii to me, I bought it because of what I had read back in the day about the game when it came out, was not really expecting much, but I found something truly special.

I was obsessed with this for a full year, recommended it to friends, convinced some to buy it too, it was incredible, the multiplayer specially, since its was ultra rare for a Wii game to have good online.

The community in this game was better than the new one (World), since in this game the hub was connected automatically with other players, chat was used a lot and it was normal to play 4 hours straight with the same randoms farming rathalos rubys.

I have so many good memories of this game, it wasn´t until World that I was able to play the franchise again, I still remember the item description of the Alatreon ruby which was something like "if you have this in your hands it means your end" which was a meta message since that was kind of the last boss of the game, though the last monster I beat was Devil jo or "Joe" as many players liked to call him.

I probably would have played it more after the year I played it, but my save was deleted, so yeah, stuff happens.

Lo odie los primeros días porque era malísimo lol.
Sin saber muy bien porque al poco tenia mas de 200 horas jugadas 🤙🏻

Loved this game growing up, I'd love to come back and beat it sometime

I love this game more than any other. It made memories I'll never forget. Yes, this game has flaws. Yes, it's not perfect. But to me, it is. I cry every time I load the game up now. Thank you Capcom for giving me and so many others memories that'll last a lifetime.

The wiimote controls are awful, the underwater combat is bad. Other than that, this game rules.

Mi primer experiencia online, no recuerdo haberme aburrido jugando en las mas de 850 horas que jugué, te impulsa a hacer la misma tarea repetidas veces una y otra vez y de alguna forma logra que te diviertas igual.

This was my first Monster Hunter game i've ever played and i genuinely can't think of a better installment to get started. The generations before were incredibly janky and the generations after it are too complex. I was super bad at this game as a kid because i've never played a game like this, but despite all i've powered through and was rewarded with the most addicting videogame franchise ever. The Online mode was unlike anything i've ever played in a videogame and i miss the proper online server experience with events and being able to chat with up to 100 other players at the same time. Nowadays you only get small hubs with up to 4 players and there aren't really timed events and such. If the fan servers will go online i'll make sure to return to this game and re-experience where it all started for me.

This game was a big deal to me back in the day. Turns out I didn't manage to get into it.