Reviews from

in the past

Una obra maestra! Ingenioso juego con mini elementos metroidvania refiriendome a ciertos items y mas habilidades que te dan. Jefes y niveles desafiantes, a veces frustrantes pero muy gratifacantes al lograr pasarlos. Una buena historia, muy disfrutable aunque se necesita algo de paciencia para llegar al final.

I guess "owing much inspiration to Prince of Persia" is a nice way of saying "we chose superfluous sprite animation over competent play control"

The animation is great as you might have heard, the level design is decent, and the gameplay...Stands on the better side of the NES/Famicom library but it has that cliche NES-era flaws. Still this is one of the few NES games that you can play without having a urge to kill yourself

There's a lot to like about this game and while it does have it's flaws, it's a memorable title. The animation is pretty impressive though it can also be an unfortunate downfall because it makes boss fights a little annoying at times. I also wish the double jump wasn't finnicky at times. Once you learn the levels it can be fun blasting through them and they all feel well designed. Would recommend at least trying the game out.

it's known for its fluid animation, but this comes at a cost. your character's movement is severely hindered due to the fact that instead of snapping left to right, there is an added delay due to the makers actually adding frames to his turning. this ends up giving the game a weird difficulty spike where the levels are a cakewalk but the bosses are quite hard due to you having to play around this delay.

fun story and cinematics, and i really loved the ost. the final boss of this game is quite horrific for NES.

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Wow, this may be the most badass platform game ever. The game plays a lot like Prince of Persia, where you have to jump from platform to platform, do some climbing and essentially avoid falling to your death. There’s also plenty of thugs trying to stop you, and collection of some of the toughest bosses I’ve ever encountered in a videogame. Meanwhile, Ninja Gaiden-esque cut-scenes tell the story in between levels. The graphics are almost on par with the TurboGrafx, and the control is amazingly fluid and dead-on. The more you play this, the more you’ll say “damn, they did this on the NES?” It’s just that kickass.

Looks incredible for an NES game but its stiff controls make for a pretty annoying experience in the games latter half

Gorgeous-looking, cinematic platformer, like a more straightforward Prince of Persia. Its slippery controls make every single boss encounter a total crap shoot, though. You just have to wail on them and hope for the best.

Gorgeous little Famicom game! As denpaloli mentioned in a review before mine, the biggest flaw with this game is surely turning the character around. Which is a shame, since the actual momentum the character moves at is quite satisfying, and feels great once you start getting into a flow with the level design. The slowness of the turn though, and by proxy how long it takes for you to be able to attack after turning, makes navigating any zig-zag-like patterns a little sticky. Aside from that, this game's level design and enemy placement is surprisingly breezy and fair, considering other games that came out at the time. A great game to pop on and run through in an afternoon - don't feel bad using save states towards the final bits though! (Also worth mentioning that this game's first level features one of those notorious full-screen NES waterfalls; if you're photosensitive, be aware of that going in, as well as a few cutscenes towards the end with pretty aggressive flashing.)