Reviews from

in the past

It's a really cool game for nostalgia's sake, but honestly it's not that good.

O jogo é muito massa, mas tenho que falar.
Nunca tive amigos e tem nunca tive um controle dois(só uso um controle, sou destro), se eu tivesse um amigo eu compraria cortaria e amaria jogar com ele.

Incrível e a melhor experiência é no coop, ali o jogo fica ainda melhor.

a cutscene do começo era muito louca kkkkkkkkkkk era muito divertido em coop tbm, eu nunca cheguei a zerar pq era burro não conseguia avançar em certa parte do mapa

Joguei o modo história para descobrir qual era o propósito de existir as batalhas doidas desse jogo. E simplesmente descubro que a história é só um pretexto ridículo e mal contado. As cutscenes são toscas pra caralho e não demostram nenhum pingo de contexto plausível sobre o que está acontecendo. Chegam a ser cômicas de tão zoadas que são kkkkkkk.

Mas até que o combate tem seus valores de gameplay com muitos combos e ataques especiais diferenciados, o fator co-op também ajuda pro jogo não ficar maçante ou repetitivo, além da violência ser muito bem feita. Apesar de ter vezes que o jogo fica insuportável por colocar alguns desafios e bossfights muito arrastadas ou difíceis de enfrentar(a última bossfight foi a coisa mais difícil do jogo inteiro).

Simplório e nulo, mas é legalzinho de jogar.

Really awesome MK beat em' up spin off game. This one takes place after the first game in the series and features one of my favorite CG intros. This title has a lot in common with God Of War such as the fixed camera and general way of traversing through the game.

The main draw in this game is the co-op but I played solo and still had a lot of fun. Many of the combos in Shaolin monks are performed by juggling enemies and thats also how you gain XP to buy moves. If you are good at action games like me you'll get all the upgrades by mid game and have surplus amounts towards the end.

Platform sections and real basic puzzles exists and are solid enough. You get access to more fatalities and abilities, some which allow you to travel back to find secrets. One of these is an optional boss fight with Kano. Sound design and graphics are pretty good. Most scenes are shown in-game and this is naturally how the plot progresses. Fans and action gamers owe it to themselves to play Shaolin Monks. If you can get a friend to kick ass with, even better.

Jogar isso aqui coop é resenha

Fruto da ousadia da Midway, esse e facilmente um dos melhores games que levam o nome de MK, divertido com ou sem amigos, bom do começo ao fim.

PS2 Revisionism made this game look WAY more fun than it actually is. Kinda liked playing it as a kid and even that might be overestimating it a bit. Kombat Combat is fun for 20 minutes, so is everything else, interesting becomes bland quick (granted, I played for some 4 more hours or something like that, because I'm a moron). That gets worse because the game also tries to be a platformer and it's so insistent on that it causes me physical pain, so that fighting becomes button mashing, boss fights suck absolute ass and platforming jump sections become torture. Don't think playing it with a friend would helped making the game better, but suffering together is always preferable than doing it alone. Won't give it a half star because it's some fun on laughability, terrible cutscenes and voice acting; Case in point is the scene that plays before Baraka's fight, true testament to the latent, mostly untapped comedy that engulfs Mortal Kombat as a whole. In fact, it's ridiculous that it took me a long time to realize this, but this franchise doesn't really have its charm anymore after you're no longer 11 years old. I mean, nothing wrong with being goofy, or even enjoying watching as the enemy pours down litres of blood after you punched his throat or something. But it fucking stinks when you're told left and right that's the best game this decadent fighting game series ever spit out, and that it's got this deep, awesome, fun action with a serious story! Fuck off. I'll stop here before I lose my head over a 2005 game. And don't get me started on those shitty fatalities. Play something else.

Jogar isso com um amigo é muito foda, esse jogo é muito bom, apesar que certas fases são difíceis e alguns minigames esmagam o botão do seu controle

Me encanto este extraño experimento. Ojala algun dia regresen a esta idea.

Algo nuevo, fresco..
No me parece un obligatorio, pero es un buen juego

Something new, fresh...
I don't think it's a MUST, but it's a good game.

The only good Mortal Kombat game

O único jogo de luta que eu joguei e gostei, realmente uma obra de arte.

O que dizer dessa maravilha? Simplesmente um dos melhores coop que eu já joguei na vida, era perfeito pra quem tinha um amigo e não queria jogar contra, a movimentação, as lutas, os fatalitys e o inesquecível TEST YOUR MIGHT! Kkkkkkkkkk

Sem dúvida me marcou demais.

One of the best couch-coop experiences on ps2

Joguei até a metade do jogo junto com meu primo, e por algum motivo paramos de jogar. Eu e ele achávamos que os PGs foram pra outro mundo, mas só caíram num buraco mesmo. Não tenho vontade de zerar.

Thanks for making me destroy my PS2 controller, I'll never forget you...even when I snapped you in half

Very underrated. Even it's creator wants to bring it back. I hope it happens.

eu gosto muito desse jogo não vou mentir, olha que nem sou tão chegado na franquia, só queria mais personagens no multiplayer e outros jogáveis na campanha mas tudo bem.

For me, this is the best Mortal Kombat game, because its different from others, the coop gameplay is awesome, i dont remeber seeing another fight game where you and your mate can fight with monsters.

A very good example of a creative way to make a spin off and a 3D beat em up, even if it doesn't manage to overcome some of the problems that come with this genre.

The fact that this game never got a sequel is criminal.

A really good beat 'em up game in the Mortal Kombat universe. I don't remember much about the story or if it even made sense inside the timeline, but none of that mattered when playing this with my cousin, we just had a blast every single time.

I recommend giving it a shot at least once; chances are that you will enjoy it, even if you are not a Mortal Kombat fan.

A decent enough action adventure game, I played this when I was younger and it does not hold up at all. Enemies are giant damage sponges, and Lui Kang is constantly yelling. It's short enough though and doesn't overstay it's welcome.

The only reason that I am marking this as Abandoned is because I made it to the final boss, and it hits you with a 3 boss rush with little to no health recovery between battles. If you die at the last boss then you start all over again, this happened to me like twice and I immediately did not care enough to try again.

Atemporal, um jogo que não perdeu o seu valor. Meu preferido entre os Mortal Kombat de PS2, especialmente pelo modo campanha.

Até hoje, tenho em minha carteira uma folinha com as "manhas"(códigos) de liberar personagens.

A game that has no right being as good as it is. One of the best platforming beat 'em ups that retains all of MK's characters and essence while drawing upon the rich material the series had for an outstanding experience playable from start to finish in co-op with even more unlockable characters and a hidden versus mode. How this game isn't brought up more or brought back for even a re-release is beyond my comprehension.