Reviews from

in the past

Comme je suis un honnête citoyen j'ai kiffé la possibilité de pouvoir se mettre dans la peau des flic

Одна из лучших NFS. Приятнейшая атмосфера, отличный геймплей, крутая система способностей. Гонки за копов и гонщиков. Один из лучших онлайнов в гонках, сколько часов с друзьями было весело проведено. Наконец спустя долгое время я ее полностью прошел, все гонки на золото.

NFS Hot Pursuit is a great nifty arcade racer with alot of little nusances that weigh it down a lot.

First for the positives:
+ The game has a great sense of speed and acceleration, which makes racing down the highway at 400 kph actually really thrilling and adrenaline pumping.
+ The car selection is great with many of the most iconic vehicles of the late 2000s and early 2010s.
+The AI is actually pretty decent and poses an actual challenge, if you are not perfectly driving.

For the negatives:
- The handling of the cars feels a bit imprecise, which is especially highlighted when you are trying to get through a road block which has a small opening, that is almost impossible to navigate through, due to the floaty handling.
- The progression in this game is quite strange for me, as you are constantly unlocking new vehicles but alot of the time these are just duplicates as many of the cars have a normal and a convertable version. Also after completing every event in the game the final unlock, the Gumpert Apollo, (which I really looked forward to) was still miles away from actually being unlocked, therefore I never got to drive it outside of the preview events.
- The general feel of the menus and UI is horribly sluggish. On top of that you have long loading times (even with a PCIe 4 SSD) and unskippable cutscenes for every race (you can tell the game to skip the cutscene but most of the time it will play most of the cutscene anyway). All of that feels like it wastes your time not doing what you actually want, which is racing.
- This last point may seem like a small issue but it is really not and is probably alone respobsible for why I give this a 3,5 instead of a higher rating: The Crash Cam. If you haven't played the game, let me explain what the crash cam is: It is a slow motion camera that takes away controls from you racing to look at an opponent "wreck" after every succesful action. And if I say every succesful action I literally mean EVERY single one. You hit someone with an EMP, you hit someone with a spike strip, you hit someone heavily with your car, you wreck somebody. You might think that is a rare or special occurence but in the end this will happen to you about 15 times in a 5 minute race. I get what they were going for, I know the crash cam from Burnout, they want you to enjoy the carnage that you caused when you sent an opponent into the wall and gaze upon its bend metal wreckage. BUT this does not work at all in the context of this video game, as first of all, all of these cars are licensed, which means they are not allowed to have any sort of damage model at all except for scratches and bumpers hanging off and second of all, they even use this when you use your EMP, where all that is happening is, that the opponent is lightly swaying to the side, which is like the least interesting slow motion "crash" footage I have ever seen. And you know what is the best thing about all of this, if the constant interruption of your driving with boring slow mo footage wasn't enough? Half of the time you will immediatly crash into either a wall or a traffic car afterwards, killing all of your momentum, which actually makes it a better strategy to not use your power ups in a race. And all of this could have been circumvented when they made this Remaster, where they could have just acknowledged that it was a shitty feature in the original and could have made it at least optional.

The last part developed into kind of a little rant into this little part of this game but it made me so frustrated and dampened my experience with the game heavily which is otherwise a fun arcade racer.

Who would I recommend this to? If you are looking for an old school arcade race in the style, that they are not making anymore, this is still a solid pick.

Story 2 | Gameplay 3 | Audio 4 | Visual 3.5 | Details 3 | Entertainment 3 | Open World 2.3

Total 3

the best need for speed, for 2010 very beautiful graphics, the last time I played as a child, I decided to pass recently, I got the maximum of emotions, the multiplayer is of course boring, but the storyline is just super, I didn’t notice the difference with the remaster, of course it’s stupid to demand the full amount for this on the part of the developers

This game is improved immeasurably once you hit mute on the TV. To begin with, the car engine noises are absurdly loud and drown out everything else in the mix, so it didn't take long for me to venture to the audio menu and crank the SFX way down. This only exacerbated things however, as it revealed how piss-poor the soundtrack is. A who's-who of what was considered hot and trending back in 2010 I assume, but man, most of the licensed tracks that litter Hot Pursuit's virtual jukebox are forgettable at best and mind-numbingly rote at worst. Remember Klaxons? I do, but I sure didn't want to be reminded of their existence! So unless you have a particular affinity for music circa 2010, I suggest you spam the mute button on your TV remote every time you boot this baby up. My soundtrack to getting all the gold medals in Hot Pursuit Remastered was a concoction of The MinnMax Podcast episodes, Norm Macdonald compilation vids on Youtube and a whole lot of awesome shoegaze. I'm pretty sure my performance increased once these were playing in the background.

Won't lie though, Bigger Than Us by White Lies is still an absolute banger.

Thank god this title didn't succumb to the curse of "shit dynamic framerate" that ported games usually go through. Compared to other titles the handling in this game is very simple along with the progression, getting these crazy cars from the jump compared to other titles dropping some lower end possibly shitbox cars. The free drive is mad entertaining and the events popping up are fair enough. I haven't played the cop campaign but I'm expecting similar opinions.

I've been aiming to play more racing games recently. This game is pretty fun but it did end up feeling more and more repetitive the further I got in.

One of the best NFS games. It's really fun either playing as the racers or the cops. The campaign is very meaty with many different challenges. Too bad the remaster feels more like a mere port instead of something substantial.

Dormi de tédio na direção e capotei a diversão

Quase tudo nesse jogo remete aos clássicos NFS do PlayStation 1. Vasta variedade de carros, belos cenários, o estilo de perseguição policial e trilha sonora legal, mas ele se perde na quantidade absurda de corridas e temáticas iguais que o tornam extremamente repetitivo e tedioso com o passar do tempo.

São 78 eventos onde você é apenas um corredor e 63 eventos de temática onde você é o policial. Ou seja, são 141 eventos que repetem MUITO por si só, mas também por conta da elevada dificuldade em alguns casos que fazem a repetição de uma corrida ultrapassar uma dezena de vezes. No meu caso, teve um time trial onde eu precisei repetir 14 vezes para concluir.

Falando sobre essa dificuldade, o problema dela é artificialidade que esta também totalmente atrelada a jogabilidade. A fluidez da direção não é tão boa, ainda mais pelo fato da altíssima velocidade que você vai estar em 90% das vezes. A direção arcade não funciona bem em vários momentos, principalmente em curvas e transições de faixas para desviar de carros, ai junto disso a colisão com os adversários e a polícia torna tudo muito fácil de se perder a paciência. Um exemplo é a quase certeza de que uma colisão dos adversários com o tráfego vai fazer um dos dois serem direcionados para te atingir tal qual um imã.

É uma pena pq o jogo tem uma proposta MUITO interessante, mas que pra mim falhou na entrega de uma completa diversão por conta desses fatores que são repetitivos na gameplay. Poderia ser muito melhor pq a seleção de carros é excelente e o mapa é maravilhoso. Mesmo não sendo mundo aberto, constrói uma boa exploração em várias corridas que passam por mais de um ecossistema que vão desde florestas, a costas praianas, deserto e colinas com neve, onde todos possuem uma fidelidade absurda com os primeiros cenários da franquia. Os cenários são um verdadeiro remake dos cenários dos primeiros jogos e esse é o fator mais legal do game na minha opinião.

De resto, o game apresenta um modo online que eu não achei nem um pouco divertido, pois além dos fatos que eu mencionei que atrapalham a jogabilidade, no online a instabilidade de rede que separaram as pessoas faz com que tudo seja ainda pior, então, simplesmente não foi legal, joguei apenas duas corridas e parei.

Vale a pena? Talvez para conhecer o game, mas não para uma jogatina completa a ponto de zerar o jogo. Tem coisas melhores por aí.

Embora eu já tenha jogado o NFS Most Wanted e o Underground 1 e 2, o Hot Pursuit é um que eu fico feliz que tenha experimentado e concluído, mas certamente eu não voltaria a jogar novamente.

Oh deus como eu ODEIO a IA desse jogo algumas vezes, após concluir entre 70 a 80% das corridas de policial e piloto, você se depara com umas corridas muito levadas pelo RNG e vacilos da IA e algumas vezes ela simplesmente é muito TROLL. F*C6 You RNG.

O melhor need for speed do PS3, mas agora remasterizado para o PS4.

Самый ненужный и необязательный (для владельцев оригинала) ремастер последних лет. Сможет заинтересовать людей, не игравших в нее до этого момента и имеющих у себя в наличии только консоль нового поколения

По какой-то неведомой мне причине EA продолжают игнорировать более старые части Need For Speed, попутно снимая их с продажи в цифровых магазинах, оправдывая эти действия закрытием серверов и проблемами с лицензиями, хотя большинство явно играет в них из-за одиночной кампании. Однако, по какому-то невероятно "удачному" стечению обстоятельств, им удалось сохранить большую часть автопарка и саундтрека в ремастере Hot Pursuit.

Геймплейно и графически на 99,9% это абсолютно та же игра, что и оригинальный релиз 2010 с парочкой улучшений. Без досконального сравнения лоб в лоб с лупой практически невозможно найти различия между ремастером и оригинальной игрой.

За основу для ремастера Stellar Entertainment Limited взяли версию игры для Xbox 360

Сначала поговорим о плюсах
— Завезли достижения, карточки, значки и фоны в Steam
— Мультиплеер пока-что "живой" из-за относительно недавнего релиза и добавленной кроссплатформенности с другими платформами.
— Улучшили сглаживание, теперь глазам не грозит порезка об лесенки. Было улучшено освещение и окружение различными мелкими деталями.
— Присутствуют небольшие улучшения в тюнинге. Появились винилы, при желании машину можно перекрасить в любой цвет при помощи RGB палитры.
— Добавили несколько ранее невыпущенных на PC паков с автомобилями. Теперь мы сможем ездить на Lamborghini Countach и Sesto Elemento, 82' Porsche 911 Turbo, Porsche 959 и 911 Speedster
— Интерфейс стал более четким и адаптированным под современные соотношения сторон. Нельзя также обойти стороной переработку внешнего вида карты выбора заезда, на этапе выбора машины у гонщиков теперь не чернота, а полноценный детализированный фон.

Теперь перейдем к минусам
— Так и не добавили возможность включать свою музыку, хотя на PS3 такой функционал был.
— Баг с отсутствующим звуком в начальной заставке и игре вообще. Лечится переключением на Alt + Tab. Люди также сообщают об просадках FPS, фризах и вылетах.
— Была с концами вырезана русская озвучка. Данный недочет легко исправим благодаря энтузиастам, восстановившим ее в виде легко устанавливаемого мода
— Как и все нынешние игры EA, игра намертво привязана к Origin и не всегда запускается с первого раза. Порой приходиться потанцевать с бубном, чтобы сделать все в правильном и нужном игре порядке
— Несущественные для ремастера изменения в графике. Местами ухудшенные текстуры и эффекты в сравнении с оригинальной версией. Это тоже легко исправимо установкой мода, восстанавливающего былой вид.
— Из-за слияния Mercedes-Benz и McLaren из автопарка пропали Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Stirling Moss. Точно так же не повезло Carbon Motors, представившей в оригинальной версии игры E7 Concept. Компания так и не выпустила ни одного автомобиля и была закрыта в 2013 году.

O game é basicamente a mesma coisa do original, com a diferença sendo uma mudança nos gráficos e no sistema de rubberbanding do jogo, que consegue ser pior do que o original. Ele tem uma variedade de carros que no geral é sempre bem-vinda, tem um mapa bem bonito e uma soundtrack que é bem boa. O problema mesmo é ele no geral ser bem repetitivo, e a campanha da policia ser bem mais chata de fazer do que a campanha dos corredores, tanto no quesito dificuldade, tanto por mecânicas malfeitas. E quase que me esqueci do elefante na sala, a gameplay dele é SUPER ESQUISITA. E você pode se perguntar, "como assim esquisita/?" Se você jogou pelo menos um pouco de jogos de corrida, você vai perceber que os carros nesse jogo tem um delay que por mais que seja bem pouco, é algo que acaba atrapalhando MUITO em relação a fazer algumas curvas ou viradas bruscas (Consegue ser pior nas versões de consoles), e juntando com as hitbox dos carros que são extremamente sem sentido, você vai acabar se frustrando demais em muitos momentos do jogo.

great game from the past that being brought by ea
hard to admit that this is ea we are talking about
but still great game at the end of the day

A implementação do Remastered no título foi a única coisa de novo, fora isso zero mudanças relevantes

All Gold Medals (base game + DLCs) and LV.20 reached for both Racer and Cop campaigns

Le jeu est très bien mais le 100% demande trop de trucs en online (qui est mort)

fajne dla fanów i niefanów ścigałek

One of the best arcade racers of all time. This remaster doesn't do a whole lot to the original, but it was incredible playing through this game once more.

The handling proves that NFS can do tap-to-drift mechanics right, in fact, this is about as good as it would get for NFS's relationship with tap-to-drift handling models. There's a bit of wonkiness on the rare occasions you're at a low speed, but the cars feel incredible otherwise. Paganis can be whipped around turns at high speed, but get beat up easily. You can feel the weight of Bugattis and Bentlys in the corners, but they're built like tanks and hit like one too. I think this game does a good job of making sure the car with the top speed isn't gonna be the one you want to use every single race. In hot pursuit races, you may want something that'll take more of a beating.

The gameplay itself is some of my favorite need for speed has to offer. The races combined with the soundtrack and beautiful world make for some serene moments, flying through deserts and mountains at 250 mph will never get old in this game, going fast really feels like going fast. The interceptor events will really have you pissed at the guy you're taking down by the time you finally catch them off guard and ram them off a cliff. I think where this game really shines the brightest though is with some of the best events in any racing game I've ever played: the hot pursuit events. Racer or cop these events are always such an adrenaline rush. Playing as a cop slamming into racers in the turns. The absolute cool factor of calling in a helicopter and the earth quaking as it flies overhead. Watching racers hit a roadblock and taking them out with a 200 mph T-bone. As a racer weaving through roadblocks and past racers getting flipped on their roofs. The fear of seeing a veyron's lights flip on (like seriously those things are as close as it gets to a boss battle in this game). Barely making the finish line with only a sliver of health left. These races can get so intense when you've got a million things going on in front of you, and I really wish Need for Speed would do something like this again.

The presentation of this game is also incredible. Cars sound incredible in this game, aggressive and powerful. The way they start up when you select your car in an almost comically loud fashion, and the narration that gives an overview of the car really makes it feel like you're driving an important piece of car history. It's all the icing on top of this incredible game.

Overall, this is still some of the most fun I've had with a racing game, amazing cars, car sounds, soundtrack, gameplay, and handling. In a time when racing games have been in a bit of a slump, I'm glad they decided to remaster one of the best ones out there.

Really fun in the first couple of hours and with your friends but gets repetitive quickly and the missions where you escape cops is getting ridiculously frustrating.

This was a childhood game of mine, and I chose to revisit it when it went on sale on Steam. It's a fine enough racing game, it feels a bit too long, a bit too understeery, and a bit lacking in variety in cars, but the time trials and hot pursuits are fun. And this is the best racing game I've experienced that makes you feel FAST.