Reviews from

in the past

This game rules. It's got an incredible style, lots of customization, and areas that are fun to explore without getting lost in.

Games pretty dope sometimes just feels lacking in combat/character builds

Too overcomplicated for me. Seems unfair at certain points. Wasn't feeling it.

Had fun with this until about the third boss but got real bored real fast after that

Es un juego con una curva de dificultad curiosa, los primeros jefes son una locura y son los momentos más souls-like, luego ganas acceso a la "magia" del juego y haciendo uso de esta la dificultad disminuye bastante. Le pesan las secundarias, algunas son repetitivas y en otras la dificultad simplemente abandona el plano material para que sufras (especialmente las del post-game)

El desafío no solo radica en aprender patrones, si no que a diferencia de Ds aquí cobra más importancia conocer las debelididades de tu enemigo y usarlas en su contra (más similar en ese aspecto a lo que después haría Elden Ring)

La historia esta, no termina de ser tan emotiva o tocar la patata como el mismo juego espera, pero los personajes son carismáticos y les pillas algo de cariño, en este aspecto quizás le pese que el villano no deja de ser un "pinkfloi" de la vida con el que te acabas preguntando "¿Como semejante pringao' la ha podido liar tanto?"

Um jogo ótimo para quem busca algo similar a souls like, porém não é a mesma experiencia. Um combate ótimo e com mecânicas únicas, bosses bem criativos porem o balanceamento da dificuldade é esquisita, não tem uma progressão de dificuldade que acompanha o seu personagem, o jogo no inicio tem inimigo muito difíceis, na metade do jogo tem inimigos fáceis e logo vem um chefe mais difícil ainda.

some good ps2 vibes but damn i hit that 2nd boss and just felt the comparison of game feel to difficuly curve reduce me to completely uninterested
but i like the level design and world map progression style too much to not come back to

Nioh is the best action RPG I've ever played. And I didn't think so itinially. I went through the entire game playing around with weapons, picking up whatever gear I found and just equipping anything based on numbers alone. And it was fun, though nothing exeptional, really.

Then I got to the DLC and tried out Way of the Demon... And Nioh became an absolutely different game. Now builds became incredibly important, and I spent hours and hours theorycrafting and assembling fun builds, looking for synergies and playing through the entire base game and all DLCs on this new difficulty. It was an incredibly addicting and fun experience, and elevated Nioh to one of my favorite games.

I really found this game pretty disappointing. The stunlocking is atrocious, many of the enemy mobs are just unfair and the bosses are simply ridiculous. I definitely despised those aspects as well as how the player can only summon with a consumable item. I did love the art style as well as the locations in the game. They were great, which did keep me playing.

Excellent souls like mais tellement frustrant par moments, beaucoup plus de situations où on se fait one shot que dans les jeux from software. La magie onmyo est aussi beaucoup trop cheatée.

Great gameplay with skill trees that push is well past souls-likes, fun bosses, and overall just a nice comfort game weirdly for me.

I love dark souls. I love Japan. Being a non-Japanese person who lived in Japan and learned a lot about the language in culture and worked there I loved the idea of Nioh. I absolutely hate the bonkers stamina pump mechanic and the logic for the enemies is some of the worst I've ever encountered in gaming. Stance idea has some promise but I don't have the patience to deal with this any time soon.

I've been trying to finish this game for years, but I keep hitting roadblocks with the bosses. Actual skill issue, but I will probably never finish this one.

ótimo combate e ideias mt criativas presas a um loop de gameplay extremamente chato.
pretendo jogar o 2, entretanto

Uma das maiores decepções que eu tive nesse ano, me lembro de ter começado a jogar no ano passado e dropado, só que não sabia o motivo. Quando fui rejogar, imediatamente descobri o porque. Até hoje não sei por que diabos platinei esse jogo, mas enfim, o que já foi feito não pode ser desfeito.

Do início ao fim do jogo, ele é totalmente repetitivo, entediante e desbalanceado. As áreas são muito lineares, com pouca exploração, essa sendo feita de maneira preguiçosa, assim como seu level design, que é um dos principais fatores do jogo ser desbalanceado e entediante. O jogo é desbalanceado devido ao fato da dificuldade dele ser baseado em quantidade e não qualidade, então ao invés de termos espalhados pelo mapa inimigos diferentes, com padrões de movimentação e ataque, em menos quantidade porém bem posicionados de maneira a surpreender e punir o jogador, temos áreas entupidas de inimigos idênticos, com nenhuma ou quase nenhuma variação, em que o jogador tem que, frequentemente lidar com um gangbang de 4 a 6 inimigos. Os inimigos em si não mudam em nada de aparência e movimentação/padrão de ataques, que para tentarem um "balanceamento" inventaram de escalonar o dano desses monstros a um nível colossal que, mesmo você estando com o mesmo nível de personagem e equipamento da missão, te dão hit kill. Isso tudo acaba sendo refletido nas batalhas contra chefes que, ou são ridiculamente fáceis, ou ridiculamente difíceis, com quase nenhuma curva de aprendizagem.

Por outro lado, a história do jogo é boa, a narrativa é agradável com o pacing certo para seu desenvolvimento. Gostei como foi pensado o plot, misturando fatos e acontecimentos históricos do Japão com mitologia e fantasia e o modo como isso foi feito encaixou muito bem com a narrativa. Os personagens em sua maioria são meio sem sal e esquecíveis, mesmo sendo personagens históricos japoneses acabaram fazendo um mal trabalho com isso.

A cool game (I'm running out of good reviews). 🧄🤙

I enjoyed it at the time, but there have been much better Souls-likes since then. It tipped the scales of challenge a little too far into the unfair category.

A pretty good Soulslike, but outdone by the sequel in every way.

Great game, it doesn't try to hold to all the tropes that come with the genre and pretty much does it's own thing, drinking deeply from japanese history to spin it's narratives and justifying all of it's mechanics in-universe.

Combat is simple to learn and hard to master, options galore both weapon and style-wise, ninjutsu, living weapon and onmyo (magic) are sewn into the main story in an interesting way that allows you to really use all the cards the game gives you.

The only bad thing that I can say about it is that the last story boss of the Omi region is quite weird and janky, some of the later stages tend to appeal to tricks and "gotchas" to keep players guessing, which can get tiring but it's somewhat understandable that it's there. Also the hardcore gearing for the NG+ is a complete madness, but that's extremely optional so get into it at your own peril.

Overall a great game that suffered from being launched into an oversaturated market of weird soulslikes at the time of it's release, but that it went above and beyond to do it's own thing and stand out as a full-fledged game. Really impressed by this one.

as a big fan of souls games, i figured id try this game, seeing as its always praised as one of the better souls likes. playing this game (and many other souls likes), made me come to the conclusion that i just really like fromsoft games, and dont actually care for the souls formula that much.

Pretty fun take on a soulslike game, but let's be real sekiro is so much better.

The combat is awesome but the level's are really boring

fun arpg with different styles of play. the pace of combat moves very quickly so you'll often be on your toes for each new encounter.

Surpreendentemente bom, com uma gameplay ótima e bosses excelentes em sua gigantesca maioria. Facilmente o melhor soulslike que não é da From, adicionando muita coisa legal ao gênero.