Reviews from

in the past

Posiblemente el juego más hermoso que he probado, pero también uno muy lento para mí. Igual es un juego de nicho que le recomendaría a solo alguien que realmente esté dispuesto a seguir jugándolo por cultura

From what I played I couldn't enjoyed it as much as I hoped but it's still a very important Capcom game by all means. Combat system is fun, exploring maybe a little less.

one of those games that just sticks in the back of your head as an all around great experience. doesnt exceed in anything but also has so few flaws and just brings you pure joy the whole way good...

Artistic game with a janky but forgiving gameplay and a fuck ton of Japanese myth.

eu joguei isto quando era criança e sonhava ter um cão chamado amaterasu


The game is superb.
It has:
-Busty babes
-Awesome art style
-Time travel

It has some minor flaws like:
-Reuse of boss battles which is big no no in my list.
-Boring combat
-Way too late into the game I've discovered that you can skip even faster the dialog with Triangle, at some point the game could cue me in about that.
-Sometimes I have no idea where to go and it is always some weird logic

Sorry but I have to shelf this one for now and maybe come back to it in the future. Nothing I hate more than games that constantly hold your hand and barely even let you figure things out yourself. Shame since it has an amazing aesthetic and phenomenal artistry. Unfortunately fails as a game imo (but what do I know, anyway)

First replay (since I played it back in 2007/2008?) and I was hit was nostalgia hard. I still love the gameplay: exploring, battles, and the brushes. One of the coolest things is using the paint brush. It was a unique experience for me when I first played it and I'm still in love with it.

The art style is amazing and it reflects the story and using your brushes. Its fun how it's all tied together.

For the most part, the story doesn't take itself too seriously even though it's good vs evil. I do like you play as a god. It's a neat experience. The fights were an interesting balance of skill and learning weaknesses. Some fights felt like puzzles. You're using different brush strokes to aid you.

It's not without flaws. The camera could definitely be better. It felt too close to Ammy; while you're running and fighting, you have less sight. If you're in a tight space, it's even worse to time jumps and draw. At times, the brush would be really picky. You could draw one thing and the game guessed wrong.

Issun is the worst. Why games and anime feel the NEED to add a sexual deviant is beyond me. It's really not difficult to not sexualize women. It's not funny. It's not an acceptable "joke." It's not asking for much. The bar is so low already.

I never really have much in particular to say with this game, I can only ever think to describe any part of it as simply "beautiful."

dedicated bark button

need i say more

enrolei mto pra jogar esse aq, cerca de 2 anos, porém quando eu peguei pra jogar de vdd, misericordia que jogo bom, trilha sonora impecavel, personagens divertidos, parece que vc ta em uma exposição de quadros japoneses, o que nao falta é coisa pra vc fazer terminei o jogo com umas 40 horas, mto longo filho vale dms o dinheiro gasto

Idk how to talk about this game. Some of it is really good, other bits completely take you out of the experience. The writing can be really... distracting. But damn if it doesn't have presentation in absolute spades, and the world design is pretty great to. Okami is a solid but flawed game with a radiant coat of paint.

It's a shame that a game has such absurd potential, but poor game design decisions lead it to be one of the worst games in terms of pace that I have played...

This game is great in so many aspects, but playing it feels like a chore to me.

The game is incredibly beautiful, but it's also overrated.

O jogo mais artístico que eu já joguei. Histórias inspiradas na mitologia japonesa muito bem contadas, dirigidas e artisticamente fabulosa, e Waka é um ótimo personagem. Obra de arte eu diria em.

Uma obra de arte, literalmente. Jogo espetacular, um colírio para os olhos.

I played Okami for roughly 40 hours and within that time I fell it love with its world, characters, and art. Okami is a unique game that truly is a masterclass in its writing and art direction that makes you feel as if you're watching traditional Japanese art come alive. The game is filled with so much content, some that I missed that I will definitely be coming back for in New Game+

Thank you Kamiya for the best contribution that you have for the world.

Visually stunning, with a ton of memorable characters. The puzzles and combat were fun, and the atmosphere was great. It was exactly what I was hoping it was going to be.

Otimo Zelda-like com uma direção de arte incrivel, porem dura mais do que deveria.

Very talky with mediocre writing, excruciating quest structure, and the motion blur gives me a headache. There's some unique ideas here, but for me these flaws are fatal.

wish i could replay for the first time again

Un voyage fantastique de bout en bout.
e pinceau au final après quelques heures de maîtrise, même si tout ne s'active pas correctement parfois.

Et avec ça une traduction française qui enchaîne les erreurs d'orthographe.
Sinon, le style graphique fonctionne très bien, surtout en HD. C'est une putain de beauté.
La musique, bien qu'un peu répétitive pour les effets de pinceau, est juste sublime.
Un très très bon Zelda-like, une belle aventure, des mécaniques qui fonctionnent, des puzzles bien pensés... Tout pour plaire vraiment.

I understand that people though it was too long and while it really could be shorter, it is a terrific experience. The dungeons ideas are specially good.