Reviews from

in the past

Jeu de strategie mais besoin d'aucune strategie tellement cest simple

As a celebration of 25 years of One Piece it’s pretty fun to see moments that aren’t possible through any other means than time travel, or as it is here, revisiting memories. That said it isn’t super deep or that reflective of the passed stories, and the over arching narrative is a bit too derivative of One Piece’s themes and world building, which is more noticeable when it’s used to frame a story about going back and looking over the grander manga/anime’s narrative. It’s not a super complex of in depth turn based RPG but it is pretty fun, and it’s cool to see these characters get to be depicted in this format. I’ll always give an anime game extra points for not being another 3D arena fighter.

As a loud and proud One Piece fan, my expectations were through the roof as I learnt of a massive Bandai Namco RPG adventure in the works, featuring the characters I know and love, traveling through locales both new and old. This game is, to be brutally honest, a disgrace to those expectations.

My One Piece journey started in the manga, and something you should know about the manga is that it's surprisingly well-paced for the most part, in spite of its length. This game, on the other hand, seems to have first and foremost taken from the anime, in all its filler-having glory.

Playing One Piece Odyssey feels like walking through a swamp in high heels. It constantly bombards you with detour after detour after detour, as you treck through locations you've already seen with little changes made, participating in combat that's only novel in the first 3 hours. Your characters unlock new moves in batches, and so get ready to watch the same unskippable cutscene over and over again on the damage sponges poorly disguised as bosses.

On the surface they had something excellent here, but for me that only makes the game itself so much worse. I never got past Alabasta, it tore my soul apart. Would not recommend to anyone.

2 étoiles parce que c'est one piece mais bon

O começo é lento pra porra e a ilha inicial desinteressante. Melhora bastante no cap 2, mas dropei ao saber que os capítulos subsequentes não receberam o devido carinho igual ele

Definitely a little bloated in the beginning but developed into a fun fan service game. I like what they did with the story & rpg elements.

I will preface my review by stating that I have never watched or read One Piece, so I'm not an existing fan of the franchise. I did however still really enjoy my time with the game.

The story is unfortunately the weakest part of Odyssey, being a mish mash retelling of various arcs from the series. The first big area you explore is by far the most fleshed out and really has a grand sense of scope, which I found really drew me into the game. From then on however the other areas feel considerably smaller by comparison. While I still found them all to be unique and fun, they just don't hit the same highs or carry the same weight.

As someone with no frame of reference for pretty much all of the characters, the game also has a habit of whirlwind introducing people with an intended sense of gravitas, but without providing any buildup or much context to earn it. I did like pretty much all of the characters, so it lends credence to the popularity of the manga/anime in my eyes, but it's easy to see the faults with this. People new to the series could easily become totally detached from the story, and fans could be disappointed by them trotting out these characters without giving them their due time in the spotlight.

Onto the good for me though, was the general gameplay loop and combat! I'm normally not one to try to collect everything in a game, but I actually really enjoyed exploring each of the towns and poking around in every nook and cranny I could find throughout the run. The variety of characters lends itself well to having many possible team composition options, and the combat is satisfying. Being able to speed up the animations helps save it from ever feeling too arduous, which I thought was a welcome addition. My biggest gripe would just be that the difficulty level is a bit too on the easy side - difficulty options would have been a welcome addition for sure.

I did also enjoy customizing the equipment for all of the characters and found the easy skill boost/reduction mechanics to be well done. It makes the game really approachable, providing great flexibility to play things how you want to. The game does struggle a bit with giving you too many skills that feel redundant, so on a lot of the characters I could have access to 15 skills and find myself always using the same 3 or 4.

For me, this game was a welcome surprise and a refreshing, light RPG. I think the best advice I could give is just to give the demo a shot if it interests you, and if you enjoy the combat just dive into the full game. I didn't go for the platinum since there's one particularly annoying achievement (collect 99 Yaya cubes), but I did everything else the game had to offer since I was still having a lot of fun by the time the story came to a close.

Can you swear in backloggd review?

I feel like I need to swear to get my feelings of this game across.

Let's play it safe and just say fecking tedious.

Repetitive combat, letter delivery quests out the kazoo and a fast travel mechanic that the game stops you using most of the times you want to.

Pointless quest to go across multiple parts of an island you have explored multiple times to speak with your crew...sorry fast travel not available at this time.

The story is interesting enough but the pacing of it and the game in general is the equivelent of when you start writing a big word on paper and have to go really small in the last couple letters cause you went too big early on.

The second chapter of this game makes up about 30-40% of the total play time.

It's about a 30 hour game with 15 hours of it in the first 3 chapters and 15 in the remaining 6.

It gets the charm of the source material in areas and some of the the new additions are enjoyable but by about 20 hours in I was really forcing myself to finish this for the sake of completing it.

Was fairly a worthy game to play
Story not bad but game feels kind of cold


Am I asking too much if all I am asking for is some different Arcs in OP Games??? Let my homeboy Moria have some screentime

It's a nice game that you wont enjoy unless you are a big fan of One Piece.
It has a lot of flaws that you either ignore or they irritate you for the whole game. It doesn't have any deep mechanics so its pretty simple. I didn't have to grind in this game at all, which is very good for me in JRPGs

Well, I completed it with all achievements...
It wasn't really the greatest of games, took me 61 hours, the story sucked and it stopped me in my tracks almost constantly (probably half the 61 hours in cut-scenes and dialogue.) but the combat was okay and I completed it, So... that's something, I guess.

Only a few hours in, will get back to it eventually.

Completely average. Maybe a One Piece fan will enjoy the references and story recaps but it's not something newcomers will get. Game's too easy for RPG fans, backgrounds are pretty basic, maybe if you want to get into the genre this is harmless, but there are better options out there.

Il primo JRPG di One Piece purtroppo ha fallito nell'essere anche un semplice e divertente JRPG.
Mille sono i momenti morti di questo gioco, che inizialmente si presenta con una storia originale, non tratta dal manga o dall'anime, ma si perde in un bicchier d'acqua "ricordando" alcuni dei momenti più famosi del materiale originale senza adattarlo così fedelmente, ma non si prende neanche così tante libertà. Dopo aver affrontato la bossfight di Lucci poi, è così difficile prendere seriamente i combattimenti con i mostri nell'overworld, visto che Luffy dovrebbe essere già così forte da poterli stendere con lo sguardo. Il combat system in realtà è carino anche se è troppo semplice, ma delude quando scopri che tutti i combattimenti in questo gioco si affrontano tutti nello stesso modo. Dopo 20 ore di gioco questa cosa, non evolvendosi, annoia.
La cosa più terrificante di questo gioco è il ritmo.
Troppi momenti morti, "rallentamenti" tipo la dissolvenza dello schermo a nero quando inizia ogni dialogo o cutscene
Secondo me il problema di questo gioco è che voleva essere sia carne che pesce, ma alla fine non ha il gusto di nessuno dei due. Un ibrido insapore con un retrogusto di nulla assoluto e occasione sprecata.
Secondo me avrebbero dovuto adattare l'anime/manga originale fedelmente o fare una cosa totalmente nuova (più la prima che la seconda)
Non compratelo e non giocatelo nemmeno se ve lo regalano

Los gráficos molan mucho, encajan bastante bien con un juego 3D de un anime. Las mecánicas de combate al principio son un poco extrañas, pero luego te acostumbras y acabas haciendo estrategias muy útiles. La historia en sí es recordar la propia aventura del anime, que es algo que sienta bien siendo una historia tan larga y que está durando tantos años.

Part of my 2023 log I forgot to add, but I found One Piece Odyssey to be quite disappointing. I love turn-based games, but I found this to look half-assed and rushed. Sunk maybe 10 hours into it before dropping. 5/10

Kind of the posterboy for 'fun if you're a fan.' I love the Straw hats and I love turn-based RPGs, so I had an overall good time. But as a game it's very average.

It's another cowardly 'let's recap previous events' type of game that pretends it delivers a fresh and unique story. The combat is also fairly shallow and the later arcs feel really half-assed compared to Alabasta. The desert kingdom gets a big world whereas a few others get one or two screens with a couple of story moments.

Honestly at this point, if you're gonna do a one piece game, either do a full original story or do a deep dive into one arc. Like do a whole game on the Alabasta arc, make it feel like you're getting an experience comparable to the anime/manga by playing the game.

Gameplay is also fairly shallow. I think the combat is comparable to Like a Dragon as far as depth goes but without all the trimmings that make Ichiban Kasuga's adventure feel deep and rewarding.

the pace of this as a video game is cruel and unusual punishment, imma just go look up an LP or something. Sigh...

It looks good. Animations are good. Battle system is ok, very simple and easy.

My biggest gripe is the fade to black transitions. They are everywhere. Before the beginning of any cutscene, change of characters, walking through a door. It's used everywhere when possible to avoid actually showing an animation.
Second gripe is the backtracking. Feels like a lot of time is being wasted backtracking, especially in the first area you visit(which is also the largest, making you think the game is bigger than it actually is).

I think I would have enjoyed this more if it did either a fully original story, or fully committed to retelling the anime story. It tries to do both, but does neither very well.

I can only recommend it to one piece fans and even then, it's hard to recommend this game. It's most of the time boring with some good bits here and there.

i dont feel fair rating this because i only played like 8 hours but it's really not very good for a JRPG. every enemy is a sponge but there's no real challenge at all, i was taking like 5 damage a hit during what i played. the writing is also really mediocre for op standards, very little charm and tons of treating the player like a baby (probably because the target audience is babies). it's a real shame because a one piece jrpg is a great idea but this execution just isnt engaging or interesting

Why is everyone so negative about this game? It's a PS2 game and I mean this in the best way!
It's a solid turn-based RPG, which as far as I know is quite atypical for a One Piece Game. Retreading past arcs however is quite typical. The narrative in these revisited stories isn't too special, though it will have a twist here and there as well as some unique boss battles or situations sometimes that will throw you of for a second.
The real star of the show however is the exploration and level design: Luffy can climb high places with ease, Chopper can squeeze through tight spaces, Zoro can cut through iron doors, Franky can build bridges across big chasms - you get the picture. With all of this stuff you can constantly find side paths hiding a good accessory or some other valuable items. I for one really enjoyed exploring Alabasta, Water 7 and Dress Rosa and took every single revisit of these areas as a chance to immersive myself in these places of wonder.
The battle system is also really fun with the rock, paper, scissors system making every character actually viable in battle. You don't have to and probably shouldn't leave everything to Luffy, Zoro or Sanji. Combined with the accessory system that lets you equip and create some unique stuff, you can act like me and make a glass canon Nami, who will wipe the floor with Aokiji before he even gets to turn her to ice. All in all it's not too deep though and if you regularly clear the exp challenges you will probably be overleveled towards the end.
The story is what you expect from an anime game, nothing too revolutionary as it can't establish anything too important. Waford has some interesting lore though that ties into the world of One Piece and had me entertained just by that. The crew also gets a lot of moments to reflect on past adventures or just engage in their usual banter. Lim, the new character, is caught up in this and thus learns the value of friendship and family and stuff, nothing too deep, but well executed.
Look, it's a fan service game. If you enjoy all the small moments and just like being on an adventure with the Strawhats, you'll have fun. Moreso if you really enjoy japanese RPGs like it. For me it kinda fulfilled a dream I always had: traversing through the world of One Piece. Not an action game were just bash in the heads of the bad guys in a contrived retread of story beats, but just the magic of a journey.

Even when turning the speed up function on in battles the animations still feel so slow.
At least its better than World Seeker.