Reviews from

in the past

i played Z2 chaos before this one and it really hampered on the experience 😭
the first few levels before you get the dual swords are kinda unbearable but it picks up once saki joins ur team (just like in Z2!) and even more once you unlock the fists.
literally just not having the jump dash thing makes it so much clunkier to play. the lock on is broken most of the time and its just not anywhere near as satisfying to fight or move around. still not a shit game tho if ur interested in this series just play this one before Z2 cuz the amount of stuff you have at your disposal and have to keep track of is honestly pretty fun in that game. this one just feels limited in comparison w/o tightening up the combat to compensate for it. the parrying system asks u to have DS timing with limited and inconsistent cues from enemies so i ended up cheesing early bosses and the super health spongy enemies with jump + triangle or just mashing dodge bc it fills up your meter just as much as parrying w/o any of the skill.
the story is pretty terrible but literally why would u be playing an oneechanbara game looking for plot so I'm not counting that against it. its about 4-5 hours and subsequent playthrus on higher difficulties will just get shorter as you level up and equip rings. tbh i had the most fun with the infinite mode its kinda a vibe to just mindlessly slash thru waves of zombies while listening to something
i feel like the oversaturated cell shading art style is kinda aging like milk too. I vastly prefer the underexposed and washed-out graphics that were all over games in the mid 2000's #IDK i played too much ssbb growing up
not the worst game ever tho or else i wouldn't have finished it or taken the time to get all the unlockables. considering I enjoy turn-based RPGs I have a high tedium tolerance in games so if hack n' slashes aren't ur thing don't use this game to try and change ur mind. definitely don't pick this one up unless its on sale too... not worth the full price. there's really not that much content that's not just doing more of the same thing but guys have more health or do more damage or whatever. Z2 gets points just for the funny factor of the costume customization but in origin you get literally 1 costume outside of DLC and the missions are sorely lacking in variety (IIRC its literally just the endless mode?). i know most of this review was just yapping about the entry prior to this one but its nuts how bad it got outclassed by a game that was released five years prior :| I want there to be an engaging oneechanbara game that works so bad lol or else I wouldn't keep playing these but yurp

tldr: no saaya/5

Honestly I'd knock off half a star if I didn't get this on a humble bundle. Mediocre DMC clone with some nice presentation. Catchy ending theme too I guess.

I hate admitting that this game was a fun little blast. I only spent a few hours on it, but the time I had was good. The combat is super cool, though a little clunky. The game has some massive...feats that it accomplishes in the medium of gaming. Totally.

I give Onee Chanbara Origin a 7!

A generic hack n slash with big tiddy anime bitches. That's it. That's the game. Don't forget to reload your sword

pure rot of a game but good for my adhd

Eu pessoalmente gosto desse estilo de jogo vibe senran kagura, meio safado Gameplay legal etc, mas pro algum motivo esse jogo me da uma certa repulsa, ele é simplesmente mal feito, é um jogo mal otimizado, mercenário além de ser mto curto, e o que me irrita mais ainda é q eu queria um modo survival no Senran Kagura, mas nessa merda aqui tem, tmnc.
Como dito na análise de senran kagura, jogos com esse tipo de "estética" n pode ter uma história se levando a sério, afinal é uma parada idiota por si só, e aqui n é mto diferente de Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, é uma história q tenta levar um monte de drama besta e idiota a sério, Mano... tem a porra de um urso zumbi de circo, e uma lolita zumbi de mini saia, e os cara querem colocar drama em cima disso???
Apesar de tudo, tem sim como se divertir um pouco, ainda mais quando a Lolita lá pega as luvas dela e tu sai metendo muqueta nos zumbis, Mas de resto Esse jogo n tem mto proveito, senran kagura vale muito mais a pena, seja em costumização, personagens, gráficos e Gameplay
Única coisa q acho realmente BOA é sua trilha sonora, q é viciante, é bem J-rock/pop do jeito q eu gosto, tu pega um hypezinho escutando elas, Mas de resto é uma experiência esquecível....

вот это игрушка что надо.

The game was fun enough to keep me going. The costumes are nice and luckily I caught the dlc on sale. The story...does not matter. I mean, it's okay but it's very basic and largely unimportant. Not a bad way to waste some time.

Embarrassingly good. Story is whatever, aesthetics are goofy, but the combat is real stylish, halfway between musou and character action, with good parries and timing-based damage bonuses. The finisher is a bit finicky; it's mapped to attack+jump so when it doesn't register you end up bunny hopping around like a dipshit.

Most importantly, there is zero fat-- it's a remake of two games and it still wraps up in less than 4 hours.

certified weeb stoner game

the combat is pretty fun apart from a couple annoying enemies and everything else is either bad or hilariously bad.

overall a pretty enjoyable experience

i don't like the character designs (and rei's design especially) and the anime style, i find the older games to be more visually appealing. the enviromental design is also very bland, with the exception of the final boss area. the cutscene animation looks like something straight out of sfm porn.

HOWEVER.... the combat. it is so good. i came more times pulling off cool combos than to the cheap cutscenes of aya's boobs jiggling in my face.
if you have ps plus, i heavily encourage you to give this game a try.

Great game fun style great combat good story and dope ass boss fights

Slick hack & slash with tech you don't need to engage with in any way, but if you do, you're rewarded with some incredibly slick action.

Embarrassingly good. Story is whatever, aesthetics are goofy, but the combat is real stylish, halfway between musou and character action, with good parries and timing-based damage bonuses. The finisher is a bit finicky; it's mapped to attack+jump so when it doesn't register you end up bunny hopping around like a dipshit.

Most importantly, there is zero fat-- it's a remake of two games and it still wraps up in less than 4 hours.

cool gameplay #REAL story about #REALSISTERHOOD unfortunately aya's fit sucked ass and i had to pay about 2 euros to change it

Gameplay is really fun, there is no story.

I have to admit that this game was pretty fun, I especially enjoyed the timed hits mechanic, felt very satisfying to chain lots of hits together cleanly.

El nuevo estilo cel shading le sienta de maravilla para que no se note demasiado la cutrez del juego, al menos a la vista, porque cuándo te pones a jugar es lo mismo de siempre, hack and slash corto pero repetitvo envuelto en un presupuesto tan bajo que podría haber pagado yo pero eh, el que juega a estos juegos ya sabe a lo que va. [6/10]

this game is a pretty decent dmc clone it has very basic combat rlly repetitive gameplay annoying voice lines and annoying enemies but it is just fun to slash through zombies.
something that i noticed is that if you just do one attack and spam switch characters you can pretty much cheese the entire game. all and all i had a short but decently fun time with this game there is just a lot wrong with it that brings it down.

A fun enough experience that falls flat

OneChanbara Has always been such an interesting series to me. My first entry was the 360 title and honestly I didn't fully hate it. These games have always been mindless fun for me since I never expect anything amazing out of the franchise, which thus far still stands with Origin. From what I understand Origin is a remake of the first 2 titles from the PS2 which I did not play so I will not be able to compare this to those versions of the games although I am curious to play them now. Anyways let's talk about it !!!


It sucks lol. While I like Aya as a character her origin story with Saki is extremely basic which could very well be an era thing since the originals were on PS2. Nothing landed and all the twists and turns that the game threw at you were painfully obvious to the point where I almost thought this game assumed I was dumb or something lol. The story follows Aya on the search to find her sister Saki which along the way you find out about your family and what eventually led to the two sisters being together. In the end I really just didn’t care for this story and found it very bland and boring but to be fair I don’t play these games for the story.


This is usually where the game shines for me as the series is simply just fun and fun it is here still. However, I do have some issues stemming from weird hit boxes on bosses , Clunky movements like jumping sometimes and the annoying wait times when you get out of a special. Everytime you finish a combo or finish a cool combo your character will just go into an animation for what feels like centuries which is extremely annoying as your only option is to just dodge to get out of it. In addition, the weapon variants really didn’t add much for me as I usually just ended up using the first weapon for both Aya and Saki still. Furthermore the boss fights can be hit or miss with some being a bit challenging to others being downright boring and easy like the big bear boss. Fighting hordes of zombies however is still just as fun and gives you a dynasty warriors rush as you mow them down. Overall I enjoyed the combat but I didn’t have as much fun as I thought I would.


I am giving this its own section because for a game that is a collection of 2 titles into one this game is so damn short. When you take into account they are charging $60 for this game the fact you can beat it IN TWO HOURS is purely insane. In addition I beat the game 3 times for trophies and even with those 2 additional playthroughs this game is still extremely short. I don’t want to bog this down for myself as much because I played this through the PS Plus subscription services allowing me to skip its horrendous price tag but I must take this into account because people actually paid $60 for this game lol.


The level layouts are boring and bland with a few exceptions of some levels looking nice.


I honestly like the character models and think the whole cast looks great in this game. They opted out for a more cartoon vibe and I wonder if they will continue with this style in future styles. I personally like both art styles so I really do not care what they choose in the next entry. Furthermore , the OST can be hit or miss but ultimately was a miss as I found no songs to really stick with me in the end. The sound effects get the job done from mowing down the zombies to the sound of you swiping your katana to get the blood off it.

In the end

I feel like if they added more to this game , and didn't have an atrocious price tag of $60 with it being $30-$40 max I feel this game would have been better off. While I did play it through a subscription service I personally still take what the game usually costs into account which is still $60 to this day which is downright insulting lol. I would never recommend this game for full price but if you have PS plus and have access to the games catalog it's worth a playthrough if you understand it's a pretty brainless experience. It's a shame because I would have thought by now they would have evolved this franchise even more or put their all into this 2 in one collection but I was wrong. One final thing , this game was very easy even with me starting on the hard difficulty in which you unlock an even harder mode after beating it. Playing that harder mode for my last story playthrough was still a walk in the park lol.

Onee Chanbara Origins is a remake of the first two games and somewhere between a Musou game like Dynasty Warriors and a character action game like Devil May Cry. The player takes control over two zombie slaying anime girls in (very) short clothes and hacks through hordes of enemies and boss fights. The action is fun and fluid. Light and strong attacks, dodge and parry are intuitive to execute. A simple level up system unlocks new moves and lets the player invest into attack, defense and life attributes. Already completed levels can be repeated anytime to grind more experience and get stronger. There is also money which can be spent on powerups in a shop.

So far, so good. But as fun as the action is, it’s not an overall great game. The level design is as simple as it gets. Long empty corridors and bigger arenas are all this game has to offer. The graphics are ugly. Literally PS2 levels of graphics, but in HD. Also, the game is very short. A playthrough takes not even five hours. There is some replay value with higher difficulty levels, but that is something that never motivated me enough. But my biggest issue with the game is the abysmal camera work. The camera in general is way too close to the character. This becomes especially bad with bigger boss enemies. When these are locked in, the camera sometimes gets so close that you can’t even see your own character.

All in all I had a good time with the game, despite its flaws. But the asking price of 50$ is way too high. I’ve played it with my PlayStation Plus subscription. So either do that as well or wait for a good sale.


Um jogo MUITO divertido, passei um tempo só focado nele e tem uma gameplay ótima. O jogo tem uma história mais ou menos mas é interessante para o jogo e seu combate. Recomendo bastante para quem gosta de um belo jogo de porrada com waifus.

It's just really boring. Zombies take far too long to die. Mindless hacking away. It's been years since I played Z2 Chaos, but in my memory it absolutely clowns on Origin.

I pray this isn't an example of where the series is going.

Downloaded this on bored night for free. I like trashy big titty anime games but there is no depth here. Playing for about an hour I could tell the was nothing to the gameplay and it was super repetitive. Game didn't give me a reason to think it was gonna be anything different so I dropped it.

Esse foi um dos únicos jogos na minha vida toda que eu terminei e não sei o que dizer o que eu achei com clareza. Onee Chanbara é um jogo com cara de baixo orçamento, cheiro de baixo orçamento, mas atua como se tivesse dinheiro vez ou outra, e isso eu respeito.

Tem vários problemas, mas passa por muita qualidade, vive no limbo de não ser ruim, mediano ou bom. Esse 6 é simbólico, mas esse jogo é algo