Reviews from

in the past

This one comes with the original game and it's a story that's elapsing at the same time as the Outlast one. I can't say that it is better or worse than Outlast itself. The gameplay looks exactly like the first one except that the characters are different this time.

You can get through the whole story in just 3 hours.

Upgrade over the base game, but the protga has some plot armor that I cant stand

Really messed up addition to Outlast's story, but provides more depth on the events of Outlast. Loved the enemy encounters in this one but I really wish it were longer.

This is the greatest horror game I have ever played. The DLC is better than the main game.

nothin else to say but super great DLC :)

Outlast? More Like Outfast Whistleblower

What can I say besides this is a DLC that pairs up so brilliantly with the main game and yet stands so well on its own. I would still recommend playing them both because they are so so good.

Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Platinum Medal
---> My Game Time: 1 hours 13 min

esse é foda
dlc melhor q o jogo principal

More of the same, a bit more disturbing with the sexual stuff, which is a good thing in a horror game.

A sequel-sized encore to an already very good horror game. Nothing in this package is too different from the original game, so your enjoyment will rest entirely on how much it spoke to you the first go-around.

"what if we made outlast.......but good?"

Dá pra jogar em uma tacada só, mas como sou medrosa levei mais tempo do que deveria.; Esse é basicamente um alivio pro final que foi o primeiro. Muito bom!

Muito mais assustador que o jogo base e com uma história muito mais incrível, que revela todas as incógnitas.

Worst than original game, everyone said me that it's was better than Outlast 1, and when I played, I beat and thought "that's it ?", this DLC have the same problems from original game, the new enemies are forgettable (except Eddie Gluskin), but at least the end is better and Waylon >>>>> Miles

Better than the first game. I love the ties between this DLC's story and the main game. I had lots of fun and strived to collect all the collectibles just like the main game. This DLC's atmosphere is even eerier than the first one. Also the antagonists hunting you down were so much better. Also this game truly made me never want to have kids. The miracle of birth my ass. This DLC like the main game also had plenty of WTF moments possibly even more than the first.
Side note: Fuck Eddie Gulkskin/The Groom good antagonist... But nope nope absolutely not.

Quite literally Cock & Ball Torture: The Game. I'm rating this slightly low just because it's very short and there are a couple of sequences that were just annoyingly tricky - in the late game, you're afflicted with a massive limp that leaves you with virtually no room for error in chases. Still, the handful of new villains were particularly memorable, and it's cool how this acts simultaneously as a prologue to Outlast's main story and, following a lengthy time skip, an epilogue, although it would have been nicer to spend a bit more time exploring both the chaos of the initial 'outbreak' and the grisly 'cleanup' afterwards.

Whistleblower may technically be a DLC, but for me it’s Outlast 1.1. Our main character still hasn’t learned how to talk, luckily he’s not nearly as stupid as our protagonist in the first one, ignoring him trying to expose his employers WHILE STILL IN THE FACILITY. It’s no secret I relished the first game, and that trend continues in the DLC. If I could point to only one game that smartly, most generally encapsulates the wide genre of horror in the most accessible way possible I would point to Outlast. It feels like the most horror game of all horror games. I don’t mean it’s my favorite horror title, or that it’s the scariest game I’ve played. What I mean is that both of these outings feel like the most succinct examples of classic horror in setting, tone, and story.

It’s just two games about two men in an insane asylum who very much should not and do not want to be there, encountering truly vile creatures at every step of the way as they fight to escape. Fight being figurative, as the game doesn’t let you fight back. It’s a little frustrating, but I suppose it works with the themes of utter helplessness that this franchise loves. Besides some optional documents there’s no excess of nonconsensual lore, out-of-place puzzles, or tonally clashing gameplay switches. You’re just some nerd with a camera and a dream. And If there’s one thing that this DLC gets right, it’s the crazies, or as the game supplies in a more PC manner, the variants.

Frank fits in right at home with his cannibalistic tendencies, and don’t even get me started on Eddie Gluskin. I won’t spoil in case anyone reading isn’t familiar with his…. style. I know I said this isn’t the scariest game I played, but man. This guy, as a guy myself, makes me question that. What a downright horrific dilemma he puts the player in. I didn’t think they could top Trager’s quasi-medical torture in the first game, now look who has egg on his face. All in all a 10/10 in terms of upping the ante on the derangement for this game. In fact, I’d probably go back to this DLC before I went back to the main title again.

The first game was short so it shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s DLC is even shorter. Still, it’s cheap and frequently comes with the base game anyway. Because of that I’ll say what I often do when recommending sequels, seeing as it applies doubly so here as a 1:1 DLC. If you like the first game, get this one. If the franchise’s commitment of helplessness bothers you yet you still have latent interest in the world, then maybe Outlast: Trials is more your thing. It’s multiplayer sure, but you can also throw bricks at people.

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An improvement over the base game, this DLC has more lighted areas to bring some fresh air into the base game's very dark locations. It makes great use of the previous locations, having you reexplore them and revisit some of the characters of the base game before its events take place. Some ties with the main scenario were also really great and surprising.

It also has less annoying chases and moments where you get stuck, a better "pursuer" for a big chunk of the experience and overall it just flows better.