Reviews from

in the past

Boa dlc, revela mais sobre o jogo e traz mais personagens incríveis

É, com essa DLC, eu percebi que esse pessoal sabem fazer jogos de terror incríveis. Assim como a campanha do jogo essa DLC segue o mesmo rumo, em primeira pessoa, com um terror inimaginável de bom, gameplay ótima, gráficos surpreendentes, tudo oque um jogo de terror precisa para ser bom. É incrível a forma com que eles conseguiram encaixar tudo isso em uma DLC tão curta, mas que ao mesmo tempo consegue nos divertir muito e trazer aquele terror que a campanha possui. Me diverti muito do inicio ao fim, tomei vários sustos e conclui com magnitude. Ótima DLC!

Boeing employee simulator

DLC bem feita, personagens novos icônicos, enredo bem desenvolvido com a proposta de mostrar os eventos ocorridos antes do jogo principal. História e cenários do original são mesclados em certas partes do jogo, e são feitos de forma muito bem executada, sendo natural e muito interessante quando acontece. O personagem não tem dublagem o que incomoda um pouco, mas é bem desenvolvido através das notas. Cenários criados apenas para documentos, o que contribui pra imersão, problema esse que o jogo principal possui, onde é muito previsível quais cenários (portas) vão estar bloqueados. DLC curta, porém bem produzida, angustiante, e até mais interessante do que o original.

it's been a long time since I last experienced First Person POV Body Horror/Gore but the situation really did justify jumping out of a window with an already broken leg just to escape consummating my marriage

Ainda melhor que a bomba do jogo normal

If you finished original Outlast story, do not skip this one. It is great expansion on the original story and wraps loose ends nicely. It also laid the groundwork for Outlast II. Mechanics wise, nothing is changed. You can finish this one in about two hours, which is perfect amount of time to wrap the story up.

Um bom exemplo de DLC. Contribui para que o jogador compreenda algumas pontas soltas da história principal do jogo. Introduz dois novos inimigos, um deles bastante marcante para a experiência: Eddie Gluskin. Um personagem marcante e assustadoramente carismático.

Pretty much an extra 2 hours of gameplay. Ties up the story where it left over and a few extra scares. Enjoyable DLC.

Vraiment 10x plus intéressant que le jeu de base. Le scénario et les scènes sont bcp plus flippantes et gore.

My friends were too afraid to play it! So I played instead of them, and they were just watching from behind my back.

Probably a better experience than the base game but much like my review for it, I feel like playing Outlast Trials turned me into an AI exploiting menace which kind of undercut the difficulty and fear factor for the game.

A sequel-sized encore to an already very good horror game. Nothing in this package is too different from the original game, so your enjoyment will rest entirely on how much it spoke to you the first go-around.

One of the best expansions I've ever played short but leaves a huge impact having some terrifying sequences especially in the middle section of the DLC and it especially adds more context to the game and its just a great expansion.

Quake 3 type beat

Probably my favorite Outlast game (if you count a dlc as a separate game) since it’s super gnarly and gross, it’s right up my alley.
Gameplay is honestly pretty nerve racking, I feel the original Outlast is more of a waiting game while this one is a run for your life game.
Characters are fun and really messed up and it has a great story.

Отличное сюжетное дополнение со своими харизматичными маньяками и запоминающимися на всю жизнь сценами. Однозначно рекомендую!

It's a dlc that better explains the story of the main game. Be aware that the dlc contains necrophilia.

que DLC foda, muito boa a forma que o jogo faz vc fazer o caminho inverso da historia, no jogo base vc comeca da estrada até o subsolo, aqui do subsolo até a estrada, final genial e jogo bom demais.

Played for 5 mins, watched a playthrough on Survival Horror Network, that's enough for me.

It serves as a prequel to the Outlast storyline, delving into the events leading up to the main character's investigation of the psychiatric hospital. Gameplay-wise, it closely mirrors the original, featuring compelling adversaries, specially the final one (whose unsettling nature stands out). In summary, it's a worthwhile addition to the overarching narrative.

essa dlc é mt boa, fiquei tenso em várias partes dele assim como no jogo base, e já que se passa no mesmo hospício, ficou ainda mais interessante.

Honestly, I enjoyed this more than the base game. It ties up loose ends and has many fun areas to navigate.

This DLC was quite interesting, not gonna lie. It tells us a side story, about an inside worker that called the reporter that we play as in the main story. It was obviously a short story, but very enjoyable, and I also felt more tension in this one than in the main game.

Desconfio q ele tentou me pegar

This one comes with the original game and it's a story that's elapsing at the same time as the Outlast one. I can't say that it is better or worse than Outlast itself. The gameplay looks exactly like the first one except that the characters are different this time.

You can get through the whole story in just 3 hours.