Reviews from

in the past

This didn't click with me as much as Tetris 99 and Mario 35 did. Still, please don't shut it down.

It is a fun edition to the original Pac-Man that adds challenge and competition. I would only say that once you get past a certain point in the game, it is impossible to win. I have never gotten in first place because I get to second then get trapped. But it is fun to play every now and then.

I think this game is leaving soon. I hardly played it.

Appreciate the idea and attempt, but didn’t have the same magic as Tetris 99. Better play this one before it’s gone forever!

So damn good but no one plays it for some reason :/

Honestly found it a little disappointing. Should've been more like the genesis version of ms. pac-man.

I downloaded this but I can't play it because I don't have NS Online yet lol

UPDATE = I've tried it now, it's ok...

A fun twist on the Pac-Man formula. It didn't really mesh with me as well as Tetris 99 did but that's mostly because Tetris is something I'm more familiar with than Pac-Man. I'm really happy to see this attempt to translate the game into a battle royale format, and I think it was done really well! I really enjoyed my time playing this game. Speeding up when you eat every pellet and all the ghost additives are neat ways to improve your strength and abilities. Very creative concept! I hope to see more 99 variants of other games (Puyo Puyo 99 please?!)

Didn't play very much of this but it was fun. The 99 game idea is really cool

Definitely translates to the battle royale formula better than Super Mario 35 did, but it still doesn't match the brilliance of Tetris 99.

Pac-Man 99 has some unique quirks on its own though, especially the ghost chains and the other Pac-Man invading your screen. The mechanics here are good enough to open up strategies to arcade veterans.

Another banger from the team behind 3D Classics: Urban Champion

The quick pace play of this works so well. It doesn't get in the way like Tetris 99. It controls pretty well. Sad to see not that many people play this though

why didnt they make this sooner

Score: 67/100

It's fun enough the first few times but it gets boring pretty quickly for me. I know it's free but I wish there was one or two more modes that weren't locked behind a paywall.

A battle royale take on the most popular arcade game of all time. A very fun game if you enjoy the original Pac-Man. Unfortunately, the player base is rapidly declining (in most matches half the opponents are AI) and the game will be taken down permanently in October 2023. Worth playing while you still can. Comes free with Nintendo Switch Online.

If only the entire playerbase didn't leave this game to die after 3 months.

Also the way you get the badges was made easier for some reason? Why? It used to be somewhat on skill and strategy, you get rewarded for knocking someone out and you get badge parts that help you defend other peoples' attacks. But now they're just given to you after a certain number of mazes cleared.

It's like a slightly downgraded championship edition pac man game. The battle royale components are certainly interesting but I'm not sure if they really add to the pac man experience or not, it's really just 99 people playing pac man individually. Not as good as tetris 99 but definitely a step up from mario 35 in terms of fun. I do like the namco skins but I sure as hell ain't spendin money on em

A cool and different take on pac man. Not as good as tetris 99 though.

a fun take on the classic Pac-Man formula, but not sure if it lends to the "99" format as well as Tetris (or even Super Mario Bros.) did.

its no tetris 99, but its alright

I remember absolutely NOTHING from this game

Only this low because it has no playerbase.

Got excited but there wasn't much to do and it dies pretty quickly.

Prueba de que la formula de Tetris 99 no va en todos los juegos.


it sure is pac-man
pretty fun but i probably wont go back to it too much