Reviews from

in the past

Boring gameplay and level design.

Pac-Man is now a ball that rolls all over the levels avoiding obstacles with different power ups. Despite its decent presentation and varied tracks, the controls aren't great on the latter half of the game where precision is key, leading to quite a bunch of cheap deaths due to bad enemy placements or lack of platforms.

A really bad and boring marble game that controls badly and has awful level design. Do not ever play this one.

Jogado no Pac-Man Museum+. É interessante o fato dele ser um collectathon parecido com Super Monkey Ball, mas dá pra ver claramente que os controles padrão não funcionam tão bem em um jogo originalmente feito pra controle de movimento. É interessante, é curioso, me fez querer jogar o original no DS, mas cansei por agora.

this was fine! pretty cute, nothing particularly interesting but it was a very weird/quirky spin off game that i love to play.

[PAC-MAN Museum+ 12/14]

Decently enjoyable Marble Madness-like with PAC-MAN theming. Nothing mindblowing, but pretty fun when it's not being ludicrously obnoxious.

Would probably have enjoyed this a lot more if I didn't have to play through it all in one sitting, but one of the missions for this game in Museum+ requires you to do that. Why.

extremely forgettable... you just kinda roll pac man around a bunch of generic lookin worlds n beat a boss at the end and badda bing badda boom. Played the remake on wii through namco museum megamix and it was really nothin too special unfortunately. Works better in the fact that it is a minigame in a collection instead of its own standalone game maybe? All in all, its nothin too crazy. Bland and forgettable.

Namco looked at the bad Super Monkey Ball games and said "Sega shouldn't be the only ones allowed to make those!"

decenet, but don't feel like finishing it