Reviews from

in the past

Fue muy divertido jugarlo con amigos pero no lo volvería a tocar ni con un palo

Scary memories wit someone special

shitty game but fun with friends lol

this game is so janky and not serious for a horror game and that what makesit so fun with friends

Bem repetitivo, mas é legal pra jogar com alguns amigos.

The main game mode is fun to play with friends but the other ones are kinda confusing and not so fun as the main one and even that gets a little repetitive after many plays

Jeu d'horreur très cool entre amis. Différent enemie en fonction de la map avec différent type de facon de les battres. Dommage que les maj prennent trop de temps


i was very close to the last doll thing. the game is okay but i don't think i would go out of my way to complete it.

This review contains spoilers

Pacify is a first-person co-op Indie horror game on steam. I had never heard of this game but decided to give it a shot since it had good reviews on Steam and well… It’s not great but not bad for an indie game.

Gameplay: The objective of this game is to enter a haunted location and find keys that lead to keys that lead to keys that lead to more keys to unlock a room with evil dolls. The dolls run away, and you have to find them, find firewood and matches and burn them in a furnace in the basement. There is a stereotypical grudge girl with a weird butterfly tattoo thing on her mouth and she kind of does this goofy commander Shepard sidestep walking around the house till she randomly activates her DMC devil trigger and floats towards you making moose growls and jump scaring you to death or until you become doll sized. You then can be revived if a friend finds a good doll and burns that in the incinerator… and that’s it that’s the entire gameplay loop. This game is fun for about 40 minutes so you could play with friends and then get a refund. Supposedly there’s another map but in our 3 games we only ever saw the one. I can say having more maps and maybe different monsters or game modes would have made this better. I think there were too many dolls to find and too much repetitive gameplay.

Graphics, music, voice acting: Well, the graphics aren’t crazy, but the house looks really good for what it is. The objects in the house don’t exactly make sense but whatever and the rain outside is a bit intense. You play as I think paranormal investigators and start outside at a van and kinda explore from there. The only bit of voice acting in the game comes from one guy who tells you about the objective at the beginning of the game and that’s it. He also tells you to enter though the basement crazy late after you are already in there. I don’t think this game had any music, maybe some spooky theme but nothing memorable.

Story: The story in this game seemed convoluted and you only figure that out by reading notes scattered though out the house and I mean the gameplay loop I described was basically the story. You enter the house, find keys and dolls. The house has an uncomfortable amount of birch firewood for some reason? And the ghost girl basically just waddles around like a constipated penguin. Look honestly, I’m being crazy harsh on this game. As someone who’s worked in the industry before I can tell you making games is hard and I appreciate the effort here and honestly did have fun for a few hours it feels like an A+ college project and that’s honestly more than what most people can make. I can’t really give a real scale of 1-10 rating like I usually do because this isn’t on the same level as something like outlast or resident evil and I feel like it would be unfair. This game’s biggest strength is the map and the jump scare actually got me, its biggest weakness is probably the repetitiveness. If you love low budget horror games with unique ideas and want a good laugh, then this is the game for you.

Its probably an accident but seeing this lerpy 14 year old girl noodle her way down a dark hallway is actually pretty fucking unnerving. The uncanny valley in full effect.

arkadaşlarla 2-3 oynayıştan sonra sıktı

Can't say more. For 2.5$ i spent it's a very good game. I imagine it gets repetitive since you've done the total of 2 maps. but with friends. It's fun. and scary at the same. could not say less. Looking forward to completing the maps.

a qualidade é diretamente proporcional ao preço do jogo
barato e merda eh assim que eu gosto

mas deu pra se divertir no multiplayer, pena que é fácil demais

I will not lie, the first level had me sh*tting bricks. I did indeed hide in a corner with one friend whilst the other did all the work.

Sadly the game only has one map, but regardless of that, I recommend it to be played with friends. Just grab a doll to calm down that bitch.

EDIT: New maps have been added!

Only play it with friends, if you plan to play it solo, then ignore this game

In the wake of multiplayer horror games such as phasmophobia many games tried to capitalize on the trend and failed horribly. Pacify is one of those games. Extremely uninspired, repetitive, boring and frustrating.

devour bandwagons off of phasmophobia and then pacify rips off devour. interesting.

Pour un jeu indépendant je le trouve très cool et très effrayant malgré des attentes très longues pour des mises à jour

it was serious for my group we were writing steam guides

Ridiculously funny and chaotic game to play with your friends for a short 3-4 hours.
(4 hours on steam)
Control/Gameplay - Basic controls. Gameplay is actually simple once you've figured out the tactic to avoid the ghost. Only the first map is good in my opinion. The chaos whenever me and my friends got a glimpse of the ghost is memorable. The farm wasn't scary in the slightest.

Graphics & Sounds - Below average graphics and nothing special on the sound design.

Story - You and 3 others are tasked to neutralize ghosts by problem solving in the premise. All while avoiding being killed/haunted by the ghost itself.

Characters - No one of importance.

Replayability - None, just a one time thing.

Overall - 2.5

humorous one million babies sprint out of closet and run all over house