Reviews from

in the past

a parte mais legal foi quando pediram pro phoenix wright somar 5 + 5 e ele disse não sou muito bom em matemática..

Caso 1: Sinceramente gostei muito desse tutorial e a aplicação do efeito amnesia kkk. Achei melhor que o do primeiro.

Caso 2: enredo bom demais, mas aqui começa uma gameplay um pouco pretensiosa e pé no chão que vai se seguir o jogo inteiro. Acho a gameplay um pouco injusta, entretanto, a maneira que aquela premissa que aparenta não ter escapatória alguma ao réu vai desenrolando, é simplesmente muito foda.

Caso 3: impressionante como o assassino é o personagem menos sociopata desse circo. Cheio de personagens pedófilos, deturpados e narcisistas. Tirando o moralismo de lado, é um caso medíocre na sua resolução. Muito previsível, além de ter alguns protestos ridículos.

Caso 4: o melhor do jogo, mesmo infelizmente eu não achando a parte do tribunal tão fluida e dinâmica (principalmente comparado aos casos do primeiro jogo e alguns que já joguei do terceiro). O enredo é simplesmente foda e com alguns dilemas que são apresentados pela primeira vez na franquia.

No geral, eu gostei do segundo, mas não me pegou tanto quanto o primeiro. Achei ele bem punitivo desnecessariamente e mal resolvido nas resoluções de evidências. Também gerei um ranço com esse juiz, queria que mudassem.

E ah. Mr Von Karma eu te amo. Toda vez eu quebro com aquele chicote kkkkkkkkkk

Un juego divertidisimo, con personajes carismáticos, historias interesantes y muy buena jugabilidad.

I beat the whole first game without a guide but I have no idea what to do half the time in this one

2-1 is bad, 2-2 is really good, 2-3 is the worst case in the series by a really wide margin, 2-4 is the best case in the series. How did they manage to put the worst and best case in the series in the same game one after the other?

dam this wholeheartedly is not great at all

Gameplay/Mechanics l 7/10
The gameplay actually is improved from the first one by adding presenting profiles,but the gameplay loop is getting tiresome ,i hope that they improved this on next games because its going to get i think gameplay on this one is worse than the other one,only because im getting tired of the gameplay loop though because the gameplay is a straight upgrade.

What i said for the first game still apllies:

"Pointing out contradictions and objecting to the witness bullshit is really fun,the game is not that interesting mechanicaly or that hard but the whole tension that is in the courtroom make even more satisfying catch witnesses lying

"Exploration can be a bit tiring sometimes but is generally fine."

Story:Characters/Writing/Lore l 6,5-7/10
Even though the game still has the charm in the writing of the first game,it has worse characters,i like new ones like pearls but there are another ones like franzeska that just dissapointing me or other ones like regina that just annoy me,but even the new ones dont get a lot of depth,also there isnt anything resembling a plot connecting the cases in this game and its just less interesting that the first game,again maybe this is because this is the second game with the same formula,and maybe im getting tired,but i genunly think its worse.

Part of what i said for the first game still aplies,so what i said for the first game:

"Really good,i like the characters,it has fun writing,each case has its own depth and lore,the main cast consistently get depth added along the game not making them stale,and its just entertaining"

Sound l 8,5/10
The sound is basically the same as last game except that the music is a little worse

What i said for the for the first game:

"Its not the music that makes sound in this game so special,it is its usage of the music and sound effects."

"The game knows when to stop the music and when to resume it,it does this on perfect timings to make things more intense"

"It also does this with the use of sound effects,they make every move feel more powerfull,for example the sound effect of the attorney's throwing their hands to their desk,or another example is von karma finger snap."
"It all sounds crisp and makes thing more intense"

Graphics/Aesthetics l 7,5/10

Graphics are the same from the first game

What i said for the first game:

"The graphics/aesthetics are decent but what i want to talk about is the camera use in the courtroom,since it moves not instantly (most of the time) it either manually moves to the person talking or quickly switchs between the people in the courtroom,and it all adds to the charm of the game."

Lenght of the game/Content:Cases l 4,5-5/10
Now the important part of these reviews,the case breakdown,this is the most important part of the ace attorney reviews

In question of lenght there is the tutorial case,two normal sized cases and a long case,so you are getting less bang for you buck off the back,not even starting to mention the quality of the cases that is way inferior the first game


Case rank and review:

4:Turnabout Big Top
I could talk all day about how bad is this case but im going to sum it up for you,there isnt a single good thing i can say about it apart from the usual likeable characters and there is plenty of bad points:

1:Disgusting pedo love triangle that nobody in the game says a thing against.

2:Bad and annoying new characters,seriously i couldnt care less about any of the fucks at the circus,except the poor owner guy that got killed for such a selfish reason,fuck everyone else,Max,Trilo,Regina,Moe,moe fuck moe man the game gives him so much screen time for purposfully awful and annoying jokes is not funny nor interesting,fuck Acro too,fuck ben too,i hate the whole circus so unlikeable.

3:The giant logic leap,the cape incident,it doesnt make sense and isnt satisfying at all.

4:Acro should not get sympathy for anyone and the game trying to potray him as sympathetic is just plain wrong,he killed the person he himself said owe his life too and tried to kill his daughter,and even though he said that he killed the man he owe his life too,he doesnt like fucking sad at all or even apologizes to regina for killing his dad,he doesnt seem like he gived a fuck.

5:The exploration is awful,constantly having to go and backtrack for every tiny little thing

6:The two first trials are literally useless,they boiled down two,the guy in the suit was not max and that the criminal went floating in the air,you waste hours on those two little things and is just annoying and frustrating,the rest is proven in the final trial

7:It doesnt add anything to the overall plot of the game,not any characters,not plot points not nothing,1-3 also did this but it was good,this is trash.

3:The Lost Turnabout
I dont have much to talk about here,is just a bad tutorial case with an annoying vilain,some dumb plotholes most importantly the broken neck contradiction that you cant point out,an also annoying defendant,look there isnt anything great on this case but it at least its short and has an interesting concept with the lost of memories

2:Reunion,And Turnabout
Not bad,but not great,i say its slightly worse than 1-2 and 1-3.Main good and bad points

1:You get introduced to Pearls and Franzeska,the two main new characters in this game,i like pearls she is innocent and has cute dialogue,franzeska is just kind of dissapointing,i was expecting the manfred aura,he was an amazing villain,but franzeska is just kind of annoying,even though the concept of a von karma succesor is interesting,i hope they do something more with her.Both of them dont get a lot of depth if any,especially franzeska,she basically has the same stick of beating wright the whole game and they dont add depth to her even though she has a lot of screentime,edgeworth in comparision was a much better more in depth character and prosecutor,i will get in more depth into this in 2-4 though.

2:The main antagonist,Mimi or whatever her name was interesting but i wish they wouldve explored more how she feels about her sister and that kind of thing,but i still think she is an interesting antagonist that had a twist that suprised me.

3:The other antagonist,pearls mother just kinda passed and was never talked about again,she says she is planning revenge or sum but atleast in this game she didnt do nothing

4:Its just a good case,nothing that i can i say about it is awful,good trials,decent investigation,satisfying ending,is just good

1:Farewell,My Turnabout
Amazing case,easily the best in the game and is top 3 so far (i played this one and the first game) but i still think it has its flaws.

1:Off the bat the tension is great,a lot of things happen and quickly letting you not time to think whats going on,it reminds me of ghost trick a little

2:One of my main problems with the case is franzeska,she as i said throught the game doesnt get a lot of depth and she just kind of wants revenge nothing more,and this was supposed to be the case that added depth to her,but apart from the ending,franziska is just as plain as before and edgeworth outshines her as a character and gets more depth and develoment,in the ending franziska does get an interesting scene but its too late.

3:So the first half is amazing,but the second half falls short on some parts for me,matt engarde apart from the reveal is a one dimensional villain,de killer also doesnt get a lot of depth apart from well being an assasin,also atleast for me the weight of the decision of guilty or not guilty just was not existent since i always choosed not guilty and it didnt have the emotional impact i think the game wanted to on me.

4:Andrew is a good character and she has depth,even though she doesnt have personality (at least a memorable one) she is interesting enough with the suicide incident and his relationship with the defendant,the victim and her mentor

5:Edgeworth is amazing on this chapter like always.

6:One problem that i have is more personal and maybe just a me thing but,i dont agree with the way the game potrays the court and its roles and im not really talking about phoenix because at least in my playthrough he granted matt the not guilty but he didnt want it.but im clearly seeing that the game is putting a message i dont personally agree on,i think that everyone should have a fair trial with its defense that should seek his benefit should it be full acquittal or a lower penalty,the prosecution its job its to found the defendant fully guilty and when negotiating a deal with the defense for a lower penalty for the defendant to always get the biggest sentence,the truth is to come out in the clash of these two parties,its not their job to find the truth nor should i think they should go out of their way for,because then it stops being a fair trial for one or both parties invovled (most of the time the defense),i know that is a game and they think that this way it wouldve be more interesting,but even then i dont agree,it would be really interesting be defending someone you truly dont know if it he is guilty or not.

Overall even though the last case is amazing and the second one is decent,it doesnt save it from the other two for being trash

Playability l 3/3
game works as intended

If this was your first ace attorney game,i see how you could give this a 7,but i know better,and this is not ideal,it does everything worse than the game before and is just not a enjoyable experience,i hope the next game really improves upon this one

5 to Light 6

Widely considered to be the black sheep of the original Ace Attorney Trilogy, to say Justice for All is a divisive entry among AA fans would be an understatement. And, while I certainly agree that it’s the weakest out of the original trilogy, I’d still consider it an absolutely delightful romp that not only introduces a ton of memorable characters and a brand new core mechanic, but one that tells a damn compelling series of vignettes, with one in particular sticking with you long after the credits roll. But alas, I’m getting ahead of myself; it’s time to re-enter the courtroom once more and see what it is that makes JFA so damn weird. Oh and uhh…. no whips please? Thank you very much.

(WARNING: this review contains minor/vague spoilers for each of the 4 cases featured in Justice for All)

In a shift from my review of the first game, where I essentially explained what an Attorney of the Ace variety even was, I’m mainly going to be discussing what new things JFA brings to the table (since, being completely honest as someone who adores this series, if you’ve played one entry, you’ve basically played them all). In this sense, JFA is probably the biggest trend setter of the series, establishing mechanics/additions that would go on to be utilised in pretty much every single game going forward. One of the most significant new toys added to the series in JFA would have to be the Psyche-Locks: given to you just before the midpoint of the 2nd Case, this glowing magatama allows you peer into the souls of any witness who’s being particularly defensive about a given subject, functioning essentially as the Cross Examination parts of Trials but this time during the Investigation segments and only focusing on presenting the correct evidence. It’s not the deepest mechanic in the world, but it adds a nice layer of tension to Investigations that the first game lacked, connecting the two styles of gameplay together a lot more cohesively. Psyche-Locks or a variation of their general gameplay formula would stick around in every AA game after this and I’d say it was definitely for the best.

After that would be the general trends JFA would lay the groundwork for for each subsequent game in the series (there’s a lot it sets up here so buckle up). Starting off the list would be the tradition of a new composer being brought on to work for each entry (most of the time anyway), giving each new game its own musical style. In JFA’s case, Naoto Tanaka took over the reins from Masakazu Sugimori this time round, delivering some absolutely excellent new tracks throughout (particularly with his Investigation and character themes which I still hold as some of the best in the series). Next would be in how it’s structured: JFA, the original Ace Attorney and almost every game after these two follow a very similar structure: Case 1 is very much a dressed up tutorial, getting you to grips with the game’s mechanics as it throws some generally pedestrian challenges your way, Case 2 is a mix of tutorial-ness (usually through it’s introduction of Investigation segments) along with setting up the main characters/story elements that will persist throughout the entire game (or even multiple games), Case 3 is usually tied to a unique location (e.g. JFA’s is a circus) that has a few moments that tie back to the overarching narrative but mainly exists as a filler case for the devs to flex their creative muscles on what they can come up with (to….let’s just say varying degrees of success) and Case 4/5 being where shit hits the fan and a ton of loose ends and tiny things set up in previous cases all culminate in an epic climax. Not every game follows this structure (The Great Ace Attorney is a particular deviant of this) but it’s one that JFA cemented as what would be the standard going forward. Finally, and undoubtedly the biggest, would be the concept of having Phoenix (/Apollo/Athena/Ryuunosuke, take your pick really) face off against a different prosecutor each game. And who is the one to kickstart this trend you ask? None other than the offspring of the demon known as Manfred von Karma, Franziska von Karma. Franziska as a character is certainly an interesting one and, while I wouldn’t call her as multi-faceted as her predecessor Edgeworth and a certain caffeine junkie that we’ll get to in due time, she still manages to be a fascinating study of the effects of succession on the mind and how someone acts when presented with the prospect of living up to the legacy of someone revered (or in this case feared) throughout the nation. Like I said, she isn’t the deepest character compared to many of the other prosecutors seen throughout the series, but she does a great job of chastising the player and being the centrepiece of some genuinely fantastic emotional moments (the post credits scene is particularly heartwrenching). Just...don't let me near her whip, OK?

In terms of JFA’s overall case quality, I’d say it’s pretty hit or miss. The tutorial case is pretty fun (with a delightfully hammy villain at the centre of it), the 2nd is pretty dull in my opinion, with not much of note happening past the first Investigation segment (it did introduce Pearls though so that’s definitely a positive) and Case 3, while maligned by the general AA fandom as the worst in the series, was one I found to be immensely enjoyable to go through (extremely weird and uncomfortable love triangle notwithstanding) with it’s sheer absurdity and genuinely heartbreaking villain.

And then there’s Case 4: Farewell My Turnabout.


Farewell My Turnabout is widely considered to be one of, if not THE best case in the entire series and for damn good reason; it sets up a highly unique scenario that hasn’t really been done in any other AA games since, is filled with tons of both new and returning faces (each with their own absolutely fascinating and deeply compelling quirks and backstories) and is fueled by one of the greatest moments in Ace Attorney history that’ll leave you reeling long after the credits roll. It’s hard to really say much about this case without giving away what makes it so damn enjoyable (as evident by how vague I’m being with the details here) but just know that it makes sitting through JFA’s admittedly wishy-washy quality so worth it in the end. All in all, it’s a fascinating crop of cases that serves to tee up stuff to come in T&T while also making for an (at the very least) extremely engaging journey throughout many different locales, helping you to slowly piece together the overall narrative as they progress before climaxing in one of the most unforgettable finales in the series.

In a way, JFA’s choice of prosecutor and what they represent feels almost emblematic of the entire game to me: a sequel that couldn’t possibly hope to match the lasting legacy of their predecessor, fumbles when it tries too hard to recapture what worked in the past before ultimately soaring to new, near insurmountable heights once it decides to carve its own path, untethered by the expectations brought about from what came before. It’s this enrapturing level of perfect imperfection that lets JFA, despite of all of it's shortcomings, sit proudly alongside it’s more generally respected siblings in my eyes. Until we meet again....Mr. Phoenix Wright.

This is probably my least favorite in the trilogy. I def did not like the trial with the carnival people because EVERYONE WAS SIMPING FOR A 16 YEAR OLD GIRL. Dudes that are in their 30s and 40s tryna marry a 16 year old girl was just plain weird. Having Pearl around after her introduction was adorable. The pre trial theme that plays before the witness say their testimony was my least favorite. Franziska was a bitch since she be whipping everyone but honestly grew to like her at the end of the game. I probs wouldnt play this one again tho lmaoooo

eu quero que o caso do circo vá pra merda

This game really gets saved by “Farewell, My Turnabout” being one of the best cases in the entire franchise.

note: I played the Nintendo Switch version of this game on the trilogy collection, though I am logging it as this since I am exclusively talking about this second title

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All is a mouthful of a title, but one hell of a video game. Compared to the first game, I believe this game gets the second place trophy- however, that is far from something to be ashamed of given the bar that the game set. Justice For All is a fantastic game, a fantastic follow up, and a game that I loved thoroughly and dearly.

For the most part, it took everything that made the first game good and simply did it again- some might interpret that as unambitious, but I think it was a great choice. When talking about it in a spoiler free manner, however, it mostly lends itself to echoing the same points as before. Because of that, I will redirect your attention to my review of the first game, and then here I will highlight elements of it that I liked or disliked exclusive to this title. The link for the previously mentioned review can be found here,

For what this game new or differently,

My favorite thing that JFA brought to the table that the first game didn’t have are the new characters. I praised the original title for its incredibly strong characters, and the ones introduced here are just as wonderful. Pearl/s/y is such a fun character and the dynamic she brings to the game is wonderful. Von Karma has an incredibly strong presence and is equally intimidating as she is goofy. The list goes on. The recurring characters get plenty of time to shine too, it is an excellent blend and I loved it all.

I also really enjoyed the gameplay additions here, notably the psyche-lock system. This was such a fun concept both conceptually and mechanically. I thought the silliness of the supernatural added a layer to the world of Ace Attorney that made it even goofier, and exploring that idea in the gameplay just extended the fun that brought. On a gameplay front, I loved that it allowed for more use of the evidence-presentation previously only found in the courtroom, and it made the investigations more engaging because of such. My only criticism is that I don’t really get why it takes away from your penalty meter in court- I don’t get why completely unrelated investigations impact that(?). Mostly just a nitpick but I thought it was a little odd.

Without spoiling anything, I will also put it here that the second and final cases of this game are outstanding, and as I am closing up on the original trilogy I think both stand as some of my top tier chapters in it all.

Where the game falls a bit for me are mostly in the other two cases. The first case in the game is about as baseline ‘pretty good’ an Ace Attorney case has been thus far, nothing about it was particularly interesting aside from really liking the defendant character. The third case is also not bad by any means but it is stuffed with red herrings to the point where the resolution of it isn’t very satisfying and it feels more time-wastey, even if it had plenty of charms during it all. Probably the weakest case of the original trilogy thus far. The game also has a fairly hefty handful of moments that require some bizarre leaps of logic that lack some of the polish I think the first game had. Experience will be different for everyone and it might just be me, sure, but there were plenty of points where the needed evidence didn’t match my line of thinking and got a little frustrating.

I wrote quite a bit here about things that I thought were points against this game, but the reality is they are tiny dents on a game that is otherwise a pretty amazingly well done sequel to a game that I think is already a masterpiece. From what I have played of Trials and Tribulations, this will likely be the ‘bottom’ of the three games for me, and yet I found it just as fun and addictive. Sign of a great trilogy, in my eyes at least. Fantastic game.

i remember i said i love the whole thing about phoenix and miles' deepening of relationship arc and how phoenix realizes what miles realized that he must trust in each other

a banger last case can't make up for the stinkers that came before

The best tsundere girl can be found in this game.

Лучшую девочку цундэрэ можно найти в этой игре.

La evolución natural del primer juego. Un caso malo aunque por suerte corto, uno mediocre, uno bastante bueno, y otro sublime. En general, un buen producto. 8.98/10

i love you- franziska von karma

I love how much the judge clearly hates Phoenix. Like we could have fifteen murder weapons all with the real culprits fingerprints alongside a full confession from the murderer while they're foaming from the mouth on the stand but because we didn't explain a motive for our defendant the judge is just like, "Sorry there's no proof, guilty, throw 'em in the chair".

So many issues in could be solved if Edgeworth wasn't so damn bad at communication. It's okay, we love you anyway Edgey boy.

A good sequel for a good game.
I love my daughter Pearls.

point docked for making me defend some pedophile bruh That mf should've rotted in that cell

If Case 3 didnt exist (and pearl during that one part in case 2), this would have definitely been better than the first game. The first tutorial case kinda sucks here, but the second and fourth cases are really good! (other than that pearl scene). the other big new character is franziska, who does a GREAT job at replacing Edgeworth and I hope to see more of her. Pearl is great when she isnt... you know.

i still recommend this to anyone who loved the first game, but dont expect it to be as great as the first one. And good fucking luck with the third case LOL

Tenho os mesmos elogios (e a mesma crítica) da outra review de PW a esse jogo aqui. De diferente, Franziska Von Karma, Maya e Pearl são as melhores personagens daqui :3

Case 1 - Don't really love the tutorial case but I can see what they were going for
Case 2 - Very lore rich. Very important. Very good
Case 3 - Oh my god FUCK this stupid ass case
Case 4 - Oh my god this is the best case I've ever played and it makes up for everything.

(Note: Completed as part of the rereleased trilogy on Switch)

Enjoyable. Prolly the bottom one out of the original trilogy for me, but I had a fun time.

Fantastic game, I remember enjoying the Psyche Lock mechanic. Another game with enthralling cases and plot twists, a great sequel to the original