Reviews from

in the past

The original trilogy are still the best PWAA games - not every single case is a winner (the JFA cases are especially shaky with the major exception of 2-4) - but the overarching plot is extremely compelling, and reaching the end was an emotional experience that I haven't had with many other games.

Quality fluctuates between the various cases but on the whole they're great with a fun cast of characters.

I'm not really one for visual novels but this game is more gameplay than tapping, and more thinking than reading. That said, the story is incredible, and every case is good to some degree.
It can be a little hard to think the same way the developers were (some of the logic doesn't make much sense), so don't feel bad about using a guide from time to time.

This trilogy accompanied me for years and was very important to me at one time, so it's sad to have to say goodbye.

não gosto do estilo de arte, mas de resto é bom

Se liga no meu distintivo de advogado!³

Jogo simplesmente fantástico! Me deu vontade de virar um advogado.

A narrativa inteira do jogo é bem feita, cheia de plot twists e de diálogos engraçados e inteligentes. Vale muito a pena se você curte visual novels.

Infelizmente eu fiquei cansado da trilogia no último capítulo do segundo jogo e acabei dropando. Quem sabe um dia eu volto a jogar.

Put in a couple hours on the first game but abandoned it for like 2 years before doing a brand new playthrough. Blew through all the games in no time. Has its lows but overall I had the fun I had outweighs it.

Es mi primera vez probando la saga Ace Attorney y me alegra mucho haberle dado una oportunidad.
Esta colección incluye los tres primeros juegos remasterizados, así que comento por separado:

AA: el primero de la trilogía remasterizada. Una novela visual en la que podés hacer testificar a un loro y tiene todo el sentido del mundo. Sus personajes son carismáticos y agradables, aunque tiene otros que son insoportables. Los casos son intrigantes, en especial los dos últimos episodios. Fueron el peak de esta primera entrega y te invitan a continuar con los demás juegos de la saga.

AA Justice for All: partiendo de los geniales casos con los que terminó la primera parte, Justice For All comienza de manera muy floja. Agregó una interesante mecánica para potenciar la investigación, pero también cuenta con casos muy tediosos (🎪) y reutiliza los personajes que me parecieron más pedorros del primer juego. Franziska von Karma y el último caso carrearon fuerte esta segunda parte.

AA Trials and Tribulations: la tercera parte. Acá echaron toda la carne al asador, y se nota. El primer caso ya te agarra fuerte y te anticipa todo lo que se vendrá, y culmina con el episodio final de una manera satisfactoria y épica. La introducción de Godot es una genialidad y rápidamente se convierte en uno de los mejores personajes de esta trilogía.
Aunque no agregó mecánicas nuevas, tomó elementos narrativos de los demás juegos para dar un cierre espectacular, no solo al juego sino a la trilogía completa.

Esta trilogía me dejó ansioso por probar Apollo Justice y Great Ace Attorney. Veremos que tal.

what got me into vn's, it's just so good

Currently playing
will do a real review after finishing it

One of the better visual novel experiences you can get on modern consoles, if you're willing to occasionally put up with some backwards logic puzzles and shenanigans that wouldn't fly on even the weirdest TV courtroom drama.

Even though I was constantly annoyed by the main prosecutors in the second and third games I still found myself quite endeared with this trilogy. The stories, characters, and mysteries were always enjoyable and made you want to know more.

Probably the greatest video game series of all time, can’t recommend this trilogy enough,

PW: AA - 10/10
JFA - 8/10
T&T - 10/10

Amo a todos los personajes socorro

I will be reviewing the three games here!

phoenix wright: ace attorney

man what a way to start the franchise! the story is very good and definitely hooked me up, the characters are all unique and amazing! the gameplay is very simple but engaging! and the artstyle is very good! yes i don't mind how it looks here compared to the ds version. the soundtrack of the game is AMAZING! everything about the ost is great! the 5th case is also good but it's just way too long! would absolutely recommend!

phoenix wright: ace attorney justice for all

while weaker than the first game it's still very good! same points as before!

phoenix wright: ace attorney trials and tribulations

wow. what a way to end phoenix's trilogy! it sets up the final case perfectly and has a great payoff! seriously this trilogy is really amazing and you should VERY MUCH CHECK IT OUT!

O jogo é épico porque tem o Miles Edgeworth. Franziska Von Karma, Maya, Mia, Phoenix fella, Detetive Gumshoe e o Godot. É bastante cativante, contém histórias que prendem você e contém 3 jogos enormes. Vale a pena esperar uma promoção e comprar esse simulador de advocacia. 10/10

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This game is great. Maya as a character was very annoying, especially in the first game. Like her dumb comments in the Samurai case were not funny, but at that point, I hadn't grown so tired of them. However, by the end of case 4 with Edgeworth, I could not handle her unseriousness. But honestly, in the second and third games, she was fine, and in the last case of the trilogy, she had really grown on me, and I finally liked her character. She had some good character growth and an arc. I'm not sure if it was her writing and jokes that were better or what, but I ended up liking her. The final case of the entire trilogy also made me like her way more as well.

This game has something called "case 3 syndrome," and I couldn't agree more. The third cases in all these games were mediocre. They felt like fillers most of the time with new characters that were just meh at best. By contrast, the last case of every game was the peak because it had insane hype and important story moments. The third case felt like filler in comparison.

Case 5 of game one had me crying, bro. WHY WAS IT SO DUMB AND LONG? ♥♥♥♥ PUTTING THE POT BACK TOGETHER. I could write a lot more about why I hated that case, but the story in it was great at least. I hated some of the side characters. Oldbag and Lotta were just so annoying. They didn't have to be involved with every game, man. Thankfully, they realized it and fixed it, which is why the third game is the best. Gumshoe also wasn't my favorite because he was so stupid, but he did some really good stuff, bringing the conclusive evidence (hype as hell, by the way) and even came in to save us before we got beaten up. Edgeworth is a good character as well. He could be kind of edgy and cringe at times, but he's the goat nonetheless, and we really got to see his character arc in cases 4 and 5 of the first game. Seeing his backstory and how his dad's death led him to being a prosecutor and training under Manfred von Karma, only to find out that von Karma killed his dad, was a pivotal moment. He went from being an okay character to actually being one of my favorites. There are some retcons happening because Edgeworth was supposed to be a corrupt lawyer, but it turns out it was just false rumors. Okay, I guess.

Another goat is Godot. The fact that he was Diego Armando became pretty obvious, but he was cool as a character, and his backstory was compelling. Wanting to make sure Mia's legacy was in good hands and protecting Maya made his character great, and acknowledging the fact that if he had swallowed his pride and let Phoenix help him, the whole thing could have been avoided really cemented his character as a tragic hero. It was an amazing way to end the trilogy. There are some problems, such as how he was in a coma for years, and Mia never mentioned him to Maya or Phoenix once. Not to mention how nobody knew his real identity, yet he was allowed to be a lawyer at all, especially since he was a defense lawyer, not a prosecutor. It's a bit of a stretch, to say the least. Mia was fine. She is hot as hell, but I didn't get the development I was hoping for more about her early lawyer days or even before she became a lawyer. Her whole backstory is undercooked.

The game's evidence system can be strange as hell sometimes. One of the most irritating things is having to present the same evidence again after you've just literally showed it, man. HOW DID WE NOT NOTICE THE PROBLEM THE FIRST TIME? WTF. Some of the evidence is also nonsensical. Like, no way you want me to figure that out. I just had to randomly go through evidence. But when everything worked, it felt so good. To just go through everything and follow along made the game insanely fun. Easily the best part was going through knowing what you're supposed to do and the evidence making sense, all while you're cooking the prosecution. The art style was great as well. I like how charming the style and vibes are, and it contrasts with the depressing murder cases. Overall, I loved the game, but it was not without faults.

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this coffee tastes like ass

I started playing this game a few years ago on a different platform. I finished the first game and then found out this "remaster" was going on and I had some play store gift cards. I decided to buy it so I could play the other two in higher quality (played on my tablet) and wow.... I did miss the pixelated style (thats the only thing I didn't really enjoy) but everything else is astonishing.

Ace Attorney is just that franchise that has it all. Interesting characters, insane plot, original visuals... This game had me ripping my hair out but also laughing a lot, even cried a little towards the end. I love Maya Fey, she became one of my favorite characters EVER and I was about to end my life if she didn't end up being safe and sound!!!!!

One of the things this game nailed was sisterly relationships. The good and bad ones, they were all so good and heartbreaking (I, too, have sisters). I think this game was so iconic (and still is) that I will never forget about it! I will definitely pick up Apollo Justice in the future

And there it is, the classic trilogy finally released on all consoles. It's basically a "HD Remaster" of the 3DS version of the trilogy. It's the most approachable way to play 3 awesome point-and-click games (dunno why the series will always be classified more as a VN rather than that considering the interactions, but oh well).

Best versions for me still remain the DS ones.

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*Ainda jogando o 3° jogo mas eu sou precoce então vou deixar meus pensamentos insanos aqui

Absolutamente icônico, um dos pilares do meu desenvolvimento cerebral, nostálgico até pra mim que não jogou essa porra em 2005.
As músicas me fazem ter reações físicas imediatas de felicidade. Os tribunais são fáceis o suficiente pro meu cérebro do tamanho de um amendoim (EXCETO O ÚLTIMO. VTNC BLUE BADGER). Os casos são tão insanos e divertidos que eu não consigo evitar ter reações de surpresa toda vez que uma reviravolta acontece (E elas acontecem MUITO).
Btw tem MUITOS casos nesse jogo. Tem casos que eu jurava que aconteciam no segundo jogo porque jogar o primeiro jogo é o equivalente à jogar 6 Ace Attorneys. Eu me lembro de quase todos (Memória ruim) e foi muito divertido jogá-los.
EU AMAREI MIA FEY E LANA SKYE ATÉ O FIM 😭😭 Damon Gant é mt funny (O caso todo que revolve ele confunde meu cérebro), e eu sinto tanta pena do Gumshoe. Edgeworth precisa de terapia

Eu acho que eu nunca tive reações tão viscerais em um jogo até então. Eu só recebia lapada atrás de lapada.

Os tribunais desse me deram um pouco de trabalho, mas não foram tão ruins quanto o caso da Lana Skye. Esse jogo definitivamente me prendeu mais no quesito da história e os pequenos mistérios que o jogo apresentava, e o caso do Matt Engarde é um dos meus favoritos até agora. Eu te amo tanto Adrien Andrews...

A situação do Edgeworth e da Franziska me prendeu TANTO. Eu ansiosamente aguardava uma migalha de informação sobre eles, e eu realmente me incorporei no Phoenix com toda a ansiedade com o sequestro da Maya e com o tribunal fudido que eu tinha que defender. Foi um sentimento horrível e incrível, foi como ser o protagonista de uma novela da Globo 😭

Amei esse jogo. Franziska precisa de terapia (EU TE ENTENDO TANTO, FRANZISKA...)