Reviews from

in the past

It's pokemon, with all the clunkiness one would expect from the first entry that's also a gameboy game.

Meu primeiro contato com um dos primeiros jogos de uma franquia que eu amo e é bizarro parar pra pensar como esse jogo ele envelheceu como um vinho, claro que tem algumas coisas chatinhas, como por exemplo, as partes das cavernas e etc

Mas tudo nesse jogo é tão rico, por conta da limitação do gameboy, muita coisa não dava pra ser feita mas o que eles conseguiram fazer, é surreal, o jogo te transporta pro universo dele de uma forma incrivel, simplesmente fantástico.

Mais do que recomendado.

Given how old this game was it was really impressive. I loved this as a kid and I had at one point every Pokémon. Super cute graphical style but the later Gameboy advance games were better.

Pokémon Blue Version launched a global phenomenon, inviting players into the captivating world of Kanto. You'll embark on a journey to become a Pokémon Master, collecting a team of fantastical creatures, battling trainers, and conquering gym leaders. Despite its simple graphics and some dated mechanics, Pokémon Blue Version's nostalgic charm, strategic team building, and the thrill of capturing the original 151 Pokémon make it a timeless classic that established an enduring legacy.

Clássico, mas inferior ao yellow

A wonderful first impression for the series in 1996. Revisiting it these days shows its age but it is still worth the play every now and again with the caveat that its not the most well put together product in hindsight.

Playing this in the year of our lord 2024 really shows how crusty it is

i got addicted before this i didnt understand pokemon but now i do this si beautiful

Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow aren't very great games, it's got nothing to do with the actual game design as it's more or less just fine. It's the fact that the game has the 1/256 glitch that I got hit by enough times for me to dock some points from it.

Played on the 3DS Virtual Console, and earned a fair number of the Gym Badges, but eventually got lost and didn't care to look up a guide at the time. Should I ever return to finish what I started, I will instead start from the beginning of LeafGreen via mGBA on my modded Wii.

Ah sim, o começo dessa franquia absurda, apesar disso eu não curto tanto os exclusivos da versão Blue, então vou dar uma análise mais detalhada na versão Red.

Is it the best Pokemon game you can play right now? No. The sprites were off from Ken Sugimori's iconic artwork, there are several bugs and design flaws (some moves are just broken, psychic is insane), and some technical drawbacks (limited storage space in bag for example) but man did it get a lot right.

151 unique monsters to fight, train and collect. The fact that in order to complete the pokedex you needed the other version to trade with, cementing the series legacy of putting an emphasis on connecting with others.

The battle system wasn't anything revolutionary at the time but it works. The "story" can be mostly ignored. For a RPG in 1996 it is pretty solid. Releasing on the original Gameboy also helps this game stand out amongst its contemporaries, being a bright spot in the Gameboy's library.

Still one of the best gens. Gained such a negative reputation for being overrated that it circled back around to being underrated. Zoomers need not apply.

Identical to Pokémon Red but with slight changes to catchable Pokémon and other aspects.

Still a great nostalgia fix - decided to go through with different Pokémon to the ones I used in Red.

Dated graphics which is understandable from its release - but still a very enjoyable experience.

Who would have thought that the internet would ever start underappreciating the original Pokémon games? Red/Blue are certainly not flawless or anything, but as far as Game Boy games go, I reckon they're still a cut above the rest. Great world design, a timeless video game story, and dare I say experience-enhancing glitches make for a solidly fun experience... if you approach them on their own terms.

Pokemon'un manyağı olmamış kişiler dışında kesinlikle önermem.

I always forget just how much I actually like the Gen 1 Pokemon games until I'm playing them.

This game was so much fun! I personally prefer the first 2 generations of Pokemon instead of the next games.
I remember playing this when I was about 8 and I was absolutely addicted. Looking back now, I didn't even know that Pokémon had legendary pokémon and I was always using normal pokeballs to catch the rare ones.

The last league (I don't remember the name) was difficult because you needed to keep on winning against multiple trainers. It's a fun game and I could still play it and enjoy.

This game is incredibly funny and unhinged. The dialogue from the trainers has never been so blue checkmark coded, and sometimes trainers will premeditate a healing item because they knew you were going to get them to 2HP. Starmie is at their peak here. Yes.

An incredible feat on the gameboy. How did they do it? Look at Pidgeotto's front sprite. It's hilarious. There's so much in this game but you can beat it in a minute because its held together with cardboard. One of the greats.