Reviews from

in the past

One of the foundational bricks of my entire personhood, yet too buggy of a mess for even my most primal nostalgia to grant it any kind of perfect score.

Gen 1, by any modern standard, is in dire need of QoL. Maneuvering BOTH Pokemon and items into and out of the PC is rough, and a peek under the hood of the battle system is basically a jump-scare. Wander not into Erika's gym, young traveler, lest you discover how wrap works in Gen 1.

I wasn't really interested in Pokemon when this came out and only gave a half-hearted attempt at playing through it. Can't remember how far I got, but I know I had some significant levels on my mons before I ducked out until Pokemon Platinum.

This game rocked my world so much when I was 9 and it's still fairly enjoyable, even if the later games made a ton of quality of life improvements

It's also lots of fun exploiting the many, many bugs this game has

When you catch Moltres, it knows Peck and Fire Spin. Level it up once and it learns fucking LEER. Level it up 10 times and it learns some useless moves. Wowie zowie.

A humble classic. Simple and crude, but classic jrpg charm.

This game is great...too bad they kept remaking it for the next 25 years instead of making a sequel.

This game is terrible, but it was innovative at its time. Nowadays it is just a broken wreck that millennials look at and praise as if it stopped global warming or some shit.

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Gen I is the worst gen.

Whenever I try to replay this game I just break down crying when I hear the theme of Pallet Town. Oh how I miss the simpler times...

This was the one I'd replay over and over.

Tengo un Mr . mime nivel 69

This game was certainly impressive for its time, but I dont think it holds up at all today. I feel that every other generation of games in the series have at least some reason to revisit them, but not these.

The game. The myth. The start of a great journey that still goes on until today. God damn............ I sold my soul to game freak........

Is this game broken and buggy as hell? YES! Is it a game I constantly replay that started one of my favorite franchises? Also yes.

My first video game. I played it emulated on my father's old PC and I can remember how difficult the Rock Tunnel, or Silph S.A., or the third gym was. Such good memories, always feels nostalgic whenever it's music plays.

The way this game basks in the Pokémon fever it set off makes it the most Pokémon Pokémon game, and consequently one of the most remarkable in my eyes. Pokémon as the game formula we know wasn't meant to be but what the first 2 gens brought to life.

Got all 101 pokemon including Mew, then sister deleted game save T-T never forget

minus a half star because blastoise sucks

Better than Red because it has a Blastoise on the cover

Cool to go back and play, but this game kind of sucks. Bad balance, ok designs, glitches galore. It was the start of a great series, so this is the lowest I can give it.

Início muito melhor do que esperava, a reta final é um desastre, mas ainda assim dou crédito pelo fato de ainda ser jogável depois de tanto tempo

Le tengo una nostalgia tremenda y aún me sigue encantando su musiquita y su aspecto, pero la verdad es que la primera generación es una mierda. Está rotísima por todas partes, nostalgia aparte no se sostiene. Más aún existiendo los remakes.

I often feel like Gen I is misunderstood. Sure, it's a disgusting, glitchy, aged mess of a game, but I've always appreciated its simplicity. There is no "end of the world" plot. Everything you encounter has happened because you, the player, adventured where nobody else did before. Kanto, as a region, doesn't really have a linear design like later games do, which allows the player to explore a big portion of the game however they wish, with the player unlocking more and more of the world simply by going off of the hints and vague direction-pointing that the game offers. It creates a very rewarding experience when the player really has managed to find a certain item or go to a certain place. Played this one tons of times and will play again...