Reviews from

in the past

When I met this game as a child, it already knew everything about me.

Total time: 16:40
Total pokemon: 40/150
What a banger!

Game is great. Love the originals. It’s the same exact game as Red but with some different Pokémon you’re able to find in the wild.

My first Pokemon game. I had to play it on my sister's DMG but eventually I got a GBC. I feel bad for anyone within earshot of me playing this game. I'd play it at max volume (not clue) and I blew out the speaker. Still played that bad boy at max. Sorry mom.

gen 1 was broken

GooeyScale: 65/100

It started it all. For me at least.

Had a great time but game deleted. May pick up again later.

Still one of the best gens. Gained such a negative reputation for being overrated that it circled back around to being underrated. Zoomers need not apply.

My first Pokemon game and honestly while I generally have a lot of feelings towards the opinions of Pokemon fans, because they have certain. Ideas. One thing that I think ages worse and worse is the idea of a "genwunner", less from the application of it and more for the idea that it's like, the admonishment of this game.

Because as I get older, weirdly, I like this game more and more. Which is weird. It's never been my favorite generation but it frankly has a lot going for it that makes it easy to appreciate, and I feel like a lot of it comes from looking at the game in the context of where it stands in the series. Pokemon fans are really bad at that.

Namely, it's non-linear, and I think people forget this or take it for granted but this game really valued exploration in ways a lot of the later games didn't. You could even get some of the badges out of order, just because. The region itself was designed in a way that overlapped so not only could you go wherever wasn't being blocked off, but you were encouraged to a lot of the time.

It had cool twists. Looking back, the twists were my absolute favorite part, and I'm sad this has totally gone by the wayside. Between the reveal of the 8th Gym Leader to the reveal of the champion are really out of left field. Hell, if I remember correctly, you were even going to be the champion had it not been snatched from you moments before. These days, because of how formulaic it's become, we're kinda just used to "oh you fight the e4 and then the champion" so the twist doesn't quite hit the same way but in its own context it works really well with Green's character.

Same for the legendaries, really. The 3 legendary birds- well everyone knew them because we watched the show, but finding them was usually just the result of exploring and it was incredibly rewarding to find them by accident and then reload your save over and over after you ran out of the pokeballs you forgot to pack.


Double points for Mewtwo effectively acting as the final boss of this game. Having a final dungeon at the end was just a cool idea in general and while I'm technically glad it didn't become a trend, I do think it makes the first two generations stand out a fair bit compared to the others in a positive way.

idk, game's good. The Champion theme is insanely banger.

despite its numerous flaws, as a proof of concept this is quite an incredible and well realized entry into the RPG genre, as well as my first game ever (it's a tossup between blue and ruby)

Gen 1 is super ubalanced, buggy, slow and outdated, buuut... The bugginess gives them this weird charm that makes the games surprisingly fun.

Super desbalanceado, la mayoria de los ataques son mierdas, pero sigue teniendo cierta magia que lo hace lindo. Los niveles y el farmeo son asco.

Gen 1 needs the nostalgia glasses to hold up. But the nostalgia glasses are still strong. And honestly Missingno is a feature. Gen 1 is still fun on its own even if time has passed it by

Do I credit it for the creativity and joy it sparked despite its flaws and poor aging? Maybe a little. At least this one feels like it's made out of love rather than money which has got to be worth something. There are better ones to play though, even if you specifically want to play through Kanto

It's pokemon, with all the clunkiness one would expect from the first entry that's also a gameboy game.

Meu primeiro contato com um dos primeiros jogos de uma franquia que eu amo e é bizarro parar pra pensar como esse jogo ele envelheceu como um vinho, claro que tem algumas coisas chatinhas, como por exemplo, as partes das cavernas e etc

Mas tudo nesse jogo é tão rico, por conta da limitação do gameboy, muita coisa não dava pra ser feita mas o que eles conseguiram fazer, é surreal, o jogo te transporta pro universo dele de uma forma incrivel, simplesmente fantástico.

Mais do que recomendado.

Given how old this game was it was really impressive. I loved this as a kid and I had at one point every Pokémon. Super cute graphical style but the later Gameboy advance games were better.