Reviews from

in the past

A famosa versão da Lavander Town, eu joguei e só achei incrivelmente bugada.

3/10 Muito Ruim

While I did play my copy of Pokemon Blue a lot when I was younger (it helped me learn to read~), and I did eventually beat a copy of Pokemon Yellow that a friend gave me well over a decade ago, I've never beaten the original release of Gen 1 Pokemon (let alone the original original Japanese release). I've really wanted to eventually actually beat Pokemon Stadium 1 and/or 2 someday (or 2 and Gold & Silver, going by the Japanese titles), so I bought this copy of Pokemon Green to help facilitate getting my own team to use in the registrations. I honestly still don't even have Pokemon Stadium 1 nor do I have the transfer pak to be able to play GameBoy games with it, but I was just so in the mood for some retro Pokemon that I had to play this. It took me around 20 hours to beat the Japanese version of the game on real hardware via my GameBoy Player (with my team of Venusaur, Pidgeot, Omastar, Sandslash, Hypno, and Jolteon).

It's the Pokemon story that started it all! You're a kid who starts in Pallet Town, you and your jerk neighbor are given Pokemon by Professor Oak, and you're sent off on your mission to become champion of the Pokemon League. Along the way you foil a few mafia plots and end up breaking up their organization as well as beating the pants off of your rival many times. It's a simple, cute story packed with lots of dialogue (honestly a shocking amount, for a GameBoy game) and NPCs to help flesh out its strange and wonderful world. It does exactly what it needs to, and it does a great job setting up the world so your Pokemon adventure can get on its way. My only main complaint is that signposting can be a bit rough at times. Granted there aren't THAT many places to even try going, ultimately, but if you haven't happened across the HM you need to get past an obstacle, it can be pretty frustrating just getting to where you're trying to go. It's a minor gripe since the game is pretty well laid out so even if you're completely lost it's hard to stay lost for that long, but it's certainly a significant possibility.

The real meat here is the (by this point very familiar) Pokemon gameplay of building a Pokemon team and battling tons of trainers and wild Pokemon (all to catch and train and collect more Pokemon!). I pretty much expected the clunkiness of the earlier games to be an issue, and it for sure was in many regards. The sheer scale of Pokemon Green/Red (not to mention its sequel) is undoubtedly a technical marvel for the GameBoy. Regardless, the game's ambition definitely outpaced what was technically possible in it, and it leaves a lot of underdeveloped areas and room for improvement (as well as a lot of outright broken things).

For just a brief list off of the top of my head: Your inventory (even your PC storage box) are way too small for how many items are in the game. Switching Pokemon boxes manually is an awful chore and can leave you suddenly without the space to catch a desired Pokemon with no warning to you. The AI cheats and isn't bound by the same rules you are (they have no PP to limit the amount of time they can use a move). Some moves (such as focus energy) outright don't work in the intended way. These are all things that aren't that big a deal, more often than not, and are more on the end of being the price of doing business with an old 8-bit RPG.

Other stuff that's more difficult to look over are how there are just straight-up too many types in the game and not enough moves or Pokemon to actually make them all valuable. Many types (such as Ghost, Rock, and Bug) have some combination of lacking Pokemon exclusive to that type to use them or moves even of that type. This leads to balancing issues around Pokemon who therefore effectively have very few or no weakness (and is one of the main reasons why Psychic-type Pokemon are so horribly broken in this generation). Another thing that makes Psychic-types so broken is that not only are special and physical attacks still linked to type and not the individual move (so, for example, physical-focused water types are useless, as all water type moves scale based on the special stat, not physical attack), but special had not yet been split into special attack and special defense, so anything that's good at one is good at the other.

None of these problems are game-breaking by any means. It all actually makes for an interesting challenge and comparison in how Pokemon Green/Red is played compared to later games, but with the benefit of hindsight in a larger design perspective, Pokemon's first generation likely would've benefited from a little restraint showed in just how many types there were. As they are, the game trend to be a bit hard and can necessitate a fair bit of grinding for new teammates if you run into a situation where you suddenly need to cover a new type you previously weren't (as EXP takes a fair while to grind up in this game), but that isn't uncommon at all for 8-bit RPGs (or even many 16-bit RPGs).

The presentation is among the things that make this such an impressive GameBoy game. Tons of environments that are nice to look at and a good pile of nice music that's become so iconic for good reasons, but the thing most worth mentioning are the Pokemon themselves. Seeing the original Japanese generation 1 Pokemon designs was one of the most fun parts of this experience. It's very apparent that all of them were definitely not designed by the same person, and it's wild seeing ones that look almost like a 10-year old's drawing, some that are very weirdly overly cutesy in almost uncanny ways, and others that look nigh identical to the way that Pokemon is still drawn (sometimes all apart of the same Pokemon's evolution tree). There's tons of personality packed into each one, and even though the game's mechanics suffer a bit due to the sheer ambition of it all, it helps make up for that in just how much of that charm and personality is packed into the Pokemon themselves.

Verdict: Recommended. For a GameBoy RPG, Pokemon still stands tall among its competition, and even though it wasn't even the first monster-catching and training RPG on the system, it's not hard to see why it took off where others didn't. The mechanics may be unrefined and the quality of life is incredibly lacking in some places, but Pokemon Green ended up being a surprisingly nice time considering the janky mess I was expecting after so many years of not playing it. I know "Pokemon is good" is hardly a hot take in 2021, but gen 1 really does hold up remarkably well after all these years and is definitely worth a (re-)visit if you still enjoy the modern series or just want some nice GameBoy RPG goodness to (re-)sink your teeth into~.

A great introduction into one of the best IP’s of all time. This and diamond got me hooked.

-Played on Analogue Pocket using the Japanese rom.
-Team of Venusaur, Golbat, Dugtrio, Porygon, Golduck, Magmar
-MVP - Dugtrio | LVP - Magmar
-Enjoyed playing the game on the pocket more than on the PC.
-Understood a lot more of the dialogue second time around.
-Didn't use any maps or walkthroughs for this playthrough.
-Might be nostalgia but I feel like I can play through this game countless times with different teams and not get bored.

Solo hay dos motivos para jugarlo siendo de occidente: No sabes que es la misma versión Blue o solo quieres practicar japonés básico como yo.

A very buggy game with a very linear and boring region, however it's the foundation that started the Pokemon games

The Sprites in This game are Definitely Something.
My Team for This Game:
Marcel (Mr.mime)
Brasa (Charizard)
Tales (Gyarados)
Corinho (Snorlax)
Kate (Nidoqueen)
Raiden (Pidgeot)

Still couldn't believe they fit all that content in a Gameboy. The game was huge for me as a kid I never finished it.

One of my first speedruns was this one where you like teleport to the ending in 4 minutes. Omg but that run was on emulator so I’m probably cancelled now fuck!!

Beat it in 5 minutes. RIP to Michael.

Joguei só pelo meme, queria chegar em lavander town, mas desisti, achei o jogo ruim, mas a nota tbm é pelo meme

Joguei pra pegar uns Pokemon exclusivos.

Único pokemon que eu joguei, mas é bem divertido. Charmander melhor inicial bubasauro é meu pau

probably just the easiest game to instantly corrupt ever. grab a copy and just see how quickly you can break it without doing something obtuse like powering off at a specific interval during a save.

like, i know this game was rushed to shit and is an incredibly impressive game for the hardware its on but holy fuck game freak, how do you fuck up a game this badly?

Pokémon Green Version was a revolutionary title for the Game Boy, sparking the global phenomenon of creature collecting and battling. Its simple yet addictive gameplay, iconic monster designs, and surprisingly deep combat system laid the foundation for an enduring franchise. While its visuals might seem dated now, Pokémon Green still holds a special charm for those who caught the Pokémon fever in the early days.

This is pretty much the same game as the international release but the widely available rom is badly translated and hilarious

Lavander town.. ☠️

( Falando sério, esse jogo é recheado de bugs, da pra entender o por que dessa versão não ter sido levada pra frente )

Nota: 2,0 de horrível.

In my opinion, you should play the japanese original Green or fire Pokemon version, for all the differences with the international version, at Gameplay or visual changes.

Lavender Town syndrome is very real and the biggest example of when Pokémon games had SOUL
You can’t convince me the newer games are good if children didn’t DIE for them

It all circles back to the roots hm?
I've been a fan of this franchise for majority of my life really, there's been ups and downs of course, but nothing truly deemable as crippling or what id call a "major nail in the coffin" for gamefreak's game design in past,current or future outings.
This is important to assert because this is actually the last pokemon game in the series that i've yet to get around to and yet it feels Poetic in a way that im playing the most unoptomized, most off-model, most "Slapped Together" raw iteration of Kanto

I've played every version of every mainline pokemon game in every generation ATLEAST twice to completion. You could say i have kind of an unnaturally strong stomach for playing these in quick repetition over and over back to back with one another. Though, I think Kanto as a whole is something much different to do with it
It's by far my least favorite region, I have much more sentimentality for locals like Sinnoh, Hoenn, Alola and Unova and so on
And yet my own personal biases are Never enough to make me gloss over how much attention they put into this strange little first outing.

Pokemon Red and Green were undoubtably experimental in nature, 150 of these little shits you can use and catch under your disposal? some of which only able to be seen through social interaction with other players? some creatures completely unable to be even seen At ALL during a playthrough of the game if you didnt seek out every nook and cranny of the map.. and thats another thing! This game is still one of those pokemon games that doesnt necessarily Punish you for being a loser with no friends, but is there to emphasize that connections and seeking out others for help should be part of the fun in life.
Apologies if this review is devolving into something a bit Preachy but as one of the lucky few tht got to experience this with Gen 4 when it was in it's prime and by extension Gen 6, I think thats something that makes these games special that a lot of people that seem to not get it arent looking at in particular.

But dont you worry bc this shit is still.... it sure is the first pokemon game ill say that much LMFAO
Apart from the amusing shit such as the devs not really thinking this would boom countless sequels you get shit like them saying team rocket just straight up kills pokemon sometimes, or saying Lt. Surge is an AMERICAN(later unovan) or comparing strength and sizes to INDIAN ELEPHANTS(Copperajah from Gen 8)

You can also lump together all the pokedex entries thatre some kind of fucked up horror in their own right that never actually gets touched upon in subsequent releases in the same way again lmfao
I swear I don't even remember most psychic types either just being children that got mentally tormented or beings that torment children
The gameplay also reflects this with how they tried-
(and... and continued to until generation four,,, hm.)
-to have each Typing ingame be either physically based or specially based
shit like psychic water electric fire grass and so on are special
and fighting,normal,bug,poison,rock,ground those are all physical
this system in place is Supposed to encourage you to not only have different typings on your team but also pick between a more multi-flavored system of going 'Bruiser' or 'Magician' id say

As much as I loathe this system since the problems with it get even worse over time with some pokemon being locked out of moves ENTIRELY or if theyre able to learn them theyre absolutely shit because of the physical special pseudomerge screwing them over due to their typing- deep inhale
I actually do think its fun when you get to learning it.. is that weird??????? I wouldnt want gamefreak to bring it back, god no not at this point in the franchise itd make half the fuckers blend together completely.

Honestly, that IS another gripe I have with this game
For as much as it's a neat little world im sure youve heard the stories, some supporting moves just outright not working or doing the opposite intention
some electric type moves are so powerful theyll even try to kill YOU via seizure or atleast render ur ass blind. I don't even know How they managed to make critting attributed to speed it honestly sounds like more of a Fire Emblem thing than it would ever be a Pokemon thing
Slash is so sad because Gen 1 Slash is so good in this game but unbeknownst to someone thats more well versed in the newer games you just think slash is like "oh its pretty decent" instead of the one shotting machine potential it is on shit like Persian or Charizard and the like

I also think its actually worth touching on the story because they actually did do a great job here, it's especially baffling considering this was the GAME BOY after all! But the environmental storytelling and parallel to the player that Blue/Green/Red/Gary/Asshole presents as a whole and how triumphant you feel when you finally stop him dead in his tracks is absolutely what it's all about. It's SIMPLE but it's effective in the ways that matter.
Its not really about his snarky dialogue or the fact tht i can name him Penis but something More
Even the team rocket stuff is pretty well conveyed like youre in the perspective of a kid busting into these hideouts and blapping goons and fighting the Totally Not italian mob boss.
Also idk how many of you reading this remember in specific but Giovanni's reveal of him being the final gym leader is such a closely kept secret tht u dont even see his silhouette or anything on the badge preview tht shows you all the gym leaders youre going to fight through on your journey
it's a completely well kept twist imo

I also think for as much as the story is simple and the gameplay is inherently flawed it encourages a lot of exploration and experimenting that i just really end up liking it.
This gen also of course lets you exploit fun bugs and glitches to your heart's content
I actually caught Missingno for the first time in my life and it was every bit as funny and specific as I imagined it LMFAO
Named it Timmy(i name all my pokemon) and it had the scrapped prototype flying typing 'Bird' and was also Normal
my Normal Bird computer shart abomination was pretty great at flying and hit hard but had fuckall for defenses lol
Infact I even took it to the League with me and that uh... went .. Interesting.. honestly i got a bit too scared of using it frequently bc i didnt want anything to happen to my save last second but
the fact that you can just do that and encounter things many ppl never thought they Could find back then is magical in it of itself.
final thoughts: Even with all its jank and some of the cursed old sprites, I think in a roundabout way it actually exemplifies everything good I see in this franchise in a base essentials level
The endless team building you can have, finding new things out about different areas and locations and finding better ways to be the best in your own way.
I really Really like Pokemon if that wasnt clear enough, but I hope I was able to ramble out Why or atleast paint you a rough picture on How

Playing a poorly translated version. I might as well be playing in Japanese. Luckily I know gen 1 like the back of my hand.

What can I say, I quickly played through this as a Charizard solo run simply because I wanted to tick it off. I know Blue and Red inside out so the fun challenge here was just getting through it despite not understanding a single word, and with a Charizard that was level 80 by the time I beat the champ, I did it. Not particularly smart or subtle, but effective enough.

Very hard to play when you don't read Japanese, cool to have and have played though. When I want to play Gen 1 again, I'll just play Blue

This was my very first Pokemon game, so it holds a very special place in my heart. It also was in japanese, so I didn't understand shit and couldn't finish it until I actually got the Red/Blue (western) versions. That being said, Bulbasaur was and always will be my favourite starter, so having his final evo on the cover makes this one of the best Pokemon games out there.

Normally I like to write long reviews when possible but for here I'll keep it brief because I rather do it for whenever I review the US versions or Yellow.

Pokémon Red & Green finally became 25 years old this year, which made me think of an idea to just play this version and see if anything was special about it. For those who don't know which I'm guessing is none of you, these versions in japan are not exactly like what our versions are. For example there are different sprites for pokemon and yeah it really shows, apparently they had no artwork to base most of these sprites off of so it's why they look the way they do. They would later release a Blue version in Japan which is what we got minus the pokemon locations, they were swapped back to what the previous versions were.

So playing this game was a rather odd experience, I actually had to look up names of things like the items because unfortunately I don't know japanese but I do remember the original well enough the language barrier never bothered me. I played it rather safe this time using a team I knew I wouldn't struggle with. It helps that the game is pretty easy like I was 14 levels under the final opponent and yet I still won which should give you an idea for how easy it can be. In fact there was only time I lost but I only did it intentionally because losing to Sabrina just gives you the badge when you go back to the gym in only these specific versions, I don't know how they missed that and I just find it hilarious.

Some might question my score for this game, yeah it's definitely a bias. I just really like this first gen even with all of its issues. It might be just due to how easy it is but it just makes for a quick easy game to breeze through. I probably have beaten the US versions about 6 times before this playthrough happened.

The only real big complaint I have with this version is some moves can just hurt my eyes and could probably give people seizures easily, I know they were changed in later versions so I'd suggest playing those if you really don't want to deal with that. I also have no idea if the 3DS virtual console fixed this seeing as I have no Japanese 3DS.

That's really about what I have to say for this game, happy 25th anniversary Pokémon! You may not be a series I really care for nowadays but I still have a huge love for a lot of your games regardless.

this isn't even the correct boxart for the game, backloggd.