Reviews from

in the past

A very boring pay to win exploration game

This is a mobile game packaged as a switch game, I mean it was still free but still this doesn't feel right

This is an underwhelming mobile game that's passed off as a console game. It's playable.

One of the games I ever played

es muy entretenido hasta que se te hinchan las pelotas de como te quieren afanar platita

It's not as SLOP as Cafe Remix, but it's still SLOP.

com certeza um dos ''pixelmons'' já feitos, 1 estrela bonus só pq é de graça

This was the first game I played on my Switch

[Ref Played 2020]
In the context of an offline completely legal Pokémon game on a mobile without a switch this game is alright, itʼs enjoyable enough
Given that it's free I gave this game a higher rating than many of the barely any better £50 Switch Games
If you have a switch and any decent Pokémon game on it, despite how painfully bad some of them are don't bother with this, if you can emulate legally do that, if you have an Internet connection other free Pokémon mobile games are better but there are circumstances where this game could be considered technically something I'd recommend to someone just not anybody I know

Não cheguei a zerar, mas é bom

actually forgot I played this game lmao

its a bag of nothing, it remains forgotten

Its a cute little game and was fun for a bit. I enjoyed it enough but its nothing great that really needs to be played. There are much better games you could play but it is not horrible.

terrible scam scheme by nintendo.

Downloaded this at launch and played through about half of the overworld map before shelving the game for a while due to the grind required to progress. Eventually when I came back, I had a bunch of free packs to download after restarting my game from the beginning and working through the game over a few days. Learning how to play better from those that have finished already and finding shinies made it enjoyable, but in the end, its an isolated Pokémon game that is fun, but not super replayable.

I must be this games only fan cause I really liked it. My second most played switch game😭

this shit was kinda fun actually ngl but i still don't understand how tf did it work anyways

Alright game. Waiting simulator

pokemon quest to have any fun (impossible)

I think I played it for like half an hour when it came out, asked "What am I playing?" and then just deleted it.