Reviews from

in the past

Only worth playing with the dlc, should've just made the game paid. Other than that this game is very replayable and rewards time spent on grinding certain things.

The idea of having your own little island where you can let your pokemon chill and add in a bunch of stuff for them to interact with is great... and this game does it horribly

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You get to get berries every time you do a level, and you also get stones when you do a level, and also you unlock new Pokemon when you cook! It's sometimes one or two.

The game can literally play for you.

Very interesting idea with cute cubic designs. Unfortunately there's not much to do once you understand the mechanic, even less when the game literally plays itself. It's fun for an hour or two, but after that it becomes too boring if you don't pay, and I'm not spending money on this.

I've just played this game and I have to say it's pretty damn boring. The pokémon, they all look curious and cute in this crazy geometric design but the only thing you do is walk around, befriend them and cooking and exploring... I mean, if it's about pokémon you want more battles and more catching but this feels like something else. Also, the tutorial is neverending. Downloaded it, played 30-40 min, deleted it. Sorry.

A freenium game that just sorta plays itself, and one game I think Nintendo really let rot as soon as it saw that it just won't be that profitable. Pokemon Quest has a really unique premise and style that I really wish was looked more into and I constantly feel like the game would have been better if they simply stopped trying to milk the first gen the way they constantly do.

The game is focused on exploring a cube island with a lot of blocky gen 1 pokemon, and while you can make a team to help explore various levels, the overall influence you have on the team and what they do is very minimal. So minimal in fact that the majority of this game can be played on auto and that's it. Sure you'd have to micro manage a bit, and I won't lie there is a certain charm to watching your pokemon slowly grow stronger to take on the next level, but the game itself isn't actually entertaining.

What is entertaining is the way the pokemon look and how they interact with each other in your base area by doing fun little games with each other like stacking on top of each other or all dancing together. Aside from that though, I really don't have much fun aside from min/maxing pokemon and exploiting the way the game plays. If you're really into team building, but don't actually want to play a game, Pokemon Quest would be a perfect fit for you, but for everyone else, just watch some cute cat and dog videos.

I think I played it for like half an hour when it came out, asked "What am I playing?" and then just deleted it.

es muy entretenido hasta que se te hinchan las pelotas de como te quieren afanar platita

[Ref Played 2020]
In the context of an offline completely legal Pokémon game on a mobile without a switch this game is alright, itʼs enjoyable enough
Given that it's free I gave this game a higher rating than many of the barely any better £50 Switch Games
If you have a switch and any decent Pokémon game on it, despite how painfully bad some of them are don't bother with this, if you can emulate legally do that, if you have an Internet connection other free Pokémon mobile games are better but there are circumstances where this game could be considered technically something I'd recommend to someone just not anybody I know

Pikachu you putrid cubic rat.
Give me foreskin back.

Can you imagine if this art style was used for something good.

A very boring pay to win exploration game

Sometimes I tell myself the pixelmon cease and desist was because of this game just so I can hate it even more.

Fun for what it is. But it is still just really a mobile game that is also on console.

Fun while it lasted. Free, but after you finish getting all the items/pokemon, all you're really doing is collecting shinies.

Still a fun little game, even with the limited pool of pokemon.

pokemon quest to have any fun (impossible)

One of the games I ever played

The graphics are charming, but that's about the only good thing I have to say about this. It's not... really much of a game... I don't really have any idea why they felt the need to go HEY GUYS REMEMBER POKEMON QUEST THIS GAMER OSSAN'S PLAYING IT in the SWSH DLC. No. I want to forget. Make us remember Pokemon Ranger instead.