Reviews from

in the past

Sabe quando você pega uma franquia amada e super carismática e faz qualquer coisa só pra ganhar dinheiro com microtransação? Então.

The graphics are charming, but that's about the only good thing I have to say about this. It's not... really much of a game... I don't really have any idea why they felt the need to go HEY GUYS REMEMBER POKEMON QUEST THIS GAMER OSSAN'S PLAYING IT in the SWSH DLC. No. I want to forget. Make us remember Pokemon Ranger instead.

inoffensive and cute but grindy as all hell even if someone paid for the microtransactions

Did they ever update this game? I was there in the release and then they forgot this even existed.

Qué putada hacer un juego y que resulte ser aburrido, ¿no?

I don't usually abandon games but Pokémon Quest just isn't fun enough. Battle gameplay is too basic and passive, letting you only pick what moves your Pokémon use while they move around the stages. On the other hand, while building your Pokémon is somewhat fun, the random nature of how the systems work make it a bit of a chore. Not recommended.

I have to make a special comment about the soundtrack though. It's ridiculously good. It's almost unfair for the composer that such good music is on this game.

Progresso muito lento e pouca interação do player.

I've just played this game and I have to say it's pretty damn boring. The pokémon, they all look curious and cute in this crazy geometric design but the only thing you do is walk around, befriend them and cooking and exploring... I mean, if it's about pokémon you want more battles and more catching but this feels like something else. Also, the tutorial is neverending. Downloaded it, played 30-40 min, deleted it. Sorry.

The idea of having your own little island where you can let your pokemon chill and add in a bunch of stuff for them to interact with is great... and this game does it horribly

Weird, obtuse gameplay paired with a reliance on random scouting for good mons to use. It was never enough fun for the hassle.

It was a decently fun time-waster, but definitely not a game I'd go back to.

For all it's shallowness, this game just clicked with me. I spent way too much time playing this, but I honestly don't regret it much.

Any console game that has a "play for me" button should be trashed on the spot.

Pikachu you putrid cubic rat.
Give me foreskin back.

Why is this on switch? Why is it just gen 1? Are they ever going to update this? The game's just a mobile game, tedious and boring.

While I enjoyed the little block pokemon, it really gave me the feeling that we were not getting another pokemon rumble. This game was okay but ultimately it was what it was. It was a free game that gave you the opportunity to slowly advance your world. You can use a paywall to decrease the amount of time to do something and yeah, that's pokemon quest. Pretty okay for free.

Muito divertido e único. Um ótimo título para Pokémon, mas com apenas poucos jogos na lista. O jogo poderia ser mais amplo, porém possui muitos itens para comprar e poucos benefícios.

Can you imagine if this art style was used for something good.

The game can literally play for you.

i ended up letting the game play itself bc it was very grindy. cute concept tho

A freenium game that just sorta plays itself, and one game I think Nintendo really let rot as soon as it saw that it just won't be that profitable. Pokemon Quest has a really unique premise and style that I really wish was looked more into and I constantly feel like the game would have been better if they simply stopped trying to milk the first gen the way they constantly do.

The game is focused on exploring a cube island with a lot of blocky gen 1 pokemon, and while you can make a team to help explore various levels, the overall influence you have on the team and what they do is very minimal. So minimal in fact that the majority of this game can be played on auto and that's it. Sure you'd have to micro manage a bit, and I won't lie there is a certain charm to watching your pokemon slowly grow stronger to take on the next level, but the game itself isn't actually entertaining.

What is entertaining is the way the pokemon look and how they interact with each other in your base area by doing fun little games with each other like stacking on top of each other or all dancing together. Aside from that though, I really don't have much fun aside from min/maxing pokemon and exploiting the way the game plays. If you're really into team building, but don't actually want to play a game, Pokemon Quest would be a perfect fit for you, but for everyone else, just watch some cute cat and dog videos.

i enjoyed this shit but the end is so hard I cant beat it